Based off of the Bruno Mars song of the same name (one of my karaoke go to's)
When you and Bucky first started dating, he called himself the luckiest man in the world. You were amazing, and he made sure to tell you that every day.
He doesn't know what happened, when he started to screw up, but he did. Now, instead of you laying beside him at night, his bed was empty. Cold. It was too big without another person there with him.
Bucky wasn't a huge listener of music before he met you, but then he was dating you and suddenly you guys had a song. It was cheesy, having a song as a couple, but it made you smile so bright and he found himself thinking of you every time the song came on the radio.
Even now, though it no longer felt right.
The worst part? You were friends with the other Avengers. That's how he met you, at one of Stark's parties and you just so happened to be there at the request of one of your best friends, Wanda.
So of course they knew about the break up, but they were still friends with you and Bucky caught the others talking about you a few times before entering a room. It makes him even more of a mess than he already is. Nearly every day he thinks his heart can't break anymore, but then he hear's your name, and there it goes.
Bucky found himself thinking back to the good times of the relationship, those early weeks of pure bliss. That "honeymoon" phase that all couples go through. He just didn't think he wouldn't be able to trudge out of the next phase.
He thinks back to it. How he stopped buying you flowers, and when you asked, he would just shrug about it. Say there wasn't any special occasion that needed celebrating. Soon after you stopped asking.
At first, he thought he was just comfortable around you and didn't need to be touchy all the time. So he stopped holding your hand when you'd sit on the couch and watch a movie or a show, or when you'd walk around the city a bit. You stopped trying after while, too.
Of course, he couldn't help being an Avenger, and you knew that! He made sure that was clear when you guys decided to date. You understood he'd have to go on missions. You were okay with it, albeit a tad bit worried about him.
What he didn't realize is he wasn't spending as much time with you anymore, either, because he'd want to rest all alone after missions and then he'd forget to text you or ask to hang out. For a while, you'd text first and he'd pick up the conversation. You must've gotten tired of that, too.
And while Bucky wasn't huge on parties, he should've tried for you. You sacrificed so much for him and he did diddly squat for you.
Now, he can't help but stare at you from across the common room of the Avengers Tower, staring you down from the bar as you danced with someone else. A new guy.
"Careful, you might burn holes in the back of his head."
"Maybe that's what I'm trying to do," Bucky grumbled. He turned, finally tearing his eyes away, and saw it was Sam who had spoken to him. He was behind the bar to get himself a drink, which he already had, and was now pouring one for Bucky.
The look on Sam's face fell. "Don't give me that bullshit, man. You know you had the shot and you ruined it. You missed. Stop being jealous over a guy who actually cares about the girl he's dating. It's been months. Move on. She did."
Bucky stood abruptly and shoved the glass Sam had put on the counter for him back to him. "Don't tell me shit I already know," he snapped, then stormed off without a word.
Months. You left him seven months ago and he was still groveling. It was kind of pathetic, and Bucky knew that. Maybe it was his pride that still kept him thinking about you, about how there's a different guy making you happy when it should be him.
But maybe it was also his pride that stopped him from having the relationship he wanted with you.
This path of thinking led Bucky to leave the party so he could let the guilt sink in in peace. He didn't need his friends, who knew what was going on, staring at him with sadness. Or anger. Both were possible. The latter was more understandable to Bucky.
He found a quite corner of an upstairs living room to sit. With his eyes closed, Bucky mentally beat himself up. It's what he deserved. He can't fix what he did, clean up the mess he made. It was too late for that.
The man in question opened his eyes and saw Steve standing in front of him.
"I don't have the patience for one of your righteous speeches, Steve. Just... enjoy the party or something," Bucky responded, wanting to curl up in a little ball to get his message across. However, he was a grown-ass man, so he wasn't going to do that.
Steve sighed and shook his head. "Too bad, you're getting one anyway," Steve replied, and he sat down on a chair near where Bucky had sat. "Apologize."
He rolled his eyes. "Not to me, to her."
Immediately Bucky was sitting up and shaking his head. "No way, I- I can't..."
"Why not?" Steve asked.
A beat. Bucky sat in his shame for a dozen seconds before he finally answered Steve.
"I can't let her know I started to care after I screwed things up... she's happy now. I don't want to ruin it, and I don't think I can stand having her be mad at me for just now figuring out what I did wrong."
"But you didn't just figure it out," Steve countered. "You figured it out months ago and have been punishing yourself ever since. You deserve to be happy, Bucky. You screwed this one up and it's not okay, but you can't exactly do anything to change it. Only mend it."
They were quiet for a second, and Bucky could hear the music from the party.
"You're really good at giving speeches," Bucky said, a small smile forming on his face.
Steve smiled back. "So I've heard. Come on."
The two men stood and Steve walked Bucky back to the party, partially to make sure he didn't make a run for it. He needed this, more than he realized. Steve never stopped looking out for his best friend.
Back in the party, you were off the dance floor grabbing some drinks. Your date wasn't with you, probably waiting for you to come back.
"Go," Steve said, barely being heard over the party noise.
Bucky took in a deep breath and walked over to you.
You turned and the smile almost completely fell from your face. "Bucky..." All the feelings from the last time you guys spoke were about to bubble up.
Bucky spoke before they could reach the surface. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did and what I didn't do. I didn't realize how royally I screwed up until you broke it off and then I was punishing myself since then for it. You didn't deserve any of it and..."
The part that actually hurt the most to say, but Bucky would mean every word. "I hope he does everything I should've done when I was your man."
Bucky braced himself for the tears or the yells. He didn't want either, he didn't think he could bare to see either again.
Instead, your smile came back. Not quite the megawatt smile he saw before he spoke to you, but it was just as genuine.
"Thank you, Bucky." You stepped forward and brought him into a quick hug.
It was over quickly and soon you were grabbing drinks and stepping back out to the dance floor.
Bucky watched, off to the side, as you handed the drink in your left hand to your new boyfriend, and he took it in his own left hand. Then, with the empty hand, he grabbed yours.
You looked so happy. That's all Bucky could ever want.
A/n: I love this song, and thought it would work very well for an imagine, so here it is! I hope it was okay :)
I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed with my new job and life in Orlando (not permanent life, which thank god because the heat and humidity down here are killing me). I'm still getting adjusted and trying to find my groove. Doesn't help that all of my roommates, who were here when I moved in, are moving out in a month. But whatever.
I hope you guys liked this, and I will see you next week.
Bye Lovelies!!!!!!!
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