Imagine 23: Clint
A/N: i know she didn't request one, but this is dedicated for sabrinademelo just because i love her and she loves clint
I sighed, throwing the strap of my duffel bag over my shoulder and walking out of the gym. My work-out clothes were sticky and hot against my sweating skin, causing me to be even more irritable. My boyfriend and I had gotten in a fight, so of course, I made my way to the gym to take my anger and frustration out on the bags.
"What's got you angry, Y/N?" Steve chuckled as he made his way in the gym. I stopped walking for a moment, sighing.
"Clint." Was all I said, and Steve seemed to understand.
"Ah. Well, if you want to talk, I'm all ears." He smiled politely. I smiled back at the kind Super-Soldier, shaking my head.
"Thats alright. The punching bags did all the talking I needed to, but I appreciate it Rogers."
Steve chuckled, bidding me goodbye and walking into the gym. I made my way to the girls locker room, stripping down to nothing and taking a warm shower. At this point, I had forgotten what started the fight in the first place. My jealousy of Natasha? Clint never being home? Both? I sighed once more, turning off the shower and wrapping myself in a towel. I brushed through my hair, slipping on a white v-neck and some plain skinny jeans. As I walked out of the locker room, I noticed Clint talking with Tony near the conference room. I smiled as Tony and I made eye-contact, Clint's back facing me. Tony said goodbye to Clint, walking away. It was my turn to walk toward Clint, lightly grabbing his wrist before he turned the hall. He whipped around, his expression blank as he looked in my eyes.
"Can we talk?" I whispered, offering a nervous smile.
Clint sighed, looking around. "I'm busy. Fury needs me in the training arena-"
"But you have time to talk to Stark?" I interrupted, my voice calm. "Well, whatever." I mumbled, walking off to go and talk with Steve. I jogged back to the gym, glad to see Steve was still here.
"Rogers." I spoke aloud, easily gaining his attention. "Still up for that talk?"
Steve grinned, unwrapping his hands and sitting in front of me on the mats.
I groaned, face-palming. "God. I try and talk to him and he pulls the whole, 'I'm busy' card."
Steve nodded, smiling sadly.
"And thats the problem. He's always busy. I feel like our relationship was just for the spur of the moment sort of thing. It was great the first few months, and now as we're nearing a year, it's like." I paused, composing myself. "It's like we're still both dating because he doesn't even have the time to break up with me."
Now, I was a sobbing mess, falling into Steve's arms. Little did I know, Clint had been listening the whole time, getting a little emotional himself. Steve calmed me down, hugging me tightly. He nodded his head toward the door, causing me to turn around. There stood Clint, his face puffy and a little red. I sighed, biting my lip. I stood, turning to Steve.
"Thank you." I whispered, giving him one last hug. I stayed where I was, my back toward Clint. I heard his footsteps, and soon, a hand was placed on my shoulder. He turned me around, smiling sadly.
"Do you really feel that way?" He mumbled.
I nodded my head, a few tears slipping from my eyes.
"Y/N, I know I'm busy. I know I don't apologize enough for it. But I'm in a relationship with you because I love you. I love everything about you and this relationship." He whispered, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Then why are we always fighting?" I mumbled, my voice shaking.
"Cause I'm an idiot." He chuckled, pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry for upsetting you, baby. I don't want to break up. I love you."
I smiled softly, my tears drying. I lifted my head from his chest, kissing his lips softly.
"I love you too."
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