Ch. 6~Sam Fluff/Fall Series
I take a deep breath of fresh, newly chilled air the minute I step out of the cabin. Miraculously there's no threat big enough to call for the Avengers, so we're on a retreat. Bonding, Tony says. It's the third day and no one has murdered anyone yet, so I'd say things are going well. That might change soon though. As I walk down the long driveway a bit, I see Sam crouching behind one of the SUV's that brought us here. I walk over with furrowed brows, but the moment he sees me he snatches my hand and tugs me down and close to him.
"Sam, what the hell?" I ask with hot cheeks. His warm brown eyes are on our feet to make sure they're behind the back wheel before he grins at me.
"Shh. Look." He quiets me and peeks around the bumper. I follow suit to find a brunette super soldier raking leaves.
"Does he know this retreat is for relaxing?" I ask quietly and Sam beams mischievously at me.
"That's the sad part. This is relaxing for him." Sam shakes his head and holds me a little tighter as we carefully stand. "I'm waiting until he's finished with that big pile, then I'm going to tackle him into it." Sam tells me with glee, then seems to remember I'm here. "You're coming too."
I shake my head with a small smile. "No, no, no. It's one thing for you to do it, but I am not tagging along." My objection is firm, but Wilson senses my laughter.
"Nah, you're doing it. You'll probably prevent him from killing me anyways. I'll give you a kiss if we survive?" He suggests, that smile and bright eyes charming me to my core. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and blush as his eyes follow the movement.
"Okay. Better be a damn good kiss, Wilson." I sass and he pecks my cheek.
"I don't give any other kind, sweetheart." He teases back and I roll my eyes before we both peek around the SUV again. My heart squeezes a little as I watch Bucky rake the leaves, whistling to himself every once and a while.
"Are you sure we should do this?" I whisper to Sam and feel his chest shake with silent laughter. We're still pressed against one another, his chest to my back and my chest against the car.
"Yes. Asshole needs to take himself a little less seriously. You'll see." He tells me and I nod once, trusting him. As we wait, Sam casually wraps his arms around my waist so we're a more compact unit and easier to hide. My cheeks are hot and I smother a nervous laugh before it escapes.
"Sam, how long have you even been waiting here?" I murmur and feel him shrug.
"Thirty minutes, maybe." He responds and I crane my neck to look at his face.
"You've been waiting to tackle Bucky for fucking thirty minutes? That's sad." I shake my head and turn back to the man just about finishing up combining the two little piles he's made.
"If only you'd have found me sooner, sweetheart. Would've seemed like seconds with you in my arms, huh?" He pecks my hair and chuckles quietly to himself.
I shake my head again but my smile comes easy. "Watch it there, buddy. Flirting isn't helping." My voice is hushed to prevent Bucky from hearing, but if Sam keeps teasing me like this we're going to be found out.
"It's helping me just fine." He says smoothly.
"God, would you two just fucking fuck already? Motherfucking hell." We both flinch when Bucky yells over at us and reluctantly come out of our hiding places. He's not even facing us, the smug bastard. Sam and I meet eyes before nodding and running towards Bucky anyways. When he hears our stomping feet, he turns just in time for his mouth to form a little o before we tackle him into the big pile of leaves. Sam and I's laughter joins Bucky's stream of creative cursing as leaves billow around us just to fall back onto the grass. Bucky shoves the two of us off him as our laughter dies down to just giggles. We lay there a moment and he sighs, the smallest of half-smiles on his face. "Times like these make me feel like I'm actually a hundred."
"Because you want to yell at us to get off your yard like a scary old guy?" I ask and Sam guffaws.
Bucky shoves a pile of leaves on my face. "Because the two of you should be my age but you act fucking five." He sasses and I punch his stomach in retaliation. He wheezes once before wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up so I'm on his chest.
"No, Bucky! No! Put me down!" I laugh and he happily deposits me on Sam. "Oof!" My breath leaves my lungs in a whoosh as he just so happens to put me down in the perfect position to straddle Sam's lap. My hands land on his pecs to brace myself and when our surprised eyes meet I full body blush. Bucky glances between us before bursting into the most raucous laughter I've ever heard come out of his mouth.
"Yeah, we're five." Sam shoots back at him and Bucky laughs a little harder.
"I'm so sorry." I breathe and think about standing up, but there's absolutely no way to do that without grinding down on Sam. Bucky stands and, while laughing, fishes his phone out of his pocket and snaps a couple pictures.
"You're fine, sweetie. Asshole!" Sam scolds as Bucky walks back to the cabin laughing. Soothingly, and temptingly, Sam squeezes my hips.
"I'm uh, I'm going to try and stand?" I tell him, waiting for his okay. Those warm eyes meet mine and he relaxes back onto the leaves, hands sliding down my thighs as he does.
"Don't mind if you linger a little." Sam teases and winks at me. If possible, I turn even redder. My lips part slightly and my fingers unconsciously tap on his chest.
"" I shake my head to clear it a bit, "Well. You do owe me a kiss, don't you?" Once the words leave my mouth I can't take them back, but when Sam's face lights up with a slow, sexy smile, I'm not sorry.
"All you had to do was ask, sweetheart." He tells me and suddenly sits up. A little gasp falls from my lips as I slip further into his lap, but Sam doesn't see a problem with this. Tenderly, his arms wrap around my waist as mine slip up to his dear-lord-save-me-from-my-sin damn fine shoulders. "You alright?" He asks affectionately and I nod. Our eyes meet and it feels like my heart pauses just to feel the butterflies swarming before he rocks slightly and brings our lips together. Soft, sweet, and emphasized by the solid feeling of his arms wrapped tightly around me, I feel safe. Nerves fade as he pulls away to give me an easy out but stays close enough that if we want to continue it's up to me. Sam has always kept me steady while also keeping me on my toes. Our foreheads press together and our eyes open, eyelashes brushing together from our proximity.
"You alright?" I repeat his comment and he smiles.
"Little more than alright, sweetie." He responds and presses his lips together for a moment. Those heart-melting brown eyes look into my soul before I decide. Fuck it. I press my lips back to his pouty ones and lock my arms around his neck. I guess I was too forceful because we fall back onto the leaf pile. Sam doesn't seem to mind and neither do I, as long as our lips are still touching. This kiss is just as slow as the first but doesn't lack heat. His lips against mine feels like magma; warm, slow, earth-changing. A little moan escapes my lips as his hands just barely slip underneath my sweater, exposing a strip of skin to the brisk air. Goosebumps raise all over me and the pads of Sam's fingers run over them like braille. We pop apart when we hear shouting coming from the cabin. Turning to look, we find Bucky has dragged Steve out just to holler at us from the porch. I groan and look back at Sam.
Chuckling, he stands and sets me onto my feet. He shakes his shoulders and arms to loosen up as I flip off the other two soldiers. "You take Steve, I got the asshole." Sam mutters and pecks my cheek before focusing back on Bucky.
"Deal." I agree and brush leaves off my body, winking at Steve as the two look at us suspiciously.
"One." Sam starts as we slowly turn to the cabin.
"Two." I continue.
"Three!" We shout in unison and speed towards the two idiots. While Steve manages to catch me and simply embraces me in one of his bear hugs, Sam tackles Bucky to the ground with a hard thump. Steve and I stand to the side with his warm arm over my shoulders.
"Glad you two are giving somethin' a try." He tells me softly, blue eyes shining with amusement. I nod and look back to the rolling soldiers, slapping each other like children.
"Me too. Hopefully he'll survive this horrible fight they're having." I droll and Steve laughs lightly in return.
"It's good for them to get it out every once and a while." Steve responds and we walk to the other side of the porch to sit on the swing. It only takes a few minutes for the two boys to finish their playing and Sam instantly looks for me.
"Trying to steal her away already, Steve?" Sam teases and sits in my lap, causing the chains holding us up to groan.
"Aw, Jesus Sam." I curse as he spins to put his feet on Steve.
"Oh sorry, am I crushing you?" Sam jokes and wiggles on my lap which causes the swing to sway violently. I start laughing but stop when we hear a loud crack. Bucky backs up a little as we all look up at the chains in the roof. Not even a second passes before a link in each chain breaks and we collapse onto the porch, then backwards to smash through the porch rail. Bucky rushes over and after making sure we're fine, bursts into laughter once again. We all begin laughing too at the sheer hilarity of it.
"What the fuck?" Tony asks when he comes out of the cabin along with everyone else to see what the commotion is about. I don't even care. Sam quiets his booming laugh into a quiet chuckle as he climbs off me. A big hand reaches up and caresses my cheek.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" He asks sweetly.
"Fine, thanks." Steve responds as he stands, clapping a hand on his shoulder before starting to clean up the little mess we made.
"I'm alright." I giggle and accept a little peck on the lips. "Let's clean this up." He helps me to stand and we clean up while Tony mutters about people breaking his shit. It doesn't take too long to pick up the shards of wood and the four of us are still grinning and chuckling as we do it. A couple hours later it's time for our nightly snuggles around the fire. Steve and Bucky are fighting over the only blanket big enough to cover their behemoth frames, Tony is laying on the ground with his head in Natasha's lap so she can play with his curls, Vision and Wanda are leaning back on a fallen tree, and Sam is sitting in the only chair since it's his turn. Normally we'd sit with each other so I'm a little lost as to where to go when he suddenly pulls me down into his lap.
"Get comfortable." He tells me and I shift slightly before he takes the blanket off the ground and drapes it over the two of us, then wraps his arms around my waist. "Good?" He questions and I sigh happily.
"Perfect." My eyes rove over the firelit faces and I smile. It's moments like this when I remember just how much I love Fall.
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