Ch. 9~The Flu-Thor fluff
I curl up next to the toilet with my navy towel clutched to my chest, the stench of vomit staining the air. My hand reaches out and shuts the lid before flushing. There has to be nothing in my stomach now anyways. Suddenly, my shorts and t-shirt seems way too cold and I reach for the blanket I discarded a few minutes ago, tugging it up around my shoulders. It just had to be the flu. Of course. The one time I skipped the stupid flu shots.
"God, just take me now." I sniffle and stand, then get a little woozy and sit on the toilet. Blindly, I reach for the Listerine and find it. I've got to put another taste in my mouth. Carefully, I stand and swish then spit. "Ugh." Groaning, I descend back to the floor and open the toilet again. "This is the definition of hell. Pretty sure." I talk to myself and wince at the pain in my throat. A knock at the door makes me jump. "Do not come in."
"Are you alright?" Thor's voice is loud and clear even through the door.
"No, but I really don't think you want to see me like this." I warn him and start feeling sick again. Before it bursts out of me, I shove the toilet lid open and dry heave into it. Huh. Guess there really isn't anything in me anymore. Of course, the moment I make these disgusting noises Thor bursts in ready for war only to find me curled up on the floor.
"What's wrong? Are being attacked by some...invisible beast?" He asks and frames my face with his big hands.
A weak smile makes its way onto my face at his concern. "Well, you could say that. They're microscopic."
Thor's brows pinch further with worry. "How can I vanquish these beasts, then?"
I hum a quiet laugh. "I'm afraid only I can 'vanquish' them. I'm just sick, Thor. The flu." I answer and his pretty face turns confused.
"I do not know this illness. Stark must have the cure. Will you survive a trip to his laboratory?" He asks seriously and an actual laugh makes its way out of my sore throat.
"Honey, I'm not dying." Relief fills his features and he presses a kiss to my forehead. "I just need some food, lots of water, Gatorade, medicine, and rest."
He smiles a little at my teasing and I'm glad to see the worry slake from his face. "I will happily supply all of these things for you. Can I do anything more?" He wants to help so badly, I can't deny him.
"You can hold me close and give me all the snuggles you can spare."
He nods, taking this on like a mission. I will. Are you well enough to stand?" He asks kindly and picks me up without a thought.
I blink, hold tight to him as we walk out of the bathroom. "Well okay then. The answer was yes, but this is okay." I rest my head against his shoulder before he sets me on the couch.
Gently, he brushes loose hairs back from my face. "Now, food? What would you like? I could prepare your favorites?" He offers and since that definitely includes bacon, I shake my head.
"Chicken broth. It's in a blue and white box. Just pour it in a small pot on the stove until it starts bubbling, then it's done." I instruct as he nods along seriously, taking every instruction into account. Leaning over, he's about to kiss me when I shake my head. "I'm sick. You kiss me and you'll get sick." I warn and he grins, then pecks my lips anyway.
"I doubt I can get sick. Besides, the bounty is worth the risk." He tells me and caresses my cheek before bounding off into the kitchen. Sighing, I relax back onto the couch. After drinking two bowls of broth, being ferried to the bathroom and back by Thor unwilling to let me stand, we relax on the couch together.
I'm laid across his lap, one strong arm wrapped around my waist to keep me close and the other resting over my legs. "You're shaking again." Thor stirs me from near sleep as he drags a heavy blanket over both of us. My head ducks to press my face against the hot skin of his neck.
"Not s-s-sure how. You're a h-h-heater." I stutter as my teeth clatter with my shaking.
Thor's arms lock tight around me as if he can stop the tremors with his embrace. "How long does this last?" The concern on his voice is sharp and clear, but I can only squeeze his hand in mine under the blankets.
"Not more than a week. The medicine I had earlier should kick in soon. After a nap." I'm already drifting off again as the trembling eases.
"Sleep and be well, then." Hope shines on his voice like the sun. "I will remain and guard you." His head turns to press a gentle kiss to my forehead as I finally fall back asleep.
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