Thriller Night
Avengers Tower/Anna's Room • Halloween
Anna: I think it's finished.
Peter: Is that how it's supposed to look?
Anna: Of course, it's so beautiful! Thank you, Peter.
Peter: No problem, Elsa.
Anna: What were you dressing as?
Peter: I'm thinking a spider?
Anna: Creative...
Steve has entered.
Steve: Hey Anna, I just came to drop off a souvenir for you.
Anna: Thank you, how was Hallowscream yesterday? I didn't get a chance to go, maybe Loki and I could go tonight.
Steve: It was okay, but I just don't remember theme parks being so graphic back in my day.
Peter: I know, they're kind of taking it too far, huh, Cap?
Steve: Haha... Anna who's this? You know Fury doesn't like people in the Tower.
Peter: I'm Peter. Peter Parker? We met before, I was a recruit a while back.
Steve: Oh, I'm sorry I don't remember you.
Peter: Maybe this'll help: Go web go! Lolz I'm Spidey.
Steve: Oh. Well nice to see you again, Peter. What are you two doing?
Anna: Peter was just helping make my costume.
Steve: That's nice of him, it looks great, too.
Anna: Thank you. Have you seen Loki? I haven't seen him all morning and I really wanted to thank him again for celebrating today with me.
Steve: He was downstairs, he's dressed up as Jesus with a light sword.
Peter: I know Loki, we had a couple of hot dogs a long time ago. He was like "What's that green stuff?" And I was like "No one knows!" But it was just relish.
Steve: ...
Peter: I'm just going to stop talking and eat some candy...
Anna: Actually, could you two give me some privacy, please? I need to get in my costume, the makeup and hair's going to take a while. Darn you, Elsa and your fabulousness.
Steve: Okay, bye, Anna. Happy Halloween.
Peter: Bye, Anna.
Anna: Peace.
Steve and Peter have left.
Steve: Are you going to stay for Tony's party tonight, Peter?
Peter: Oh, no, I have plans with my friends.
Steve: Okay, well have a good one.
Loki: What are you two doing? Why did you just come out of Anna's room?
Peter: Hi, Loki. I was just helping her with her costume. Making it, I mean.
Steve: Just dropping off a souvenir.
Loki: I see.
Peter: Nice Anakin costume.
Loki: Thank you.
Thor: You have very charming manners, Brother. Mother would be proud. I shall reward you with a brotherly hug.
Loki: I rather you not.
Tony: Happy Halloween, guys. Want some potion?
Steve: What's that, why is it bubbling up?
Tony: Relax, it's just... Punch. I really don't know what it is, to be honest with you. But it tastes good.
Peter: I'll have some.
Tony: Good, see Parker has the holiday spirit.
Peter: Yeah , it does taste good. Like, fruit with a hint of death.
Tony: I know there's a joke to be made here.
Natasha and Clint have entered.
Bruce has entered.
Clint: Hello, Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Happy Halloween.
Tony: Happy Halloween, Clint. If you don't mind me asking, who exactly are you dressed up as?
Clint: Erm, isn't it obvious? I'm Hawkman.
Natasha: And I'm Spider Woman.
Tony: You can't dress up as other super people, that's like the basic rules of superhumanism! You don't see me being Batman.
Clint: It's too late to start OVER. This is the only thing I-thing I knoooow!
Natasha: Stop quoting Eminem, babe.
Thor: Well I am Chris Hemsworth. I saw him on this piece of literature and it dawned upon me that I resemble him very strongly.
Anna has entered.
Anna: How do I look?
Loki: Y-you look... You look um, you look very charming, love.
Anna: Thanks, you do, too. Rocking that dark side of the force.
Tony: Well Vader and Adele Menzem, guests will be coming soon so go if you're not going to stay.
Peter: Bye, guys, see you soon.
Peter has logged out.
Pepper has entered.
Jane and Darcy have entered.
Rhodey has entered.
The X-Men, Defenders, and Fantastic Four have entered.
Autumn and Emma have entered.
Tony: Welcome, welcome. Rhodey! wassup?!
Rhodey: Nothing much. What do you think of my Captain America costume?
Tony: Nice, it suits you.
Rhodey: Thanks, bro.
Steve: What happened to your basic rules of superhumanism?
Tony: They only apply to idiots. Cool cop costume, Pepper.
Thor: JANE!
Jane: THOR! *embraces Thor's Godliness in a hug*
Anna: Aw, you two are like meh OTP. Besides Loki and I of course.
Loki: Anna, I just wanted to say, I was shopping for a costume yesterday and realized that I know not much of what you like, and I am so sorry. I will try to be more involved in your interests, I will.
Anna: Loki, don't worry. I don't care if you don't know all the lyrics to Let it Go, or haven't seen an episode of Once Upon a Time. I love you because of your wit, your charm, and your heart. Who else would celebrate Halloween with me, or sing a musical duet, or even give me the time of day?
Wade: I would! Duets are like totz adorbz and like I rlly luv OUAT. Hook is like sewww hot and like Idk but bewbiez. You're Elsa, right? Like ermergerd I luv ur songs, it like empowered me!
Anna: Who the Hell are you?
Wade: I'm Ryan Reynolds. I was transformed into a green beast rage monster when I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and struggle on a daily basis with balancing my life on Asgard with that on Earth.
Tony: Nope. Nope. Get out, I did not invite you.
Wade: What? No, Tony, I'm a part of the X-Men! Besides, don't you love my shmexy Nemo costume?
Tony: No.
Tony has kicked Wade out.
Loki: To resume our conversation, thank you.
Thor: So, Brother, after your break down at the City of Festivities, you got that you should try to be better for Anna out of it? What of the "I let myself go, I must be evil again" epiphany?
Loki: I know not of what you speak of, Thor. I had no such epiphany.
Logan: Hey, Bubs.
And dass all, folks. Random, right? Well see you for Thanksgiving or Christmas! Don't forget to comment! And you guys should read these amazing fanfics by some of my favorite authors! I haven't been a active member of the Wattpad community, and this is the least I could do.
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