Family Tree
So it's occurred to me, as I look at the views and votes and comments from The Following to Jingle All The Way, I am losing some of you. Thanks for sticking with me even now, I'll do my best to keep things interesting. If you have any recommendations for the story, please tell me. I know how I want it to end, but I need some page fillers. I love you all!
Avengers Tower
Loki: Good afternoon, Darling.
Anna: Hey, Loki. What's that you got there?
Loki: I was feeling a tad bit bored the other night and I thought I must do something mischievous because that always seems to cheer me up, and so I got these Pop Tarts that Thor favors so much and I am going to scatter them about the tower because he was sworn to never eat another for his New Years resolution. Sigh. This is my diabolical scheme?
Anna: Okay then... Well have fun with that.
Loki: I will. How are you?
Anna: Okay, I guess. I was just going through my old stuff from my home in London, and I found this weird letter that was never opened. It was sent 27 years ago to my orphanage. I want to open it, but, I'm scared. What if it's from my real mom or something? I have my own life now, to go messing with things better left alone seems inconvenient, right?
Loki: I don't know, I think it is better to find out where you are from by choice now, in stead of find out later unintentionally. I speak from experience.
Anna: Okay. Opens envelope. I can't read it.
Loki: May I? Takes letter. It says... No..
Anna: Are you sure? That's weird, there's like a whole chapter there and all it says is no? Okay then.
Loki: No, Love it does not read 'No'. It is from Night. "Dear, Fönn. When I first gave birth to you I was so delighted to see such a bright and bubbly giantess despite the bloody battle raging around you. I have to protect you, and so, without even telling your father Aud about your arrival, I send you down to Midgard with a mortal cloak. I wish you good look, my snowflake."
Anna: Who's Fönn? What is she talking about... Giantess... Midgard...
Loki: Wow, you are not getting it, Anna, you are like me. You are Fönn. Your mother Night is a frostgiant from my birthplace, Jotunheim, which apparently is yours too.
Anna: Wait, what? That... That doesn't make any sense.
Loki: It explains your abilities.
Anna: But I thought... Well what about when I use my powers, I'm not blue like you.
Loki: Well, Night wrote that you are under spell that changes your appearance so you seem human.
Anna: I just can't believe it, Loki. Are Jotuns nice? Have you met them? Where is Jotunheim?
Loki: They are simply like any race, some are kind, some are not. And yes, I have met a few...
Anna: Great! I wanna meet them. I know that I have a family of my own now, but it'd be nice to see where I came from.
Loki: Eheh, you see the thing about that is you actually can't meet them.
Anna: Well why not-
Loki: You just can't, they sort of...
Anna: Sort of what? TELLLLL MEEEEEE
Loki: I may have killed them all.
Anna: Loki!
Loki: I was young (4 years ago), Anna, you have to understand. I was ignorant and foolish.
Anna: This isn't "I was at a party and got drunk" young and stupid, Loki, this is "I committed genocide" young and stupid.
Loki: I am truly sorry, Anna.
Anna: I know... Oh, well, it's still awesome that we're both Jotuns.
Loki: It truly is.
Only I would be like "Oh well" if Loki told me he committed genocide.
Thor has entered.
Thor: Hello, Lady Anna. Hello, Brother.
Anna: Hi, Thor.
Thor: What's that you have there, Anna?
Anna: It's a letter from my birth mother, it says I'm a Jotun just like Loki!
Thor: Sayeth what? A Jotun as in Frost Giant?
Anna: No, a Jotun as in Odin and Yellow Claw's ship name. Of course as in a Frost Giant! Isn't that totally crazy?
Thor: Woah, that is unbelievable. Who knew the race I once hated would bring two of my most beloved allies into my life.
Anna: Aw, thank you.
Loki: No one cares, Thor, stop making this about you. Darling, I believe that this discovery calls for celebration. Would you like to go out?
Anna: Of course!
Tell me if this should be canon, I was just thinking about what Anna's origin story should be and this popped in meh head! Please vote and comment friends! Thank you for nearly 3.30K reads!
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