See You Again
*Before Age of Ultron*
You were sitting in the Avengers tower. The rain was pounding against the window you were sitting up against. It was calming, soothing, relaxing. You had just taken a hard hit emotionally after your most recent mission. This was the first moment of peace you've had since the mission report to Director Fury. When you got up and breezed past everyone, eyes red shoulders shaking slightly, they all knew to give you space.
Everyone but Tony understood this. He started following you, but then Pepper held him back. You weren't mad at anyone but yourself, and you needed this time to beat yourself up. The rest of the team saw it as a way for you to calm down and heal, but they were wrong.
The rain merely got heavier, and it matched with the decision you just made. It would change your life, but you had made up your mind. You suddenly sprung up from beside the window, pulling your suitcase out from under your bed. You opened it quickly and ran to your closet. Out of all the things you had been given or had bought, you picked out all the ones that had a sticker on the tags labeled "TS". Once you grabbed those, you tried to be neat and quick with shoving it into your suitcase. You added toiletries and a couple of your old sketchbooks and drawings, then zipped the suitcase up. You hauled it onto the ground and then hurried out of the building. Your room was close to the ground floor for safety reasons so it was easy to leave undetected.
At least, you thought you weren't being watched. Someone was standing in the shadowed area of the lobby floor. Steve was there, watching with concerned eyes. He was in the lobby for a reason he had forgotten now, but now he was following you quickly outside. You had exited the doors when he finally got his feet moving to try and catch up with you.
"(Y/N)!" he yelled as you were heading further into the rain. Before you turned around, you thought about your appearance. You didn't want your face to had evidence of crying all over it. The tears from up above mixed with your own on your face, making it nearly impossible to tell the difference between the two.
You turned around fully now, and Steve had just gotten up to you. His arms went to your shoulders, but you took a step backwards. "What do you want Captain Rogers?" you asked harshly. He flinched slightly at the tone of your voice, but otherwise carried on.
"Well I still want you to call me Steve, and I want to know where you're going in the rain, this late, and with a suitcase full of stuff," Steve explained. You sighed and looked at your feet. This was inevitable, you already knew that. You just hoped you wouldn't have to explain it to...him.
"Look Steve. I'd really rather not talk about it." The an reached for you again but you took another step back, and this time he didn't bother to try and hide the hurt on his face. His crystal blue orbs met your (y/e/c) ones. They held concern and fear, as well as a bit of something else that you couldn't figure out fast enough. "I've got to go," you said quickly and quietly, but his super soldier ears picked up on it easily. Once again his arm tried to reach for you, but you had turned on your heel and picked up your suitcase.
Steve watched helplessly as your figure disappeared slowly into the crying night sky.
He hurried inside to get the rest of the team, but when he entered the building they all came out of the elevators and stairs. "Cap! Did you get to her? Where is she?" Tony started firing questions at the already sad blond man.
"Tony...I'm so sorry. I tried to stop her, but she vanished before I could get a word in," Steve lied to Tony. Steve knew as soon as those words left his mouth he shouldn't of lied to Tony. The man's daughter just up and left without any words being exchanged to anyone. Well, except for Steve, and that's only because he was staring out the window in the lobby to watch the rain. Offered a much better spot for sketching.
"We have to find her. The tracker in her-"
"I'm afraid, Mr. Stark, that she took every tracker off her person. She even found the one on her phone and disposed of it. I can't find her anywhere," Jarvis said suddenly, interrupting Tony. "She certainly is your daughter."
Tony sighed and his head hung. A little smiled made its way onto his mouth and he let out a soft laugh. "Now I see that was a problem to raise her in the most technologically advanced place in America. God, I'm never getting her back," Tony said, before plopping down on a chair behind him. His eyes got watery and red, and he refused to look up at anyone. Pepper came and sat by him, the evidence of her tears more prominent that his or the others.
"We'll find her Tony. I promise."
You had been traveling for lord knows how long. You had bought a plane ticket to anywhere, rode buses and taxis till they kicked you out, and walked a lot more. The only reason you knew you'd arrived in a much different place was when signs and people around you couldn't speak English.
"Hello? Can you help me?" you asked a man and woman who were walking past you. They looked at you and laughed, before proceeding to converse in a language you were sure you'd never heard of.
Trying again, you wanted to reach out to a boy about your age who was walking past. ""Help please!" you begged, but he kept on walking. You gave up and hung your head low, before sitting down on the curbside.
"I can help you." A voice said from behind you. You jumped and turned around quickly, then stood to meet him eye-to-eye. You gather in his appearance. He had a buzz cut and light blue eyes, as well as some facial hair. But his most recognizable attribute was a monocle over his eye. It looked like it wasn't connected to anything either. Then it clicked. Your father had talked to you about this man.
"Wolfgang von Strucker. I recognize that ugly monocle from yards away. How the hell have you not been caught yet?" you asked the man, backing up not so subtly and holding your suitcase tightly. You were ready to hit him real hard with it if needed.
"Well you see here Miss Stark, I have people who protect me. You will soon be my newest bodyguard," he said vaguely. Your eyes widened and you were going to run, but Strucker nodded at someone behind you and suddenly you couldn't really see anything anymore.
~about a year later~
Inside your cell, you played with moving around from corner to corner, teleporting at light speed. You were faster than Pietro, except he ran and you teleported. You had come up the term 'jump' when people wanted to refer to your teleporting abilities.
The twins didn't really speak to you much. When you first met them, it was when Strucker brought you back to the secret HYDRA base in what you found was Sokovia. He boasted loud and proud about '(Y/N) Stark and how she'd be able to grant HYDRA access to the Avengers unlike anyone else ever has been able to. The twins immediately wanted to shoot you down when they heard your last name, but you were a child. Younger than them. In fact, you weren't even 16 yet.
Your cell was right next to Pietro's and he had grown a connection with you, which Wanda also connected with you. Your last name still stung like a swear to them, but they still tried to take care of you. Like you were their little sister.
When the building shook, it knocked some power out from inside, and the three of you were allowed to leave your cells. So you all did, but none of you dared to make a move to escape. Instead, you all just sat by the wall, comforting each other.
Scientists were talking back and forth, being annoying little brats. When Pietro heard Strucker say that none of you three, especially you, were prepared to go into the field, Pietro thought otherwise. He picked Wanda up and you on his back, before quietly speeding out of there.
The three of you managed to get outside the building without anyone in tow, and so Pietro stopped and dropped you and Wanda down to the ground. Luckily, you both got on your feet. "What's the plan?" Wanda asked.
"You go and protect from threats going inside, I'll try to stop the ones from damaging the base any further on the outside," Pietro explained.
"What should I do?" you asked, ready to fight. Pietro and Wanda shared a glance, before Wanda hurried off to protect the building.
Pietro went down to his knees so the two of you could see each other better. "(Y/N), the Avengers are attacking us." He ignored your sharp intake of air and kept going. "You won't want to fight your family, so go. Be with your father again. We'll see each other again, I swear," Pietro said. You gave him a small wobbly smile, and brought him into a hug. He wiped some of your tears away, before nodding at you and speeding off.
You smiled even bigger before jumping to the front of the building, near the shadows so you wouldn't just appear out of nowhere. You saw your dad leaving the building now, and figured it would be a good time to jump out and yell for him. Like a hostage finally being freed.
"Dad!" you called out. As timing would have it, you went to step forward and tripped, which also led to you cutting your arm on the jagged bricks next to you. He turned around in the suit and saw you, before landing and coming out of the suit. His eyes were wide in disbelief, a smile already trying to make its way onto his face.
"(Y/N)! It's so good to see you again! Oh god, is this where you've been this entire time?" he asked you. He ran over to you and held you at arms length at your shoulders. You managed out a nod and he pulled you into a big bear hug. "You're 15 now! I missed a birthday! I feel awful, why did you leave? Was it me? The mission? Honey please don't do that again." Your father was now in tears over this, and you were on the verge of bursting as well.
"I missed you so much!" you choked out. You never realized how much you missed your dad, as well as your mom and the rest of your family. "But I'm cold, can we go home?" you asked him. He nodded and dried his tears, before going back into his armor. That's when you finally noticed the golden scepter in his suit hand. It was...
"Is that...?" you asked, your eyes drawn to the object that gifted you your stronger abilities. Your dad was all the way in the suit now and nodded. He gestured for you to come over to him and you did, before he picked you up and went to the jet where everyone else was.
He landed, and got onto the jet. Nobody was paying any mind, however, and the jet door closed and Jarvis (most likely) started our departure from this place. Finally, Natasha looked over at your dad and saw you standing next to him. "(Y/N)!" she yelled out, causing everyone's attention to be on you. She rushed over and pulled you into a hug.
Gradually everyone gave you a hug, except for Bruce who was sitting facing away from the entrance to the jet. He had his Beats headphones on and was curled up into a blanket. You looked to your dad and Natasha, who both shared a look before your dad nodded to you.
Carefully you walked over to Bruce and made sure you got into his view before doing anything. "(Y/N)?" he asked in disbelief. You nodded and kneeled down next to him and the two of you hugged. You had grown close to the scientist. He felt like another father to you because he and Tony spent a lot of time together and you would always hang out with them in the lab.
All of you flew back home in mostly silence, except for the small conversations in between.
~infamous time skip~
Today was the day of the party, and you were less than thrilled to put it lightly. Parties with lots of people, large crowds, loud noises, all that was a huge turn off for you. But against your protests, your dad made you go anyways. Now, you were standing in the center of your room, staring at yourself in the mirror, wondering if this was appropriate.
You were wearing a dress your dad had gotten you for your birthday that he missed, as a sort of makeup gift, and you thought it was stunning, but clearly meant for someone older than you. It was the classy black, but not the classic style. (Hair and makeup same as picture as well)
You thought it would look well on you anyways, but you weren't expecting so much skin. And it was backless. Yay. Nat had also let you borrow a pair of her black scrappy heels for you to wear with this sexy dress. Her words.
Taking in one last deep breath of confidence, you got yourself to move and to get out of your room. Nat was waiting for you in her own black and white cocktail dress. You looped your arm through hers and made your way cautiously down the stairs. Nat leaned over to whisper in your ear quickly.
"You know the drill. If any man gets too close to you, kick them hard where it hurts and walk to me or anyone else from the team. They'll get the message you shouldn't be messed with," Nat reminded you. Your dad had also told you that if any guy were to hit on you that he'd personally escort them to the roof to "enjoy the view". He was protective but you loved him.
You and Nat made it to the bottom of the stairs and she made her way over to the bar to start tending to drinks. You found our way over to your dad to let him know that you didn't skip out on the party.
He was talking with Rhodey and Thor by the bar on the end furthest from Nat. Maria was there as well. "I'm here dad," you announced. He looked over at you and started to choke on his drink, and Thor awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. Maria walked to our side and put her arm protectively over your shoulders. Rhodey, through all of this, laughed his ass off.
"Yeah now I see why I should've gone with something else," your dad said. You started laughing as well with Rhodey. "Do you have anything else?" he asked. Now in his mind, he was starting to rethink his decision to buy that dress for you. It was evident to everyone around your group he was rethinking it too.
"Too late, I have it on and the tags have been cut. You should've looked more carefully," you said, before laughing and heading off to mingle with people. You mainly stuck with people you knew, only talking to a random lady once or twice.
The party was finally coming to a close, only the Avengers, you, Maria, and Dr. Cho remained. You were all laughing at the couches, when Clint spotted Thor's hammer on the table. "But it's a trick!" he exclaimed,, twirling his drumstick in his hand.
"No, it is much more than that," Thor responded, taking another swig of his drink. You were sat on the couch next to Nat. Everyone was starting to ignore their own conversations and pay attention to what was happening now.
Clint scoffed. "'Ah whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power,' whatever man it's a trick!" Clint exclaimed once more, gesturing at the hammer while proclaiming. You laughed at this and watched Thor for his reaction.
"Please, be my guest," he offered and then gestured over to the hammer. You 'oohed' and Clint stood up.
Everyone laughed as one by one, an Avenger would walk up and try to move Thor's mighty hammer. Steve was the closest, and was able to shift it barely. You and Nat declined the request to try. You did because of the glance your father was giving you.
Thor finally stood up and picked his hammer up easily. He tossed it into the air and caught it again before simply stating, "You're all not worthy." A chorus of boos ensued, and you laughed as everyone booed the Asguardian.
Suddenly, this horrible ringing took over the room and filled your head, everyone cringing and trying to duck away from the sound. Your dad took out a thing and tried to press some buttons to fix the problem. Behind you, you heard a strangled voice whisper out, "Worthy." It stunned and scared you, and you turned to find one of the Iron Legion suits limping into view.
It was facing away from you all, and then spoke again as it turned to face you. "No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers," it's robotic voice said. Your eyebrows drew together in confusion and you couldn't look away from the decayed looking suit.
"Stark," Steve asked sort of.
"Jarvis," your father asked right after.
"I'm sorry I was asleep," the robot continued on. "Or I was a dream." It looked from the sky back to you, making direct eye contact with you. In your seat on the couch, you shivered from it's hollow stare.
"Reboot." Your father's voice broke you out of the trance and you snapped your head towards him. He was trying to reboot the system on his phone thing. "We got a buggy suit," he tried again, pressing more buttons. But you knew this wasn't just a buggy suit. You finally got a look around at the group and saw everyone was standing, their attention on the robot in front of you.
"There was this terrible noise and I was tangled in....strings," he said, stumbling around a bit. "Had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." This captured your attention again and you looked back at the robot, your face visibly getting paler.
"You killed someone?" Steve asked back.
"Wouldn't of been my first call...but down in the real world we are faced with ugly choices," it said, before starting to playback something. What, you would soon find out.
"I see a suit of armor around the world." Your dad's voice came out. Now he was surprised.
"Ultron," Bruce marveled. What is Ultron?
"In the flesh! Or no, not yet," it said. Everyone looked now between the two geniuses in the room. Bruce looked to Tony only though, and your father's gaze was on you.
"(Y/N), leave now," he said. You looked back to him.
"I'm not leaving until this thing gets solved," you shot back. Before he could say anything else, Ultron spoke again.
"But I'm ready. I'm ready." Hill now stood up, her gun in her hands and loaded. You chose to stand up as well, getting behind Steve slightly. Thor's grip on his hammer tightened. "I'm on a mission."
"What mission?" Nat finally spoke up. Previously the thing had been gazing around anywhere but the group. But with Nat's question, it looked towards us and spoke.
"Peace in our time." Suddenly, more Iron Legion bots came out from the wall behind Ultron, and glass and wall pieces were sprayed around. Maria grabbed you and pulled you down as Steve behind you kicked a table and it went flying over your heads. You got out of Maria's hold, ignoring her yells, and tried to run over to your dad and Rhodey.
But that didn't work, because something exploded and you and Rhodey were thrown down into the room below, about 60 feet. Rhodey got all the way down to the ground, but you teleported midair to the other side of the room everyone was in, and got to work on a robot. Chaos and fighting was the only thing in the room. Most of the other party guests had already left, so that wasn't anything to worry about, but it was still imperative that all the robots get destroyed.
You managed to vault onto one, and tore into the wires in the back of it's neck. It tried to shake you off, and backed itself into a wall -hard- but you were still on it and finally managed to pull out the right wire that caused it to fall to the ground. Unlucky for you, your head hit the edge of a table and it made you a bit dizzy. Another robot came right towards you and picked you up by your arm, then yeeted you out the room into another room. Glass shattered as your body was thrown in, and you landed on the floor with a thud.
You probably lied on the ground for a good five minutes, before getting up and groaning through the pain. The glass around you crunched as your heels walked across the floor, every now and then your ankle rolled, but that was it. You had to grip onto the edges of tables to make sure you were steady, but you got to the lab. They would go to the lab after their fight. It's where the whole mess started when your dad and Bruce toyed with something they didn't understand. But what else should you expect from mad scientists.
Once you stepped into the lab and saw that it was empty, you collapsed to the ground. Your head was pounding, feet hurting (you abandoned your stilettos when they kept getting tripped up on the glass, and so you walked on glass, resulting in bleeding ad throbbing feet), and you really only felt pain. Being thrown around like a rag doll kinda hurts, especially when you're not an actual rag doll. Being the tired and lazy person you were, you teleported -jumped- your way to an empty couch that your dad put in the lab for late nights and he just needs to collapse. It was pretty comfortable, so you waited there for everyone.
You woke up to someone gently shaking your shoulders. Your eyes opened slowly, and you allowed them to adjust to the light. When you looked at the figure waking you up, and who was about to be dead for doing so, you were greeted with your father's worried brown eyes.
"(Y/N)! You're okay. Oh that scared me so bad down there. I went to look for you in that room and when I saw bloody foot prints next to your discarded shoes, I got worried," you father told you. You sat up quickly and hugged him. Yes, you were now a bit lightheaded from sitting up so fast, but you were safe in your father's arms.
"Now, I know you just woke up, but we need to talk," your dad said with a serious change in tone. It made you pull back and see the serious look in his eyes.
"About what?" God you hoped it was about anything other than-
"I saw you teleport across the room before you fell down with Rhodey," he said.
Damn it. You would've played it cool like you had no clue what he was talking about, but it was useless to lie to your own father. He'd know before you would that you were lying. So instead you took in a deep breath and got ready to tell him.
"Dad, I would've told you sooner, but I was worried and hadn't gotten a chance to see your privately-"
"Really?" He cut you off and stood up, pacing around the room. Man, he wasn't in a good mood at the moment. You couldn't blame him. "You're going to turn this back on me?" he asked you, pointing at himself while looking at you with disbelief. "I have done so much for you and trying to get you answers from the beginning!" he yelled.
Now you were only focused on the fight, rather than the other teammates now walking into the room. They all were quiet and made sure not to say anything so they could listen in.
"I know that alright! And I really wanted to tell you! I would've after tonight because you would've been drunk and in a good mood. Later I'd tell you that you already knew, just forgot. Which wouldn't have been a lie!" you yelled back, now standing. You were slightly wobbly, but still stood your ground.
"Oh woah now don't do that card. We tested you and tried to figure out what was happening. When your mother and I were finally pulling the plug on the testing, you couldn't even teleport an inch! Now you can go across rooms?" he yelled back at you this time. Before you could go on, Steve finally interrupted the yelling match.
"Wait what? Powers?" he asked. You and your dad froze, then turned towards the team. Yep. Now they would have to know about this. That meant you'd have to tell your team, your family about what you endured back in Sokovia.
Your dad was going to speak, but you beat him to it. "When I was born, I seemed completely normal. As I grew, I was normal. One day, I teleported an inch to the left, right before I fell down some stairs. Both my mom and dad saw this and were confused, so they tested me. I had slight traces of a gene that allowed me to teleport. But because it was so small, I could only go less than five inches in any direction."
You looked to everyone and saw interest on most faces, and some betrayal on others. You continued on with the newer part of the story. "After I ran away, I made it to Sokovia and Strucker found me. He kidnapped me and used Loki's scepter and ran human experiments on me, and a pair of twins I befriended. The teleportation gene in my system grew to the point where I can teleport about ten miles away from where I start. What I don't know, is if my powers will change as I grow and get older," you finished. Everyone was staring at you, ignoring the problem at hand until Thor came bounding into the room and picked your dad up by his neck.
"Thor!" you shouted at him. You vision was getting fuzzy so you sat down and nursed your head. Dr. Cho came over to you and helped as the rest of the team argued. She helped bandage up your head, that had started bleeding, and helped tend to your feet. By the time she was done you felt a lot better, and the team was finishing up their conversation. Your dad came over to you.
"I'll leave the two of you for a second," Dr. Cho said, before leaving to work on some other things.
"Dad I know you're still mad at me about the whole not feeling you about being tortured thing, but I was just trying to pick the right time. Which is never, but I still should've told you. And I'm sorry for that," you said quickly, speaking before he even got a chance to take in a breath. He chuckled and sat down next to you, pulling you into his side and hugging you.
"Your mother and I see a lot of myself in you. I think that's awesome, but it terrifies her. Poor woman already has to take care of the company, I don't know if she can handle me and a mini me," you dad said. You laughed at this and he smiled, glad to see you were still yourself. The little girl he helped raise, and is still trying to get it right. "So based on that point, there's no trying to stop you from helping and being on the team, especially now. So I'm hoping that you'll help, and that you'll make sure not to get killed."
You looked up at him and smiled, and he leaned down to kiss your forehead. "I'm also very sorry about what happened at the party. You got hurt because of my arrogance to the dangers on toying with alien tech, and I see that now. Probably won't get me to stop, but I'll try to slow down a bit. Because I love you."
"I love you too dad."
A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was a bit longer than originally planned and it's very different from the first plan I had in my head, but I like this one. I tried to get the quotes as correct as possible in the scenes where it was directly from the movie, but it was hard because I had to keep pausing my writing, do something, and then forget what was going on, etc etc.
Now for the picture in the story, it's a dress from the brand Jovani, so all rights to that beautiful company and their gorgeous dresses.
I'm on winter break until the 8th of January, so I'll be able to write a good bit, but I still have other obligations. I'm going to try my best to get a Christmas Special out next week on Christmas, but it might be on my usual posting day of Saturday instead.
To finish it off, I hope all of you enjoy your days off from school (if you are still in school) and enjoy the holidays!
Bye Lovelies!!!!
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