Tony- You were at lunch with Peter. You just came back from the line. One of those girls named (a girl you don't like) started to bother you. Living the high school life, right!
"What do you want (her name)?" You asked. Then she opened her juice and pour it on your pants.
"Whoops." She smirked.
"Y/n, don't do this, not here." Peter said. Your eyes were glowing red. Then she walked away but, she turned.
"Poor y/n, looks like daddy isn't here to help."
"You bitch." You said.
"Your dad is just a guy who thinks he's all that, he thinks he can save the world but, he can destroy it." Then she turned. You had enough. You ran to her and pulled her hair.
"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Your classmates yelled. Then you felt a pull.
"Y/n Stark and (her name and last) the office, NOW." one of the teachers yelled. When your dad came at the school, he didn't get angry. When you got to the car he said,
"She deserve it."
"She still does." you smiled.
Steve- You had a great day but some girls started to bother you.
"How do you think her dad had her?" Said a girl.
"He's like what? 92?" Said another girl.
"Wow, she's so lame, she thinks that her dad is a superhero and he destroy Washington DC." You got up from your seat. Then Tony's daughter said,
"Forget it y/n, their just jealous about our fathers." She followed you.
"You know what Stark, your right, I want them to see how my dad raised me." You looked at (someone you know that wants to be Tony's daughter) and rolled up your sleeve.
"It's better to let someone think you are a idiot then you opening your mouth to prove it." You said.
"Let's see Rogers, what can you do? What are going to do to me?" You smiled and swung your arm making it hit her face. "You bitch!" She screamed.
"Hey look, at least your face a prettier than before." And she tackled you.
"MS ROGERS AND MS.(whatever) THE OFFICE THIS INSTANCE!" Said the principal. When your father came he looked at you with the famous you are in so much trouble face.
"I think she should get suspended." He said walking to the car.
"I got to say dad, I have to protect the ones who I love." You smiled.
Bruce- You were walking with Clint's daughter(whoever). Then a group of guys came to talk to the two of you.
"Look at Barton and Banner." Your knuckles turn white from clenching some much. "What's the matter Banner? Scared?"
"Y/n, come on, their just jackasses." Clint's daughter said.
"Banner, I think you and me would be perfect together... In bed." He smirked. He looked at this group of friends. You laughed and just turned back. You remember what technique Nat showed you. You turned back around and making a prefect hit on the nose. When a teacher saw you and the guy were went to the principals office. When your dad got there he was not even mad. When walking to the car he gave you a high five.
"Thank you Nat." He said making you laugh.
Clint- Your teacher was passing back your test that you took and you failed.
"Hey, can I see what you got." You told Bruce's daughter. When you check the answers that were marked wrong was actually right. When you told the teacher she just told you to be quite.
"You are the mist laziest, stupid bitch I can have of a teacher." You told her and she called the office. When your dad arrived, he told the principle that you won't be coming back.
"I knew that I teacher was a bitch." He said.
"She was, she was dad."
Thor- Ever since you came here to Earth, everyone started to pick on you.
"Hey Melissa guess who I am, How dare you touch me! I'm the Princess of Asgard!"
"Wait, How dare you speak in that way to the daughter of Thor!" The girls laughed. You got up and walked to where they were.
"Hi there!" You said.
"Ew, oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to speak that way to the princess of Asgard." You smiled. You smiled back
"You know, I've been called worse by better people." You said. She was mad. Se came at you. You pulled her hair and punched her nose. When you both went to the office your father was so amazed at how the girls parents were not worthy.
"She wasn't worthy."
"Tell me about Father."
Pietro- You were in the library by yourself. Then you saw the schools bad boy walking in.
"Well, look who we have here, Y/n Maximoff."
"Hi Jason." You got your stuff and headed to the door. The Jason pulled your hand.
"You're not going anywhere." He said.
You remember that you can use mind control on him.
"Let go." You said. And he let go. "Now, tell everyone your biggest secret."
"I dated a teacher." He said. His eyes widen.
"What are you guys here? You both are in big trouble." Said a teacher. When the principle told your dad what she think that happened, he tried to hold a laugh.
"Got anything on him? Maybe next when he does something to you you can use it in him."
"He dated a teacher before." You laughed.
Natasha- Ever since you came to school, every guy in that school started to hit on you. This guy name Jake started to go on a whole new level.
"Hey Romanoff!" You walked to him.
"What do you want Jake?" Your jaw clenched. You hated the guy.
"I was thinking to myself, you have a nice set of legs, what time do they open?" He smirked. You just rolled your eyes and walked away. He chased after you. He turned you around. He put his hand on your shoulder.
"Jake? You want to know what time my legs open? Cause it's already open." You grabbed his arm and twisted it. You jump making him fall. You gave be a headlock using your legs. Then a teacher screamed at the two of you. When your mom came she was acting all mad.
"You did a great thing back there." She said.
"Jake said what time my legs opened and that's what I did." And she gave you a high five.
Wanda- You were walking to class but you felt two strong arms around you and pulled you in a closet.
"Hey there Maximoff." Tyler said.
"Get off me."
"Come on, we just having fun." He said. "Some girls can take off their bra while wearing their shirts, can you do that?" Then you punched him in the throat. He gasped for air you ran and bumped into a teacher.
"What are you two doing in the closet? You know what, let's tale this the office." Said the teacher. When your mom came she was full on angry at Tyler and the principle.
"We are going to hardware store." Your mom said.
"I need paint for Tyler's house and the principles." You laughed and went with the plan.
Bucky- You were walking around for the free period you had. Then a group of boys walked towards you. The schools bad boy.
"You look tired of standing. Why don't you sit in my lap and tell me the first thing that pops up." He smirked. Then you had a idea. You used your powers and turned invisible.
"Where she go!" He other boy said.
"Dude I swear! I'm not messing with her anymore." He said. And you decided to kick him where the sun don't shine. And you turned back.
"The first thing that came up is-"
"MS BARNES TO THE OFFICE!" Said the secretary. When your dad came he told that it was the boys fault. And when you two walked out if the school you said,
"He shouldn't mess with the worlds biggest assassin daughter."
"You did great." He said.
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