How you meet
I huffed, lugging the next box into my apartment. It was cute, quaint brick building in New York, Manhattan. And on the plus side, it allowed pets. Unable to see my feet, I missed the step to enter the building, tripping, slamming my head onto the box and scraping my knee. I groaned, dropping the box on the ground. I stood angrily, looking at my bloody knee.
"Miss?" A small voice asked from behind me. I turned around with a deep breath, blushing with embarrassment as a very handsome face came into view.
"Hi, uhm... yeah?" I stuttered, the stress of moving in, plus the good-looking stranger getting to my head.
"Would you like any help?" He smiled, a sort of lop-sided smile.
I chuckled, dusting my hands on the bottom of my romper. "It seems I could use some help, yeah."
"I'm Steve, Steve Rogers." He introduced, and something in my head clicked.
"Oh! Oh, uhm... I mean, hi, I'm Y/N." I mumbled, embarrassed that I was clearly making a fool out of myself. But Steve found this apparently funny, and I soon joined along in his laughs. "I appreciate this, by the way." I added, as we both grabbed boxes and walked inside. Soon, all the boxes were inside, and unable to say goodbye, I invited him to stay for a drink of tea, or coffee.
"Sure." He accepted politely, taking a seat at the island as I instructed. Thankfully some things were working and in place, mainly chairs, the microwave and sink. I poured him some coffee, preparing it as he asked. Black. I made mine, sitting with him.
"You seem a bit familiar..." I commented, brushing my hair over my shoulder.
Steve smiled shyly. "Well, some know me as Captain America, but I don't want to uhm... seem inappropriate."
"Don't worry. I was just curious." I assured him, smiling genuinely.
I walked down the crowded streets alone, clutching my folders full of my papers, my black purse dangling over my shoulder. The weight of all my things was weighing me down, not to mention the tray of coffees I was ordered to deliver to my boss and his friends. Caught up in my thoughts, I found myself running into the man in front of me. I gasped as the coffee spilled on my chest, and the mans back.
"I'm so sorry." I mumbled, reaching down to pick up my now coffee-stained papers. I bit my lip, tears prickling in my eyes. I stood, faced with the infamous Tony Stark. A tear fell down my cheek as I nervously grasped my folders.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Stark. I should've been looking where I was going."
He smiled, waving his hand around dismissively. "Don't worry about it. What does concern me, however, is why a beautiful girl like you is crying."
I laughed nervously, rolling my eyes as I wiped the tear away. "Don't worry about me. I'm sorry about your suit."
"Please. I have plenty more at home. Can I get you another coffee, maybe a name?" Tony winked. I giggled, smirking lightly.
It was a normal day at the hospital. Things were fairly calm, with the usual kids with broken limbs, scheduled surgeries and appointments. One of colleagues handed me a folder, smiling mischievously.
"He's all yours. Cute, too." She winked. "If I weren't married, I'd get his number."
I rolled my eyes, reading the information.
Bruce Banner.
I walked to the designated room, knocking lightly. A muffled,
"Come in."
Made me nod my head and walk inside. I smiled softly at the man sitting with his feet hanging down from the hospital bed. He wore the required hospital gown, glasses on the edge of his nose and his dark, brown hair ruffled. He looked disoriented to say the least.
"Hi, Mr. Banner." I spoke gently, sitting in front of him. He looked up, dark bags under his eyes. "What brings you in today?"
He cleared his throat, holding his hand up, which seemed to be bruised harshly. I looked in his eyes, silently asking for permission to inspect it. He nodded, allowing me to lightly hold his hand.
"Well, Mr. Banner, it seems like a simple fracture. I'll take an x-ray to be sure, but I'm pretty positive it's broken." I stood, waiting for him to follow. I led him to the x-ray room, laying him down and positioning the machine over his wrist. Within a few minutes, I had concluded he had broken his wrist. Leading him back to the room, I realized how handsome he was, and how familiar he seemed.
"Alright, Mr. Banner, the x-rays have confirmed my original diagnosis. Your wrist is broken, but its a light fracture, nothing too serious. We'll get you in a cast and it should be healed in a few weeks." I smiled, sighing softly as he continued to stare at his lap. "Not a fan of hospitals?"
This made him look up, and laugh a bit. "Sorry, uh, well, ironically, I'm a doctor. But, not that kind of doctor."
I smiled, happy he was speaking and opening up a bit. "Dr. Banner. Sounds familiar."
He paused, before nodding.
"May I ask how this happened, Dr. Banner."
I chuckled. "May I ask how this happened, Bruce?"
"Well..." He began, smiling gently.
Thor: Authors Note: Y/F/H means "Your favorite hobby"
I sat in the park, petting my dog lightly on her head. I looked around, sighing. It was such a nice day, and there was barely anyone out. To add, it was my birthday, but the rest of my family was back home. I moved to New York for work, to pursue Y/F/H, while everyone else stayed Florida. I had a few friends, yes, but they all seemed to have plans. Since it was so nice, I decided to take my dog on a walk, and enjoy the warm weather. I stood, noticing she was getting antsy. I followed behind her, staring at the beautiful cherry blossom trees. My eyes elsewhere, I didn't realize the tall frame in front of me. I walked into the person, blinking as I made contact. I took a step back, clutching the leash tightly.
"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologized, hoping I wouldn't get an earful. As the frame turned around, I got an eyeful, blushing slightly as I realized how handsome this man was.
"Do not worry, Midgardian." He smiled. Midgardian?
"Uh, Midgardian?" I asked, extremely confused with the term.
"Yes. You are of Midgard, are you not?"
"Uh, Earth... aren't you?" I chuckled.
"No. I am Thor, Prince of Asgard." He boomed.
"Nice to meet you, Thor. I'm Y/N." I smiled, chuckling at his loud voice. "Nice to meet you."
He reached for my hand, kissing it lightly. "Would you like to accompany me on a walk, maiden?"
"I'd love to." I smiled, blushing at the name.
I sat cross-legged in my cell, waiting for the day the guards came and killed me. HYRDRA had captured me a few months ago; it was hard to keep track of the days anymore, as my pencil had ran out of led a long time ago. I was skinny, cold, hungry and tired. A usually strong SHIELD agent had been broken down by torture, starvation, and interrogation. A loud bang on my cell bars caused me to look up, and to my surprise, it wasn't my normal guard.I squinted my eyes, the lack of food causing my eye sight to waver. He held a finger up to his mouth, signaling for me to be quiet. I raised an eyebrow, gasping quietly as he showed me a SHIELD badge. Tears prickled to my eyes. Was I finally being rescued? The man dug around for something in his pocket, before quickly pulling out a key, and unlocking the door. He rushed toward me, easily scooping me up in his arms.
"Who are you?" I whispered. "Are you going to hurt me?"
"I'm Agent Barton, but you can call me Clint. I'm rescuing you." He whispered back. I smiled softly, letting myself close my eyes. Clint. I liked the sound of that.
Ever since I was child, all I had known was that I had to be trained to kill. That was my mission in life. I was not to listen to anyone besides my teachers, and if anyone told me different, they needed to be killed. The only other little girl I ever knew was Natalia, but soon, she was gone. We weren't allowed to talk about her, and if we did, we got punished, so I stayed quiet. When I got a little older, I finally got to go on a mission alone. I had to infiltrate a SHIELD base and attain some files. Easy. I got in quietly, sneaking in through the air ducts. What I didn't realize, is that they had been expecting me. The room caved in, falling from beneath me. I huffed, grabbing my pocket knife and pistol. I stood quickly, hiding behind the corner of the wall. As soon as I heard footsteps, I began shooting, quickly replacing my ammo. Before I could shoot, my wrist was grabbed, bent behind me.
"Y/N, stop!" A voice hissed sternly. I was pushed against the wall, face first.
"How do you know me?" I screamed, kicking my captors shins and thrusting the knife toward them. My arm was held again, throwing me down. I looked up, a slightly familiar face in view. I held the knife in front of me, backing away.
"How. Do you know me." I demanded again, my voice cool and calm.
"Y/N, put the knife down. We can help you."
I turned my head, twirling the knife between my fingers.
"Natalia?" I murmured. She smiled softly, nodding. I dropped the knife, sitting down.
"I'll explain everything, but just don't fight it." She whispered, stabbing my thigh with a needle. My vision blurred, and soon, I was asleep.
When I was eighteen, I was captured by HYDRA. They used me as a nurse, and threatened to kill me and my family if I ever tried to escape. Though I knew better; I watched them kill my parents; I obeyed. I was recently given the job of watching over and tending to the Winter Soldier, or better known as Bucky Barnes, at least in my case. I felt bad for him; a great man was turned into a monster. I walked into his room for the first time, locking eyes with him.
"Zu hören, eine Frau . Sie sind einfach zu dieser Maschine und nichts mehr kümmern. wenn Sie etwas versuchen, werden Sie getötet werden. Zu verstehen?"* The lead doctor spoke to me.
"Ja, natürlich. Ich verstehe."** I replied, looking toward the doctor. He nodded swiftly, walking out. I looked to the Winter Soldier, strapping him down to the table. He looked me in the eyes, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
"Please, I remember." He whispered. I took in a breath, biting my lip.
"Remember what?" I whispered, hoping to God I wouldn't get caught.
"Steve, and Brooklyn and... and everything. My name is Bucky Barnes. Please don't, I remember." He begged.
"Ruhing sein!"*** I mumbled. "I understand, Bucky. One day, I'll get you out of here, I promise."
I grabbed the needle, holding it over his arm.
I sighed, placing down the needle. "You must play along, otherwise we will both die. You have amazing strength. There will be many guards that will come, but you have the ability to get us out of here. You must be strong." I informed him, before taking a deep breath.
"Wachen! Hilfe! Der soldat widerstehen!"**** I screamed, quickly unstrapping Bucky from the table. He looked toward me, standing. "Grab me, or something!" I hissed. Suddenly, I was pinned up against the wall, dark brown eyes peering into mine.
"We'll get out of here." I whispered, my heart beating as the guards piled in. "I promise."
*Listen, woman. you are to simply tend to this machine and nothing more. If you try anything, you will be killed. Understand?
**Yes of course, I understand.
***Be quiet!
****Guards! Help! The soldier is resisting!
Sorry if the German isn't entirely accurate, I used Google Translate.
I sat in my living room, quietly watching TV. It was my day off, and of course, all my friends had made plans. So, I was stuck sitting alone, relaxing. It wasn't half bad, though. I bought a pizza, bundled up with some blankets and turned on a movie. Just as the credits began rolling, something, rather someone crashed through my room. I screamed as a person stood slowly in front of me, drywall, dust and other debris scattered around him. I stood from the couch, grabbing the nearest object I could use to defend myself.
"What. The. Hell." I said slowly, holding what I now noticed was a vase, in front of me. The figure coughed, dusting the ceiling off of his unusual attire. I looked up quickly, gaping at the large hole that reached past both stories of my house.
"What the hell!" I repeated, my voice shrill and angry. "How did that happen? How are you not dead?!"
He looked up, smiling shortly. "I apologize, Midgardian. I seemed to have miscalculated my landing. I was aiming for the field close to this building."
"Midgardian? Who the hell are you, dude? And, again, how are you not dead?!" I repeated, my palms beginning to sweat.
"You are of this planet, are you not?"
"Yeah, Earth, you wacko."
"Midgard, Earth. You mortals are very dumb."
I gasped, blushing with embarrassment. "I'm not dumb!" I exclaimed. "Who are you?"
"I am Loki, of Asgard. And you are?"
"The angry lady who's house you just destroyed." I teased sarcastically. "But most people call me Y/N."
I laughed, rolling my eyes. "So. Asgard?" I asked, making sure to keep that vase right near me.
Authors note: Sorry it took so long to post, but here it is! My first ever preference! Hope you guys enjoy!
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