Imagine 36: Steve part two
After Steve and I shared that (glorious, wonderful, perfect) kiss, I was a blushing mess the rest of the afternoon. I felt like I was a little girl again. Steve and I stayed by each other for the rest of the day, not necessarily talking. Our sides were pressed together, our hands brushing against each others every so often. We both pretty silent, sometimes stealing shy glances. Now, everyone had gone home to New York on Tony's private jet, while Steve and I opted to stay an extra day.
After Tony's crude jokes, he let us be in peace.
"He's a handful." I spoke, probably the first full sentence since the kiss.
Steve seemed surprised I had spoken; but one of us had to at some point.
"Yeah." He agreed. "Hey, why don't we go walk on the beach? If you want, if you're tired we don't have to."
I blushed, the moonlight illuminating his flawless face. "No, I'd to love to."
Steve smiled back at me, staring as if he wanted to say, or rather do, something.
But he stayed quiet, walking toward the beach, our bodies close. My cheeks heated up, flushing in crimson as he wrapped his hand with mine. I grinned contently, lightly squeezing his hand; a silent message that I was happy as hell.
We walked a for a while before I grew cold and tired.
"Can we head back?" I whispered, tugging on his hand to pull him in the opposite direction.
"Of course. Tired?"
"And a bit cold. I'm not used to the beach. I haven't been here for... jeez, at least a few years."
"I've actually never been to a beach." Steve said aloud.
I smiled softly. "Well, now you have. Are they all we make them up to be?"
"It's nice here. Relaxing. Plus, my experience here hasn't been too terrible." He hinted, and I knew exactly what he meant.
I blushed for the billionth time, rolling my eyes lightheartedly. "Well, it hasn't been all too bad for me either." I teased quietly.
We soon reached the house, making our way to our rooms. I changed into my pajamas, slugging into the luxurious living room, a blanket wrapped around me. Steve was sat on the couch, his limbs spread. I snuggled up on his side immediately, scaring Steve a bit.
"Oh, hey." Steve chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"Hey." I whispered, taking a deep, exhausted breath. I sighed, closing my eyes happily. "Mind if I crash with you?"
Steve laughed gently, an adoring tone ringing through it. "Not a problem."
I opened my eyes, leaning up and pecking his lips. Steve reacted almost instantly... almost. Once he realized what I was doing, he had a hand on the small of my back, the other cupping my cheek. Steve pulled me toward him, trapping my body between his and the couch. As he did the last time, Steve kissed slowly and softly. Loving every second of it, I was a bit reluctant to pull away.
Steve slowly opened his eyes, looking down at me. He smiled, pulling me up in a comfortable cuddling position. My head laid in the crook of his neck, half of my body resting on his. Both of Steve's arms were gently, yet protectively wrapped around me.
I felt safe and loved, which is why it was no wonder I fell asleep quicker than I ever had. Steve heard my soft snores, kissed my forehead, and snuggled under the blanket with me. The TV still played, the volume low.
Before Steve fell asleep, he smiled to himself, glad he had confessed he caught me staring. Otherwise, we'd be at Stark Towers, playing the game of "we both like each other but won't admit it."
And that wasn't really a fun game. But this?
Oh, this was much better.
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