You get hurt
A/N: i got carried away with all of these and im not sorry. enjoy! xx
Steve and I had planned to go out on a picnic. I was dressed and ready, and the last thing I needed were my shoes. I had slipped on one of my sandals, and was readying to slip into the other. My shoes had been placed right next to the door frame; so when I went to step into my other shoe, my foot slammed into the doorway, resulting in some excruciating pain in my foot. I let out a screech, falling to the floor. I held my foot, already sobbing loudly.
"Y/N?" Steve called out, the worry obvious in his voice. I was too overcome by the pain throbbing throughout my foot, so when I didn't answer, Steve came rushing downstairs. He kneeled by my shaking form, helping me into a sitting position.
"Doll, what happened?" He cooed, rubbing circles on my back. I let out a soft wail, sniffling.
"My foot." I hiccuped, bringing my knee's to my chest. I let my injured foot hover above the ground for Steve to see. He sighed softly, pecking my forehead. I looked to my foot, cringing at the black and blue toes that were slightly bent out of shape.
"C'mon. Let's get you to the hospital." Steve whispered. I whimpered as he picked me up, a small jolt of pain shooting through the length of my foot. I leaned up, shortly pecking Steve's lips as a thank-you.
After the hospital, Steve and I learned I had broken three toes. The doctor said if I had broken the bone any lower, I would've had to be in a cast. Of course, I still had to be on crutches and keep my foot wrapped in a bandage. Day two, and I was already hating it.
"You need anything while I'm up, doll?" Steve asked while he stood.
I thought for a moment. "Do we have any icecream?"
Steve chuckled and nodded, heading into the kitchen. I continued to watch TV, looking up and smiling once Steve walked back in. I took my bowl and snuggled up against Steve, leaning over and kissing him.
"Thanks for taking care of me." I smiled, nuzzling my head on his shoulder. Steve wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.
"Anything for you." Steve returned my smile, resting his head on top of mine.
I was feeling lonely; everyone had gone out together, and Tony was in his lab. I decided to go down and watch him work, which I did more than often. Tony didn't mind and liked the company, especially because it was me. I shuffled downstairs, pressing the password into the lock. The doors slid open, allowing me to enter the lab.
"Tony?" I called out.
I heard clattering and followed the noise. I made my way to the garage, smiling as Tony looked up from his work. I walked over to where he was sitting, raising my eyebrows as he leaned in for a hug.
"Not when you're all dirty." I chuckled. Tony rolled his eyes, turning back to his work. I watched him squint his eyes with concentration, blushing when he caught me staring.
"Could you hand me that, babe?" He asked, pointing to a tool sitting on a table closest to me.
I pushed my feet on the ground, attempting to wheel myself over to the table, still on my stool. Instead, the stool flipped, sending me to the ground. As I fell, my head slammed onto the edge of the table. I hit the ground with a groan, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt so extremely dizzy, and when I opened my eyes, black spots filled my vision.
"Tony..." I whimpered. He was by my side in a instant, pulling me into his arms.
Tony set me on his stool, walking to the other side of the room. I squeezed my eyes shut as I began to feel more and more lightheaded, opening them again when I heard my boyfriend enter the room. He had a first-aid kit in his hands, placing it on his work bench.
"You're alright, baby." Tony smiled softly, reassuring me in a quiet voice as he noticed I began to get upset. He quickly pecked my lips, beginning to tend my wound. I sighed quietly, looking to my lap. I flinched as Tony applied some antiseptic to my cut. He apologized, taking one of my hands in his.
"Done. See, you're okay." Tony chuckled, pulling me to his arms.
"Thank you." I whispered, blushing in embarrassment. Luckily, my head was buried in his chest, so he couldn't see.
"Love you." He mumbled, kissing my head.
"I love you, too."
I had just gotten home. I threw my purse on the couch, searching for Bruce.
"Bruce?!" I called out, poking my head in every room.
"Dr. Banner is in the lab, Miss. Y/L/N." JARVIS informed me. I smiled, thanking him. I made my way down to the lab, punching in the locks password. Once the doors slid open, I stood in the doorway, my hand leaning against the side.
"Bruuuce!" I sang, giggling quietly as my boyfriend poked his head out.
Of course, I forgot where I was standing, and was surprised to say the least when the doors slid back shut and crushed my fingers. I screamed, trying to pull them out. Bruce yelled for JARVIS to open the doors as I continued to wail in pain. Finally, my fingers were released from the torture. Bruce rushed over to me, gently taking my wrist in his hand. He looked over my swollen, bruised fingers.
I whimpered, biting my lip.
"Is it broken?" I muttered, looking up at Bruce.
Bruce laughed quietly, shaking his head 'no'.
"Just bruised. Let's go ice this, honey."
I nodded, frowning slightly. Bruce noticed my pout and smiled softly, pressing a short kiss to my cheek.
"You missed." I whined sarcastically, teasing him.
As I made my way out of the lab, I spun around and pecked his lips, skipping up the stairs, my pain long forgotten. Still, Bruce insisted I let my hand rest in some ice-water. I gave in, allowing him to fill a bowl with cold water and ice. I hissed as my fingers came in contact with the chilly water.
"It feels worse." I complained.
"That means its working." Bruce informed me, sitting next to me on a kitchen stool, draping an arm around my shoulders.
"You're the doctor." I joked, submerging my hand completely. Suddenly, Bruce had kissed my lips, causing me to widen my eyes in surprise.
"Did I miss?"
I grinned, a small laugh escaping my parted lips. "Bullseye."
It wasn't often that I did, but I had finally gotten a day off of work and decided to spend it with some quality "me-time". I started out with grabbing a wine glass, when a loud voice startled me. I jumped and dropped the glass, the cup shattering on the ground. I swore to myself, bending down and looking toward the voice.
"Thor, sweetie, you have to be a bit less loud. You scared me."
Thor smiled innocently. "I apologize."
I rolled my eyes sarcastically, absentmindedly reaching for the glass on the ground. I jumped a bit when a small pain shot through my hand. I looked down to see blood on my hand, dripping to floor.
"Shit." I mumbled. I hissed in pain, looking at my hand. It looked like it would need stitches.
"Are you alright, my dear?" Thor asked, his concern obvious.
I stood, holding my hand over the sink. "Can you get Bruce for me, sweetie?"
Thor nodded, pressing a kiss to my head as he walked off, calling for Bruce.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" Bruce called out. I turned around to see Bruce entering the kitchen, my boyfriend trailing behind.
"I think I need stitches." I answered meekly, biting my lip as Bruce began inspecting my hand. Thor noticed my nerves and took this opportunity to wrap his arm around my waist. I smiled, leaning my head onto his chest.
"Let's get you to the lab, Y/N, I'll get you stitched up."
I whined childishly, causing Thor to laugh. He leaned down and pecked my lips, leading me to the lab after Bruce.
I was preparing dinner; it was date night, and I decided to surprise Clint with his favorite meal. I was currently just boiling water for the vegetables, and the meatloaf was already cooking in the oven. I had dressed up and done my hair in a gorgeous updo; now all I needed my boyfriend.
Once I heard the door jingle open and turned around with a smile plastered on my face.
"Clint!" I cheered, rushing over to envelope him in a hug. He fell back a big, taken back my strong hug.
"Hey, sweetheart." Clint chuckled. "What smells so good?"
I pulled out of his arms, shrugging. Clint smiled widely, pulling me back into his arms to give me a kiss.
"You are amazing."
I giggled, rolling my eyes. "I know."
I led Clint into the kitchen, because I knew he loved to watch me cook. He sat at the island, watching me with admiration.
I began stirring the veggies, placing the lid back on the pot to let it cook some more. Clint smirked, standing and wrapping his arms around my waist. He pecked my neck, causing me to giggle a bit.
"Clint, c'mon, I have to cook." I laughed, lazily trying to push him away. Unbeknownst to him, Clint began to slowly push me into the stove. My hands hovered over the hot burner.
"Clint." I warned him. He chuckled, continuing his ministrations. "Clint, seriously, I- aah!!" I screeched, pushing him off of me.
My hand throbbed, a second degree burn already forming. I let out a choked sob, scampering to the sink to run cold water.
"Oh my god, Y/N, are you ok?" Clint murmured.
"No!" I yelled, my voice broken due to my crying. "It hurts."
Clint sighed, standing next to me at the sink. With one look at my hand, he frowned, rushing to the bathroom to get the first-aid kit. When Clint entered the room again, he gently peeled me away from the sink and sat me down at the dining room table. He took my wrist in his hand, laying my hand on the table. Clint applied aloe and wrapped my hand in a bandage to heal.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He mumbled, pulling me into a hug. I breathed in deeply, burying my head in his neck. My hand stung; and the initial injury hurt like hell.
I let out a whimper, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "It's ok." I whispered, pulling half-way out of Clint's arms.
Clint smiled softly, leaning in and softly pressing his lips to mine.
"You're forgiven." I smiled, heading back into the kitchen to finish dinner.
I had been training all day. I was sore and tired, but of course, I still had forty five minutes left of practice. I stared at my opponent, sighing in exhaustion. The Agent noticed this and rushed toward me, tackling me to ground. I gasped when a sharp pain shot up through my arm. I immediately knew the dunce had hit me at a bad angle and broken my arm. Fighting through the pain, I brought my knees to my chest and kicked him off of me, hobbling to my feet.
"Get Agent Romanoff." I growled, cradling my arm. He nodded, obviously scared. He knew he had hurt me and was afraid of how Natasha would react; not that he didn't have a good reason to be.
"You what?!" A familiar voice screeched from outside the gym. "You know what, I... get out of my way!!"
I chuckled, though I would've laughed more if it wasn't for the throbbing pain in my arm. I bit my lip, calling out for Natasha.
"You alright?" She breathed, running up to me.
"Well, no more missions for a while." I mumbled. Natasha rolled her eyes, sighing.
"That Agent is an idiot." She muttered.
"You think?" I teased. "It really hurts, though. Can you get me to the infirmary?"
Nat nodded, offering a small smile. She quickly leaned in and pecked my lips, gently leading me out of the gym. We passed the Agent who had injured me, a laugh coming from my lips as Natasha sent him an evil glare. He backed up, murmuring apologies, most likely out of fear and not sincerity. Either way, it took my mind off of the searing pain that was now throughout my wrist to my shoulder.
"I am so going to beat his ass later." Natasha muttered to herself.
"I heard that." I giggled, nudging her with my good arm. Natasha laughed, pulling me to her side.
"You were meant to."
I was just dancing around the living room with Bucky, like we normally did when were bored. I had turned on some older music that I had saved on my Ipod especially for Bucky and grabbed his hands. Now, we were in a full swing, Bucky twirling me around, our cheerful laughs echoing in the room. Bucky had spun me around again, but this time, I wasn't expecting it. This resulted in my ankle painfully rolling, pain instantly shooting up my leg. I screeched in agony, falling to the floor. Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, quickly shutting off the music.
"What's wrong, doll?" He asked, heart beating quickly. With no response but my heart-breaking whimpers, Bucky kneeled down next to me, gently pulling me onto his lap.
I stuffed my head into his chest, murmuring about how much my ankle hurt.
"It's alright doll, c'mon, let's get you to the car." Bucky said softly. I let out a small sob, allowing him to scoop me up.
He sat me in the passenger seat, buckling me in. Bucky traveled to his side of the car, buckling up and starting the car. His heart broke as I let out another soft cry, causing Bucky to reach over and hold my hand. I blushed, squeezing his hand. I sniffled, wiping my tears.
"Sorry." I murmured, kissing the top of his hand.
"C'mon, don't apologize." Bucky scolded me, the same handsome grin that won me over, plastered on his gorgeous face.
I rolled my eyes, using my free hand to dry the rest of my tears. "I love you."
"I love you too, doll. You feeling ok?"
"I'm alright, I guess..." I murmured. "It hurts, but I've felt worse."
Bucky smiled sadly, stopping at the red-light. He took this moment to lean over and peck my cheek, whispering another "I love you" before driving toward the hospital.
Loki had practically begged to take me out on a fancy dinner tonight, and it didn't take much for me to say yes; I just thought it was funny to watch him pester me all day. So, after a grueling hour and a half, I was finally dressed and ready. I began the walk downstairs, holding onto the railing for safety; heels were dangerous. And although I was gripping onto that rail for dear life, I still seemed to manage and fall. I let out a short squeal before my face made contact with the floor, a groan escaping my mouth.
"Loki." I called out in a broken voice, struggling to even stand on my own without getting dizzy.
"My love, what happened to you?!" He screeched, rushing to my side.
"I fell down the stairs." I mumbled, only now feeling the full effect of my fall. "Loki, I think I need to go to a hospital."
Loki sent me a worrying glance, helping me up nonetheless. "How do you feel, dearest?"
"Really dizzy... I can't focus on anything and my head is pounding." I admitted, leaning onto Loki's shoulder for support. I whimpered, squeezing his arm.
"Alright, my love, come here." He hushed me, pulling me into his arms. With a kiss to the head, I suddenly felt better.
"What?" I breathed, totally and utterly confused. I looked up at my smug boyfriend, an adorable smirk on his face. "You bastard. I totally forgot you could heal me."
I let out a loud laugh, throwing my head back. Loki joined in, soft chuckles emitting from his mouth.
"Well, now that I don't have a concussion, let's go get some dinner." I teased, leading Loki out of the the house.
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