Imagine 54: Steve
A/N: dedicated to BeautifulBlues im sorry i made it a little depressing XD btw this is NOT pre-serum steve, but its still set in the forties.
After Steve had pestered me for a good three hours, I finally gave in. I just wanted to relax, but for some odd reason, Steve really wanted to go out. Plus, he finally had free time before shipping off again, so it wouldn't kill me to go out for a bit.
It was honestly the biggest shock in my life. I knew Steve had been trying for months, but I never saw "Project Rebirth" coming. When my scrawny, adorable, little boyfriend came home one day and told me about the plan, I had no words. Well, that's a lie; I had a lot of words, and I just chose not to say them.
Now, here I was, cuddled up on the couch with my new (and improved) Steve, reading.
"Y/N." Steve whined quietly. "Please? Can we go out, just for a bit?"
I huffed, shutting my book, giving my boyfriend a small smirk. "Alright, you win. Let me grab a jacket, darling."
Steve smiled as I stood and walked to my room, grabbing a light cardigan to warm myself from the cool autumn winds. I slipped it over my shoulders, taking Steve's hand in mine after we had gotten outside our apartment.
"Where are we going?" I spoke up, leaning my head on his shoulder. Steve smirked.
"It's a surprise, doll."
I mock-glared at him, a pout on my lips. "You sneak." I giggled, playfully slapping his chest.
We continued to walk to my surprise destination, casually talking as per usual. We had reached a smaller, less inhabited part of town that I honestly didn't recognize.
"Where are we going, Steve?" I asked quietly, growing impatient with the secrets.
Steve chuckled, squeezing my hand. "We're here."
I furrowed my eyebrows, looking to my sides, and behind me. What was "here"?
Steve laughed again, gently turning my head to face forward. Finally, I spotted something. A graveyard?
"Steve, why are we at a graveyard?" I asked, cocking my head slightly.
Steve said nothing, and instead, led me in between the headstones, weaving through, pulling me behind him. I was so caught up in my confusion that I didn't realize Steve had stopped. I collided with his back, stifling a giggle.
"Steve?" I whispered, noticing how stoic and distressed he looked. Finally, it clicked. These were his parents graves.
"Hey, it's ok." I murmured, placing my hand on his cheek, rubbing small circles with thumb.
Steve took a deep breath in, a small tear trickling down his face. I kissed it away, pulling him down to sit next to me on the soft grass. I held his hand all the while, allowing Steve to rest his head on my shoulder.
I began speaking to his deceased parents, draping my arm over Steve's shoulders for comfort.
I started off with telling his parent's how much I loved him, and that they wouldn't believe how far he had come. Steve even laughed a few times at my soft humor, a smile on his features the entire time.
Now, we were sitting in silence, cuddled up together as leaves blew around us.
"Y/N?" Steve mumbled.
I shifted my body so I could face him, humming in response.
"I brought you here, because I wanted to tell you something." Steve explained.
I nodded my head.
"I want to let you know how much I love you, and how thankful I am for you. Hearing you talk to my mom and dad, that... that made me realize I really do love you, so much, it hurts."
I blushed at the sound of his first 'I love you', tears brimming my eyelids. "I love you too, Steve. I meant every word I said. I'm so proud of you, honey."
Steve grinned widely, wiping away my tears. I giggled, mocking him and wiping away his. I snuggled into his chest, beginning the playful banter once more.
"You wanna head home, doll? You look cold." Steve pointed out, rubbing my arms in attempt to warm me up.
"Yeah." I yawned quietly, slowly standing after Steve.
We walked home hand-in-hand, Steve occasionally twirling me in the streets, eliciting a joyous giggle from my lips. Finally, we reached home, falling together in front of our small fireplace. I draped my body over Steve's lap, smiling softly up at his features that were beautifully illuminated by the fire.
"I love you." I spoke softly.
Steve looked down at me, his smile radiating happiness. "I love you too."
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