Avengers babysit Peter part 2
Peter was crying and the men were panicking. "WHAT DOES HE EAT! STEVE GO SEARCH FOR FOOD!" said Bruce panicking while Clint was trying to stop peter's crying. (why was he trusted again?)
Steve pulls out so much food, at one point he pulls out an apple looks at it with disgust and continues searching until he hears "appwle"
"You want an apple buddy?" Says Steve sympathetically
Peter nods
Steve gives him the apple and Peter throws a fit. "Do you want it cut?" Clint asks
Peter nods and Clint takes him and the apple, nobody questions it.
That was until...
Natasha forgot her purse in the training room and hears Clint say "now bud this... is how you cut an apple." Natasha panics and walks in to see CLINT WITH HIS BOW AND QUIVER... and Peter holding an apple above his head.
"CLINT NO!" Nat screamed still panicking.
"Ugh you're no fun Nat" Clint said boredly.
Natasha just glares at him, then Peter starts bawling.
"N-no it's okay bud no need to cry" said Natasha in a soft voice still shooting daggers at Clint.
"I want mwa mwa!" said Peter through tears.
"Mama isn't here Pete" said Nat softly while she picked him up.
Peter cried even harder at this statement.
"I WANT MWA MWA!" Peter demanded throwing a fit.
"Peter... mama will be home soon okay?"
"Otay" Peter said looking at Nat with puppy dog eyes and he sniffles.
'Damm kid melting my heart' Nat thought.
Nat brings Peter and the apple to the elevator, sniffles still coming from Peter.
"Oh Nat you're back early" Steve said questionably.
"I forgot my purse but I'm not going anymore because I found Clint going to shoot the apple on top of Pete's head." Natasha responded angrily.
Time skip
They eventually got him down for a nap and were watching movies.
Pepper and Tony came home and thanked the avengers. "Wow I think we need to pick y'all again." Said Pepper.
The avengers stood wide eyed.
Word count:348 words
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