Surrounded by Jedi, sitting next to Anakin Skywalker with Ashoka Tano on the other side, she gazed down at what appeared to be some sort of pasta.
"You said this is noodles?" Clara asked the pair.
Anakin nodded, taking a bite. "It's surprised me when I realized Corsucant's diverse food options, but the Jedi are strict in food regiments."
"But it's like...just noodles," Clara frowned. "I'm just eating noodles?"
"They have nerf nuggets mixed in," Ashoka pitched in, sipping her drink. "It's not too bad when you get used to it."
"You eat this everyday?" Clara asked.
"Mostly," Anakin nodded. "If you don't like it, I can take you out later, find something out of the Temple that you might enjoy. You're not technically a Jedi, I don't think anyone will mind."
"Really?" Clara asked, looking up at him hopefully.
"Yes, but I expect you to try it," he gave her a pointed look. "Don't pout, try it."
"You're mean," Clara grumbled, taking a bite. It wasn't terrible, but it was very bland.
She almost wished she'd somehow ended up in Harry Potter. At least there it looked like Hogwarts had good food.
"Good girl," he praised her as she grimaced in dislike. "Proud of you for trying."
Clara nodded, pushing the food aside and resting a head on her hand, looking around.
"Are you guys forbidden from going to your home planets?" She asked curiously.
Anakin tensed a fraction, hand tightening on his dinnerware, but Ashoka nodded casually.
"Sort of," she supplied. "Anakin's is more strict because he was older, but we can go to the places we just aren't supposed to meet or seek out of families. Obi-Wan's from Coruscant."
Clara nodded, eyes glancing to a table a bit further where Obi-Wan poured over a book, hardly touching his food. A soft smile settled on her face watching him.
He was so consumed by his work, so focused on absorbing the information and she wondered what fascinated him so much to retain his attention for so long.
"Tomorrow, Ashoka and I have to head out for a mission," Anakin informed her, shifting subjects. "You'll be here alone. If you need anything, Master Windu can help you, but I recommend staying in your room if you can."
Clara nodded. "What mission?"
"It's classified," Ashoka supplied.
"I know everything you guys do, I just want to know where the timeline is."
"What?" Ashoka asked in confusion and Anakin elbowed Clara, shooting her a look.
"I mean," she said slowly, "yeah...I got nothing."
"You're hopeless," Anakin shook his head, rubbing his temple. "Snips, make sure Artoo charges up, he's been acting up lately. Clara, let's get you to your room."
Clara nodded, happy to leave the curious Togruta behind. "Thanks," she said to Anakin quickly, glancing to Obi-Wan as she passed.
His eyes caught hers and a soft smile pulled at his lips, a gentle nod of his head.
Clara ignored the butterflies in her stomach and turned her attention quickly back to the halls of the Temple.
"We're going to Bothawui," Anakin informed her. "The Separatists have sent a large portion of their army there. We have to protect it."
Clara tried to think about the planet and which time during Clone Wars this would be. She couldn't recall the planet name so it couldn't be a significant battle.
If anything, she would figure it out as she went along. After all, she was an Avenger and that about summed up their plans.
"I want you to meditate," he continued. "I think I felt you this morning. When you meditated with Obi-Wan."
Surprise flickered across her face and her eyes snapped to his profile. "You felt that?"
Anakin nodded. "It's not common, but nothing about you appears to be, chi tsi."
"What's that mean?" Clara asked, the switch of his tongue catching her attention.
He didn't answer, stopping when they spotted Plo Koon heading in their direction.
"Master Plo," Anakin grabbed his attention. "I don't believe you've formally met Clara, but I believe you've been briefed on her situation."
Clara had seen a few aliens during the time with the Avengers. (The strangest one Groot, the large treelike creature from the Guardians team. She and Peter couldn't talk for at least three minutes when Groot opened his mouth and said only three words. Fascinating.)
But Plo Koon was even better than he appeared on screen. Roughly Anakin's height, the Kel Dor male had a calming presence and though the mask covered the larger half of his face, he nodded politely in greeting. His eyes were covered by thick black goggles and he crossed his hands behind his back.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, young one," he greeted, his voice a low baritone with the mask. "Masters Kenobi and Windu speak highly of you, and Skywalker has not spoken of anything but your praises."
Clara sent Anakin a smirk, which only widened seeing his ears tinge pink as he avoided her eyes.
"I didn't know Windu could offer compliments," she replied lightly, knowing she'd tease Anakin about Plo's words later.
A chuckle rippled through Plo Koon. "They are rare to be sure, but always well-regarded. I look forward to assisting you in any way I can."
"Thank you, Master Plo."
Plo Koon nodded again. "If you'll both excuse me, I have to ready the Wolfpack for another mission. Clara, I look forward to speaking with you further."
"Yeah, you too." She smiled brightly at him as he walked off and Anakin let out a snort. Her smile fell. "What?"
"'You too!'" He mimicked, a mirthful glint in his eye and a cheeky smile on his face. "You're so informal."
"You're too formal." Clara countered. "Jedi are weird. Just talk normal."
"That's a terrible sentence, chi tsi," his grin widened as they continued walking to their rooms. "If you're ever to meet Padmé, you need to learn eloquence."
"I will literally do anything to meet her," Clara's smile dropped and she looked up at him seriously. "Speak better, I will."
Anakin let out a chuckle. "I think Obi-Wan brought some books to your room," he informed her as they stopped outside of it. "Meditate and educate, Clara. I'll get some food for you on my way to see—" he stopped himself, cheeks darkening a fraction, clearing his throat, "and I'll be back soon."
Clara gave him a knowing look, a small smirk on her face. "No rush, Ani, I'm sure it's good."
"I don't know what you're talking about," he responded easily, glancing to the left, avoiding her eyes.
"Anakin," she glanced around as he used the Force to open her door and closed it behind him. "I know."
Anakin froze, jaw tense, eyes locked on hers.
Clara had never seen Vader in him in the forty-eight-ish hours she'd been there. His eyes were bright, excited, mischievous. He had an aura of playful confidence, his kindness in his voice as he spoke with others.
But looking at him now, eyes darkening, a chill ran down her spine.
Clara understood now how easily it was for Anakin to fall. Darkness seemed to seep into the room, chilling her core and sending a shiver down her spine.
His face was hard, lips in a firm line.
Clara had always, always loved Anakin, and even seeing him the past two days and getting to know him, he only solidified why she loved him.
But she understood now why people feared Vader. This was a glimpse of what could be. The darker side of "The Hero With No Fear."
Palpatine had been manipulating Anakin since he was a child, and he'd been encouraged in whispers to defend what he loved by any means.
It would be hard to unravel such sticky webs, but staring into the cold blue eyes of her friend, she swore she would kill the spider in the middle.
"Anakin," she started softly, a hint of caution in her voice.
"If you tell someone—"
"—Ani, I won't—"
"—It's Anakin," he snapped, eyes flashing. "Anakin, Clara. One person calls me Ani. And if you know about her, what she is to me, you will make sure your mouth stays closed."
"Anakin, I—"
"—I have to go."
He was gone before she could say anything else.
Clara released a shaky breath, tears prickling her eyes. She wrapped her arms around herself and glanced around, feeling the darkness leave the room the further he walked away.
Glancing down at her hands, Clara whimpered, spotting the blue tendrils threatening to spill magic into the air. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.
I am one with the Force.
The Force is with me.
If she couldn't even talk to Anakin about Padmé, she had to gain his trust further. She didn't think they were unfriendly, but it appeared the protective nature of the Chosen One was more terrifying than she could imagine.
She had to get closer to Anakin, allow him to trust her entirely. She had to ensure his darkness did not intertwine with his love for Padmé.
She had to save him.
This would be so much harder than she imagined.
Clara sat on the cot in her room, sadness drenching her in shades of blue. The more she thought about the future, of beating Palpatine at a game he'd been playing since before Anakin was born...
What hope did she have in stopping him? If Anakin was always meant to fall, to be the Chosen One and bring balance to the Force. He only did so after his tumultuous journey as Vader. After experiencing the true path of the Dark Side. After Luke and Leia were born.
If she stopped Anakin from falling, what would that mean for Luke? For Leia and Han? Would they even meet? Would Ben Solo be born? Or would they have the children from legends? What about Mara Jade?
She hoped the course of her actions didn't push forth legends because as Peter was always a comic book reader, Clara was a movie connoisseur.
She wouldn't even know where to start if that became their lives.
And even more so, what would happen to the Republic if Palpatine was found out and Anakin didn't fall? How would they overcome the trepidation of trusting other systems if they'd been forced apart by the Separatists?
And what of Dooku and Maul and Asajj Ventress? All of which could have very different outcomes without Palpatine's manipulation but what would the future look like if they were kept alive?
Would they be sentenced to prison? Would the Jedi even accept their sentences?
The Jedi was another problem entirely. She'd always believed that Anakin had fulfilled his prophecy, only after the Jedi and Sith were dead.
She didn't quite understand the Force now that she existed in a realm where it was so commonplace, but she knew that balance was the root of it.
Even with the Family, they'd touched briefly on how without darkness there is no light and without light there is no darkness.
There must be the equal balance of both and Anakin was that. He could be.
If she could stop him falling.
Unless he was meant to?
Her head hurt.
She missed Peter.
Tears filled her eyes at the thought of her brother. Would she ever see him again? Did he miss her? Did they mourn her? Was he even alive?
On one hand, she was grateful to meet characters she'd loved her entire life, and to see them as real people — even if they were turning out to be vastly different from the interpretations she'd come to know — but on the other, she wished she'd never touched the stone.
There was so much responsibility on her shoulders and Clara had always been a slacker. In school, she'd fallen asleep and often forgotten her homework. She'd only helped out Aunt May with a job because they needed money and Peter was always doing Spider-Man things.
Oh, Aunt May.
A small sob left Clara as she thought of her aunt, who was more of a mother than anything else. Had she crumpled to the ground when she'd discovered Clara's disappearance? Did she blame the Avengers?
Was she even alive?
Had they won?
Clara's breath hitches and she tried to focus, tried to catch it and tame it. Stop it from destroying her lungs and poisoning her mind.
Of course they won, she breathed in.
They were fine, she breathed out.
She could do this, she breathed in.
Clara jumped at the voice behind her door. It was Obi-Wan's voice; soft and kind.
"Obi-Wan?" She asked.
"May I enter?"
Clara nodded, though he couldn't see it, and wiped her eyes quickly. "Yeah, sure, come in."
The door slid open, revealing the Jedi Master, before sliding closed behind him.
"Are you alright?" He asked kindly. "I can feel your tension across the Temple. You seem troubled."
"I'm fine," Clara looked away, cheeks heating up. Could everyone feel it? What if Palpatine was here and she was projecting her emotions? Surely, that would draw him in and —
"Clara, take a breath."
Clara's eyes snapped to his and she inhaled deeply, letting it go with his nod.
"I am here to listen to your troubles, little one. Tell me what's bothering you."
Clara frowned a bit at the nickname, but recalled him calling her the 'little honorary Jedi' and supposed it was a variation.
She'd never taken Anakin nor Obi-Wan for people who offered nicknames or terms of endearments, but she supposed she couldn't argue.
Man, she wished she could tell Peter that Obi-Wan gave her an endearing nickname.
"Is it Peter?" He asked, gesturing to the desk seat. She nodded and he took a seat, watching her with an open, understanding expression.
She'd always liked Obi-Wan in the movies, but she'd never realized how comforting he was. Observant, compassionate, understanding.
He was such a good person, it was hard to even be upset in the same room as him. He lacked the subtle arrogance and cheek that swirled through Anakin's eyes, instead with a wisdom and curiosity that seemed far beyond his years.
For a moment, she wondered what it must have been like to be around Qui-Gon Jinn. Much of the same, she expected. Intelligent, compassionate, wise, understanding.
And more open-minded, if him refusing the Council was anything to go by.
Perhaps they were main problem. Not the Jedi, so much as the Council.
Crap, hadn't she read somewhere that the Jedi Temple was built on an old Sith shrine?
Aw, nuts.
Clara blinked, focusing on Obi-Wan again.
"Your thoughts are wandering again," he observed. "Would you like to catch them?"
Clara nodded. "A lot to think about."
"You have a burden on your shoulders," he pointed out gently. "I would not wish your predicament on anyone."
A pang of...something hit her chest. Guilt? Sadness? Relief? She couldn't tell. It offered a connection between the pair that she didn't have with anyone else in this galaxy. Not even Anakin, who she was determined to save, and had loved her entire life.
Obi-Wan was the only person who knew Anakin fell where she'd come from. Could she trust him with the knowledge of the future?
Of course.
Did she want to burden him with the sleepless nights and guilt?
Obi-Wan suffered enough canonically and she would do everything she could to ensure that he did not suffer here.
"Do you miss Satine?" Clara found herself asking.
Surprise flooded Obi-Wan's eyes and a beat passed before he replied. "How much do you know of that?"
"Enough," Clara offered with a small smile. "Do you think about what could have been had you chosen her?"
Obi-Wan's eyes left hers as he mulled over her words, contemplation on his face. "I have," he admitted. "But not for a long time. Not since I met Anakin. He is my purpose. Ensuring he completes the Prophecy, that he becomes a good Jedi, and that we end this war — that is what the Force wills of me, and that is what I must do."
Clara smiled gently at his reply. He was so selfless. He'd always been selfless, she knew, but to hear how much he truly loved Anakin and the Jedi...
It only made his ending worse.
God, she would not let his life end like that. He would not be sentenced to isolation on Tatooine, aged far beyond his years with no one to care for.
"My heart will always belong to Satine," he added, a bit softer. "She is the greatest woman I have ever known. But I am meant to be with the Jedi, with Anakin, and she belongs on Mandalore."
Obi-Wan watched her for a few moments, observing her reactions to his words. The soft furrow of her brow, small thoughtful pout on her lips, fidgeting of her fingers around a finger. She must have worn rings, but she lacked them now.
He wondered if there was anything he could supply her to still her movements. She would need to be focused and at peace. If that was an outlet for her mind, he would have to ensure it was provided.
"Have you been in love, Clara?" He asked her gently.
Clara shook her head, but there was a longing in her eyes that Obi-Wan recognized. She had been in love. For that look in her eyes was the same look that appeared in Anakin's eye when he spoke of his "secret" wife.
"No one's ever been right," she told him.
Ans her words were true, she knew this. Anakin was the only person she'd ever loved, and people incomparable to her obsession with a fictional character.
Who was no longer fictional and very much taken.
God, everything was so messy.
"Anakin got mad at me," she told him softly. "I felt...scared."
Obi-Wan nodded, realization and sympathy flooding his features. "Anakin is...very complicated, Clara. He likes you, that much is obvious. Respects you. And he will one day trust you. May I ask what caused his outburst?"
Clara hesitates, biting her lip. Could she reveal his marriage? She always suspected that Obi-Wan knew but she didn't want to overstep and inform him if he didn't know.
But Obi-Wan believed his purpose was to help Anakin. She didn't think he would jeopardize Anakin's happiness with Padmé's marriage and she had a feeling he always turned a blind eye.
"I...mentioned someone," she said slowly, trying to press the hint without confirming anything.
"Ah," Obi-Wan nodded. "You are aware of his marriage, then."
Relief flooded Clara and she fell back against the bed, sighing. "Of course you know."
A chuckle left Obi-Wan, warming Clara's insides in a way nothing had in days. She hoped he'd laugh again.
"Anakin has known Padmé for a long time, Clara. Longer than I. He met her with my master, and he was smitten upon first sight."
"I know," Clara told him. "He calls her his angel."
A smile pulled at Obi-Wan's lips. "I wish he could be free," he told her softly. "Attachments are...not welcome by the Jedi, and I agree with that in most cases. Anakin is...different."
"He's the Chosen One," Clara nodded. "He should be treated differently."
"The Council would never allow such a marriage to come to light," he warned her lightly. "I turn a blind eye because he is my brother. And I care for Padmé."
"I want to save her," she whispered, tears filling her eyes. She thought of Padmé's funeral, clinging to the necklace gifted to her by Anakin. The belief in his goodness until the end, the belief shared only in her son.
Obi-Wan sighed heavily, rubbing his brow. "Clara, your burden is so terrible," he said softly. "I do not understand why the Force placed one so young in your path, but I do not envy you."
Clara nodded, bringing a hand to her eyes to stop herself crying. She wished she were home. She missed watching and debating Star Wars with her brother, building Lego figurines with him and Ned.
God, she didn't want this. She didn't want this life, this terrible, awful existence of knowing a future etched in stone.
What if she could not save them? What if she was only meant to observe and guide them on the only path that existed? What difference did her presence truly make?
Why had the stupid space stone sent her here?
"I'm so scared," she whimpered to Obi-Wan. "It's like every breath I take, I'm terrified of shifting this all into something even worse. Or not changing anything at all."
Obi-Wan didn't respond but she heard a shuffle of clothing, and then felt his hand on hers, gently removing it from her face, intertwining their fingers.
"The Force works in mysterious ways," he told her softly, their eyes meeting as he kneeled next to her. "And none more mysterious than that of Anakin Skywalker. Not until you. I will help you and guide you in any way necessary. I swear to you, Clara Parker, you are not alone in this endeavor. I am at your side and no matter the outcome, I have faith in you and your purpose."
Clara's eyes filled with tears again and she squeezed his hand. "I don't want to burden you with this."
"It is a privilege to help you," he replied softly. "Whatever you need, however you need me, I am yours."
"Don't tempt me with a good time, Obi-Wan," she smiled despite the tear tracks on her cheeks. "I always had a crush on you."
The smile that lifted to Obi-Wan's eyes made her heart flutter. "I am a Jedi, Clara."
"Jedi's can have fun."
His tongue wet his lips quickly and he glanced away. "You should rest, little one." He said softly. "Did you actually eat the noodles?"
"No," Clara admitted sheepishly. "Anakin said he'd find something in Coruscant for me but—"
"—Up," he stood, pulling her gently to her feet. "I think someone needs to try a bantha burger."
They shared a smile and the pain in Clara's chest lessened.
She could do this, breathe in.
She had Obi-Wan, breathe out.
chi tsi - sweet one
ahhhhh thank you for the love on this sorry it's been so long I've had a weird month. I missed this story sm and I have so many plans. Also yeah I told yall endgame is Ani and Padmé but that does not mean Obi-Wan isn't gonna have fun.
Their friendship is so soft he's such a sweetie and I truly do believe he'd pick Anakin over the Order, because while they weren't allowed to form attachments, Anakin WAS his brother. He made a LOT of mistakes during the Clone Wars that pushed to their separation and mistrust, but the love was always there.
With Clara, hopefully the bond never severs and some changes can be made.
We'll have to see.
Also peep the little Vader stuff that WILL happen because I'm a firm believer that Anakin is Vader and Vader is Anakin, they're not two separate people, just different versions of the same man.
I'll explain that more in the book.
okay long authors note over wow
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