Imagine 48: Bucky
A/N: dedicated the wonderful and lovely @ChristielJackson who requested this
I sighed softly, dropping my bag on the floor near my door. Another long day at work. As much as I loved kids, sometimes, I couldn't stand them. I was ready for a much-needed sleep. I stripped out of my work clothes and slipped into a loose t-shirt and some printed PJ shorts. I snuggled into my bed, turning on some Netflix. Soon enough, my eyes began to droop, and I was asleep in less than twenty minutes.
By the time I woke up, it was almost twelve o'clock. I sighed. Of course my 'nap' would turn into a six hour sleep. I swung my feet over the side of my bed, padding into my kitchen. I poured some coffee into my favorite mug and let it warm up in the microwave for a bit. When it was done, I sat in front of my fireplace, relaxing while the embers sparked.
"Money is the anthem, of success. So before we go out, what's your address?" My phone sang. I smiled to myself at the choice of ringtone I picked out for Steve. I turned my body a bit, reaching behind me to grab it.
"Hello?" I asked. Thank god he hadn't woken me up.
"Hey, sorry, did I wake you?"
I smiled to myself. Forever the gentleman. "No, I was awake. What's up?"
"Bucky had a nightmare. Could you come over? I hate to ask this of you, but I can't calm him down."
I sighed sadly, my stomach fluttering at the thought of Bucky. "Awh, yeah. I'll be over as soon as I can."
We said our goodbyes, hanging up. I grabbed my car keys and purse, quickly making a mad-dash to my car. I sped off to Stark Towers; thank God there were no cops out at this hour. JARVIS recognized me and let me in immediately. I thanked him, tapping my foot nervously in the elevator.
"Steve." I whispered, running up to him.
Steve gave me a friendly hug, greeting me with a hushed tone. "Thank you so much. I can't calm him down, he-"
Steve began to explain, when he was cut out with an upsetting, strained scream. I let out a small gasp, rushing to Bucky's room. Steve followed after me; I'm sure he was worried about Bucky hurting me, but I knew better.
"Oh, Bucky." I breathed, hurrying to his side. Bucky was in an upright, sitting position, but he was bent over, his head in his hands as he sobbed loudly. It broke my heart. Bucky let out another heart-shattering cry, his body shaking with each breath.
"Bucky, it's ok. I'm here." I whispered, cupping his head with my hands. I had kneeled on my knees in front of him on the bed. He finally looked up, his expression broken and tired. I pulled him into a hug, hushing him softly as he spluttered words.
"I killed you." He sobbed.
"No you didn't, I'm right here. I'm right here." I repeated, gently stroking his hair. "You've never hurt me, and you never will."
"Y-You don't know that."
"And you do?" I teased lightly. "Bucky, you're so strong. Give yourself some credit, ok?" I smiled softly, running my thumb in circles on his cheek.
Bucky cracked a small smile, leaning into my arms. After a few moments of silence, Bucky sat up, staring into my eyes.
"I killed you." He began quietly. "I didn't want to... they made me. I don't want to hurt you, Y/N."
I took his hands, holding them tenderly. "You won't hurt me. I promise."
Bucky sighed, squeezing my hands.
"You okay, now?" I asked, my voice just above a whisper.
Bucky gave me a little nod. "Yeah."
"You want me to stay the night?" I offered, blushing a bit. Bucky blushed as well, but agreed nonetheless; that is, after he made sure I was absolutely okay with it. I laughed a bit, assuring him it was fine. Though, my stomach was forming a billion knots, and my heart was pounding out of my chest, I was fine with it.
I allowed myself to snuggle in his chest, his arm draped over my waist.
"Night, Bucky." I whispered.
"Night, doll." He whispered back. I blushed, already claiming the sweet nickname. With the small bit of confidence I had gotten from the little endearment, I stretched up and pecked his lips. Bucky widened his eyes, a small grin gracing his lips. He bent down and gently pressed his lips to mine. I hummed happily, cuddling into his chest after Bucky released my lips from his.
"Thanks, by the way." Bucky chuckled. I rolled my eyes jokingly.
"I would've helped you no matter what." I paused. "But if that's the reward I get, I'm not complaining."
"You don't need to help me to get one of those." He smirked. I blushed, muttering a goodnight before closing my eyes.
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