The Only Voice Bruce Banner X Reader
Requested by Glamour_Beauty16 Thank you!
Working in S.H.I.E.L.D as a scientist never gave you much time to explore any other aspect of your life except for the sciencey part. You were put in working mode full time, all around the clock. The other scientists joked that the agency was putting something in their food to keep them up for hours on end. Why S.H.I.E.L.D was working you guys to death was beyond you, as they never told you what you guys might have been researching or building.
But there was a little light that kept you going. And his name was Bruce banner. He kept to himself, only talking to others when necessary, never focusing on anything else except for the project. But you were fascinated by this man, you only knew his name, but you knew that hid secrets the world was better off not knowing about. You would get closer and closer to his work station until he finally pointed out your little schemes.
"Dr.(L/N). I know your not one of the head gamma radiation scientists, you work in almost a completely different field, yet why are you over here?" Bruce spared you a quick glance, but continued on with his work.
"Is it wrong to want to learn something new?" You quipped.
"But I can tell the subject is not gamma radiation, now is it?" Bruce still didn't look at you, but pushed his glasses up his nose.
"How do you know?" You raised your eyebrows, full on staring at the man for any hint of a reaction or facial expression.
"You watch me oh so carefully from that lab over in the opposite corner of the room, not focusing on yours or my work. You want to learn more about me." He explained, sighing as his screen read "Failed Experiment".
"Of course I do. All I know is your name, Dr. Bruce Banner. You are a mystery to me, and a scientist loves a good mystery." You smiled.
"Perhaps your thinking more of a detective, Dr.(L/N)."
"Either way, there is no harm in learning about a new person."
"Yes there is, their secrets can hurt you, (Y/N)."
You swore you saw a flash of green in those eyes.
"You would never hurt me though, right? You don't have a reason." You tried to argue.
"He doesn't need a reason."
Bruce never fully pushed you away, but he never exactly invited you in either. He let you in on his own terms, he allowed you to work by him, which gave you all the more studying time on this man. Everyday you learned something new, basic facts started turning into more personal experiences, and those turned into secrets only his Avenger friends might have known. You saw him smile more often, and they weren't the forced ones that he wore around his co-workers or bosses, something genuine that you were graced with.
As the months went by, you were relativity only seen with Bruce, the both of you calling on one another for comfort or help or just as a friend. Tony teased his Science Bro that maybe you were more than just a friend or co-worker, and then continued to give his friend embarrassing ways to ask you out.
But Bruce did what he felt was right, on his own terms. Late one night you were still in the lab, having a project due the next day and you procrastinated so much, well more distracted by Bruce, hat you completely forgot about it. Bruce walked up to you, and could obviously tell something was up, but you didn't have the brain cells to think twice about it.
"(Y/N)?" Bruce asked quietly.
"Hmm?" You hummed in response, showing a small smile towards the man.
"Did you know that you are the Higgs Boson particle of my life..."
You slowly turned to look up at him, you fingers dropping from the keypad you were furiously typing at.
"Because without you, my universe wouldn't matter." Bruce wouldn't look you in the eyes, he scratched the back of his head. "I know it was really cheesy and I have a hard time trying to show my feelings and express my emotions but, (Y-"
"Bruce, that was the cutest thing you could ever have told me." You smiled up at him, patting his cheek. "There would be no reason for you to pick me up, so were you trying to...?"
"Y-yeah, I mean, do you wanna be the South Pole to my North Pole?" He looked down at you, a dorky grin on his face.
"I would love to, because I am really attracted to you, Bruce." You giggled and pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around you, a little hesitant at first since human contact was not his forte, but knew that he wanted to show you his love and affection for you, so why not start now?
It had been over a year since that day, both you and Bruce stayed quiet about your relationship, only the close friends knowing and the others just had their suspicions. You worked next to him happily, the both of you showing the other new things about their profession. Which brought you to discover his biggest secret, The Hulk.
Bruce had sat you down, explaining to you just who he was and what he was capable of. You knew there was no reversing this curse that was placed on him, but you knew you could help him by not over stepping boundaries or trying to provoke The Hulk. You know knew why he was so secretive at first, why he didn't want people to be let in. You were careful with is heart and feelings. You didn't play with them, you didn't throw them away, you protected them. As his girlfriend and significant other, you couldn't treat this like some high school relationship, this was real and tangible, something Bruce never thought he could have.
"Good morning Bruce." You sighed, walking into the lab with two steaming cups of coffee. (Or other preferred warm, caffeinated drink)
"Morning? I have been up for a good eight hours so far." He smiled, watching you hand him a mug while you placed yours on the metal table, slipping on your lab coat with a yawn.
"Well I just woke up because our sleep schedules are all messed up. Makes me mad." You pouted, pressing your lips to his cheek lightly.
"Mmm, yeah, I know." Bruce leaned down so you pant the kiss on his cheek. He turned to face you, fixing you lopsided lab coat. "I think I'll be able to finish up this weapon looking thing and head to bed soon, what do you have to do?"
"Huh? Oh that's good to hear, you have been over exerting yourself lately, not good for you mister." You patted his shoulder and reached around him for your coffee.
"Since when can you tell me what's best for me?" He smiled, enveloping you in a warm hug, you finished off your drink and set the cup on the table once more.
"Since... since forever." You placed your head on his chest, your arms loosely hanging around his neck.
Bruce just hummed in response.
"I don't want to do anything, I just want to go to sleep, with you, because your warm and they only give us like two thin ass blankets." You complained.
"I know, I know. Maybe when they align our schedules again, then I can." He rested his chin on your head.
"Let's hope, but you need to finish up this thingy so you can get back to bed,okay?" You pulled back, reaching up and planting a light kiss on his lips.
"Sounds good to me." He nodded, now focusing on his project, and you did the same.
Two hours had passed, the only sounds were the tapping of fingers on keyboards and quiet mumbles from other scientists. You and Bruce had hardly talked because neither of you two needed to at this point, since you were both dead set and getting as much done within the day. So you pushed along, ignoring the pain in the back of your eyes from all the screen time or the imminent headache that was sure to come.
You sighed, over and over your calculations had been off and nothing seemed to work. You just wanted to throw the portable screen at all the other screens, but then you realized than just one of these fancy little screens cost more than your house back at home, so you refrained from doing so.
"(Y/N)," Bruce grabbed your attention, "Apparently I am needed to build this weapon so I'm going to have to leave." He said, shutting down his computers.
"Awe, that sucks. But that's weird that they need you to be there, your no mechanic." You pondered.
"Yeah, well, they think that the mechanics with screw something up and want me to be there to fix it, program it, and test it." He explained, kissing your forehead before walking towards the door.
"Alright, be safe!" You hollered.
"I will." Bruce smiled and left.
~Time Skip brought to you by Summer, taking away our worries for 3 months~
"Dr.(L/N)!" An assistant burst through the lab door, running towards your station.
"What? what is the matter?" You asked.
He had a frantic look in his eyes. "There has been an accident where Bruce was working on the final project, and he is in major trouble. Something exploded and workers got knocked out and-"
"Wait, what!" You yelled, remembering what Bruce had told you at the start of your relationship. "Do you know if he is okay? Is he hurt?"
"Director Fury is calling it a Code Green." The assistant didn't know what that meant, but you sure as hell did.
You dashed through the lab, ignoring all the glances and your name being called, you needed to reach Bruce. He had never Hulked out in front of you before, you never saw this form, only on videos that Director Fury once showed you, a warning about Bruce. You never truly witnessed his power or ferocity, and you never wanted to. You never knew if he would recognize you, or beat you to a pulp. This was a make or break moment, and you knew something or someone was going to break.
You ran into the nearest facility that worked as a mechanic shop and experiment tester. Smoke billowed through the vent and into the workers lungs. It was difficult to see, the lights overhead where completely shot, and the dim flashlights of the employees did nothing. Some were on the floor and unconscious, while others were being carried away on stretchers. You panicked, Bruce would be one of the closer ones to the weapon, needed to watch the mechanic's work carefully. The project was blown to bits, nothing could be salvaged, it was in ruin. Yet your man was no where to be seen.
Then you heard a deep, low, and angry rumble. The ground shook, people began to run ans scramble from the sight, alarms and green light flashed around you, now you were truly in a horror movie. With the lights having been blown out from the explosion the weapon caused, the only thing illuminated your path were those damn green lights. You saw movement, but you couldn't tell what it was. You heard more crashes, more low growls, things were being thrown. You were on the outskirts of the room, and you didn't dare take another step in. Then a glass shattering roar could be heard, it shook the walls and made people stumble about. You could see green arms swinging at giant metal containers, effectively smashing a hole in them.
And only for a split second did you see the other guy that Bruce kept at bay for so long.
"Bruce..." You whispered, just barely audible to yourself from all the sound The Hulk was making. You involuntarily took steps towards him , wanting to help but you didn't know how. Fury told you that Agent Romanoff sang him a lullaby and gently ran her hand down his forearm to calm him down, but you didn't know the song, you weren't stealthy enough to get in front of him, you weren't Agent Romanoff.
The Hulk continued his rampage, most of the smoke was cleared so you could see him flying from wall to wall, his angry cries bellowing on the metal enclosure. He didn't stop he kept hitting, smashing, and destroying everything in his path, humans included.
"Bruce!" You screamed, it wasn't enough to get his attention. "Bruce!" You continued over and over and over until your voice ran hoarse.
"Come back to me!"
No noise, the beast had stopped and stared right at you. Flinging the hunk of metal to the side he jumped down from the walls, and walked over to you with heavy footsteps. The Hulk's breathing was heavy, he flexed out of rage and anger, his new target was you. He picked up the pace until he full sprinted at you, you then threw yourself to the side. Bruce's punch missed your vital organs, but landed on your calf. You felt a heart dropping crunch followed by a wave of agony that flowed through your body.
"Bruce..." You whimpered, clutching the leg. You couldn't be mad at him, this was not him. "Come back to me. This is not you, I know it's not, think about what your doing." You pleaded.
Hulk just grabbed a jagged piece of metal, lugging it towards you. You rolled to the side as quickly as you could, your bicep getting grazed from the shot he made at you. You let out a scream, but covered your mouth, you couldn't show pain or fear around Hulk, it only egged him on.
You sat yourself up against a wall, ready for the next attack. "Bruce, please, you don't want to see what will happen when you continue!"
The Hulk just snorted, but he did show signs of being able to hear you, your words processing in his brain. He seemed more human, not running around like a gorilla on steroids. Maybe your voice was reaching him, slowly but surely.
"Don't you remember me? You girlfriend,(Y/N) (L/N)? You know me Bruce, you have known me for a while." You rationed with the beast. His form seemed to pick up at the sound of your name. "Yes, me, (Y/N) (L/N), I'm a scientist too. You know me." You groaned in pain, using the wall as support as you stood up.
The Hulk's brain began to clear of the fog, repeating your name over and over. "(Y- / N)?" he said slowly, as if he pronounced it wrong.
"Y-yes." You replied, walking over to him hesitantly, his back was facing you so you couldn't read too much of him.
"(Y/N)." Hulk stated, more confidently.
"Can you turn around for me, Bruce?" You were about 15ft from him, keeping your distance. No reply "Bruce." You said more forcefully.
The Hulk actually flinched, he turned around to face you, his eyes full of regret. You took one step towards him, he took one giant one back. "Would you knock it off, stay there." You commanded, although you didn't know how much power you wielded over him right now. So hobbled over to him, being only a few feet from him, looking up at the man you love with forgiveness in your eyes.
"Bruce, please come back to me, I don't want to see you like this, I hate this." You let out a few tears, but quickly wiped them away. "Please calm down. I want you back, this isn't you, you know it isn't. You don't destroy things, you fix them. Your Bruce Banner, a sweet and caring man." You told him, sniffling.
You voice was the only one that The Hulk could hear, the only one to make him stop dead in his tracks, the only one to comfort him when the world hated him. It rung through his brain, bringing forth memories of you and him together, laughing, smiling, loving.
"(Y/N)..."He said in a low tone, but not harshly, but he criticized himself up after looking at your beaten body. You could call him Bruce now, the Hulk rampaged, but Bruce only wanted peace. You could see him more clearly, just how huge he was. Standing the height of at least two of you, he had dark and angry green skin that stretched from his muscles. His eyebrows were almost permanently furrowed, a scowl on his lips. He reached out to touch, but you flinched away in fear, which earned you a growl in return since you backed away.
"Just let me..." You slowly walked over to Bruce, his arms forming a protective embrace around you. He didn't exactly hug you, but he sheltered you using his body. You reached up and put your hand on his cheek, and Bruce closed his eyes. "Come back to me Bruce."
You saw him slowly change down to normal size, falling to the floor from how weak he was after the rampage. You dropped to the floor as well, hoisting the battered man on top of you. Bruce was buck naked, but you didn't care. You were a scientist, it was just anatomy. You gave him your lab coat to put on to cover himself with.
"(Y/N)." Bruce spoke, his voice hoarse. He was leaning on you, his arms draped over your shoulders.
"Bruce, my Bruce." You cried, rubbing circles on his back.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N), I -I can't believe that you got hurt." He whispered, pain obviously present.
"No, you didn't do this, and I don't resent you for this. Do not feel guilty. If anything I should have known better. I am also responsible, okay?" You hummed, pressed the side of your face onto his shoulder.
"(Y/N)..." Bruce weakly wrapped his arms around your smaller form, pulling you close. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't control him."
"And I can't expect you to, you do not need to be forgiven, because you do not need to apologize." You grabbed his face and pulled him close, foreheads touching. "Bruce Banner, you are mine, and I am yours. Nothing, not even the Hulk could make me want to leave, you, understood?"
"I understand (Y/N), thank you." Bruce gave you a small smile, pressing his lips to yours.
Author's Note
Back in business I am.
SO long fluffly one, like I was having a fangirl moment writing this.
If ya got any request, hmu you know where!
Starting a One Piece X Reader series so if your into that, give me some requests too becasue I am super pumped, especially to right some Law X Reader, amiriggt? heheheheh
That's all for today folks, have a wonderful Summer! or end of the school year or whatever!
Until next oneshot,
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