Amusement Park Avengers+Bucky X Reader
Requested by DoitsusKawaiiKitty Thank you!
You were sitting quietly, enjoying a peaceful morning sipping your (Preferred Morning Drink), relaxing after you had just woke up. Until a full blown tornado ripped through your apartment by the name of Bucky.
"Bucky! What the hell?" You stood up from your place at the dinner table and walked over to him. "What do you think your doing at 9 in the morning barreling through my house like that?" You pointed your finger up at him.
"You look like a cranky housewife (Y/N)." He snickered, noticing your appearance was everything but flawless.
"Do you want me to act like one to?" You warned, eying him.
"No, no, that's totally fine." He threw his hands up in the air in surrender. "But you should get ready like right now."
"And why is that?"
"Because we are all going to an amusement park." He smiled, holding up 8 tickets.
"Who is all of us?" You asked questionably.
"The both of us and the rest of the Avengers." Bucky grinned, then shoved you towards you room. "Now hurry up and get ready, Tony is not the most patient."
"Fine! Fine, jeez." You grumbled. "But either stay in the living room or go back outside with the rest of them."
"Yeah, yeah." He replied, throwing himself on the couch.
You had taken the quickest shower of your life, shaving your legs in the process because you could probably get into the Bigfoot family if you didn't. You knew it was going to be hot out so you put your hair up into a cute pony tail with a Dutch braid running along side of your head. You wore shorts with a patterned tank top. You put on light yet durable makeup and flip flops to conclude the outfit.
You walked out of you room, calling for Bucky."Alright, I'm ready let- WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ALL IN HERE?"
"Well, first off, I'm not going to waste my gas keeping my cars running for the AC, second you take too long." Tony answered.
"Hey (Y/N)." You heard the rest of the males greet.
"I told them it wasn't the best idea." Nat said, walking up to you.
You groaned. "Okay, lets just go already. Who's car am I in?"
"Your with us." Steve said, walking out of your apartment. You followed him to the Jeep Wrangler that Bucky owned. You, Bucky, Steve, Bruce got in the Jeep, you got shotgun, which meant you manned the radio stations.
Tony, Thor, Nat, and Clint got into one of Tony's giant SUVs and raced off in front of you. Bucky found it to be a competition and began speeding up, which made Steve yell at him because he didn't want to get a speeding ticket.
You had arrived at the amusement park and Thor ran straight to the greasy concession stands, using what little American currency he acquired and spent it all on mini-donuts, funnel cakes, and corn dogs.
"Thor, your going to get sick." You told him as he inhaled the last of his food purchases.
"This human food cannot make a warrior like me sick, I have feasted for 7 days and 7 nights in a row, I will be fine." He replied, smiling and patted your head.
"I would listen to her, Thor." Clint advised. "I wouldn't eat much more."
"Do not underestimate the Power of Thor!" You may have dressed him in jeans and a t-shirt to fit in, but once you call out that, people think your crazy.
"So Bruce, since you have been quiet this entire time, what ride do you want to go on first?" Tony walked over to his Science Bro, throwing his arm over his shoulders.
"I don't know..." Bruce looked around. "The Gravitron maybe?"
"What's that?" Steve asked.
"You will find out, Mr.Fossil and Walking Magnet over there." Nat pointed at Bucky, who was admiring the prizes you can win at the carnival games.
You and the rest of your crew boarded the Gravitron, telling Thor, Steve, and Bucky to stay pressed up to the walls until the ride was at maximum speed.
The ride started spinning and the three oldies felt overwhelmed by the power that they didn't expect. Nat and Clint began to see who could peel the body limbs off of the wall while at the max speed. Bruce just looked like he regretted his decision and Tony looked bored. So you started crawling on the wall and tapped Tony on the head.
"Look like you want to have some fun." You told him.
"Get down from there, your going to fall when this thing slows down." He responded. And sure enough you landed on Tony.
"Sorry." You said sheepishly.
"Since you fell on me, I pick the next ride." He told you as all of you exited the ride. "That one."
He pointed to the highest roller coaster in the park.
"That looks pretty high, are you sure?" Steve asked, a little worried.
"Don't worry Steve! It's fine. You may have grown exponentially, but your still a wimp." Bucky chuckled and earned a glare from his best friend.
"Then lets hurry up and get on before the line gets longer." Clint grabbed Nat's hand and walked over to the end of the line for the coaster.
"Happy now, Tony?" You asked, leaning up against the barriers that separated the people.
"Of course, Bruce's ride was for kids, now this is for adults." He responded with a grin.
Bruce just sighed. "Some of us aren't as adventurous, I can tell (Y/N) is a little hesitant."
"I-I'm not! I'm not scared." You defended, crossing your arms.
"Yes you are, I can tell your sweating a little more and avoiding looking up at the ride." Bruce pointed out.
"Shuddap Bruce, you and your sciencey ways." You mumbled, and turned around.
Once you got on the ride, Tony made you get the front seat with him. With Nat and Clint behind you, then Thor and Bruce, and Bucky and Steve.
The roller coaster had a huge drop in the beginning and then a bunch of loops and spins. You knew that once you got past the drop, everything was going to be okay. But you were wrong since the ride was much more scary than you imagined. Everyone but you wasn't frightened and was smiling and enjoying the ride. When they took the picture towards the end of the ride, you, Steve, and Bruce looked petrified, Nat, Bucky, and Clint had on funny faces, Thor and Tony forgot there was even a picture and had on awkward expressions.
"Hurry up! I want to see the picture they took." You dragged the Avengers to the photo booth and noticed your picture on the screen. "I'm so buying this."
"What? (Y/N)! Don't! It will ruin my image." Tony whined.
"Let me see this." Natasha looked at your expensive printed out photo and laughed. "I'm getting one too."
"Oh great, now everyone of out co-workers can now see that us three want to die, Natasha, Steve, and Bucky actually look like they are having fun and Tony and Thor don't know the hell is going on." Bruce sighed.
"But that is all in the fun, Doctor Banner!" Thor cheered and roughly patted him on the back.
"Yeah, listen to the big guy, Bruce." Clint agreed.
"So who wants to play some carnival games?" You asked, in which two hands shot up.
"Hey Steve, wanna see who is stronger?" Bucky pointed at the Strongman Game. Where you hit the pad as hard as you can with a mallet and see if you can ring the bell.
"Your on." Steve challenged, grabbing one of the two mallets and waited for Bucky to grab the other.
They hit it at the same time an Steve had won the first round by just a little bit. But as the kept hitting it, they both tried for the bell, but to no avail.
"Step aside, mortals." Thor grabbed the mallet from Steve and swung with very little power, watching the lever hit the bell in two seconds flat.
"Of course the God goes and shows everybody up." You sighed. Thor grabbed the stuffed animal from the game runner and walked back over to the group.
"Clint and I are going to go play the shooty game." Nat said, dragging Clint over to the game and sitting him down on the stool.
"I am?" He asked, grabbing the gun with fake bullets and looking at it.
"See who is the better shot." Nat winked.
"Your on, Ms.Romanoff." He grinned.
They both won, since the the host couldn't figure out who shot the most ducks down. But the day went by nicely, having gone on almost every ride, which Bruce started to warm up to the rides. Thor was doing all the muscley contests, and winning basically all of them. So he ended up with an arm full of over sized stuffed animals. You were glad for the day and wished you could have more like it, with all your friends.
"Thanks for joining us today (Y/N)." Bucky said, while everyone was walking towards the exit.
"I wish you would have told me sooner, but I'm glad I went too." You replied.
"Tonight we feast!" Thor exclaimed.
"No!" Everyone yelled with collective groans.
Author's Note
Here, have a shitty oneshot.
Sorry, this wasn't as good as some wanted it to be.
I knew I needed to update, but this was crap in word form, literally.
Ugh, I can't write for fuck on a shit stick.
But thank you too those two of you who have given me two edits for my Avenger's Oneshots! I'm super pumped and I'm waiting to see if we get anymore, because I don't know which one to choose! Aghhhh. Even if I get more, It won't be easy to pick! But thank you!
So still accepting edits, kik me at AvengingSupernatural to find out the deats.
Until next onehsot,
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