(Pictures in order and sorry that I suck at this one) Some of them will be short because I couldn't think of any.
What are you like: Rude but sassy. I mean come on who's your dad. It Loki, you're just like him.
Your nickname: Monkey.
Who you are dating: Bruce Wayne.
First word:"Say something!" Your dad yelled at you. You cried and he carried you so you could stop. "Say something like 'My father is that greatest king I've ever seen.' Something like that."
"Q-ween." You laughed. "QWEEN!" He gave the death glare.
"Queen. Really."
Your Favorite Avenger: Bruce.
Avenger he trusts: NOBODY but if he has to choose one, it would be Vision.
He got you a pet: You had saved your money to buy a cat, but you had to buy school books and other related things, and you didn't get your cat. One day coming home from school, you heard something scratching. You grabbed a lamp and followed it. And when the door open, you were about to hit it.
"Father! I could've killed you!" You screamed.
"With a lamp! And it's the good one too!" He took the lamp from you. "Got you something."
"What will that be?"
"Go and see." You went the room and you screamed.
"MY CAT!" He laughed. "Thank you father!"
"What are you going to name this," he looked at the cat. "Thing."
"Fluffy!" And you walked away with your new cat.
"Fluffy? Out of the names you could choose from."
He's proud of you: When you won state from softball
Your powers/ abilities: Astral projection
You got grounded because: You tried to steal something.
How you were growing up: A busy person. You had so many things to do when you grew up.
The sport you play: Softball.
You have a nightmare:
"Good night father!" You said as you were going to sleep. You felt something touch you. Something grabbed you leg and then you arms. Hands started to come out from your bed. "Father!" You screamed and when you going to scream again a hand covered your mouth and dragged you into your bed.
"Father!" You screamed. The door from your room burst open.
"Y/n!" You were sweating and out of breath. "It's okay, bad dream."
"It felt so real." You cried.
"There, there. Father is here."
Your secret talent and he founds out: Your secret talent was doing flips. You were running from school to your house. Your father was outside waiting for you to come home. There was boxes from the new neighbors and you decided not to stop. You did a front flip and and ran home.
"Hello, Father." You smiled.
"You, but, flip." He was shocked.
"Front flip." You two went inside the house.
"That was amazing! Why didn't you tell me you can do that!"
"What's the whole point of having a secret talent if you told someone."
Bath time:
"Im the Daughter of Mischief! You can't get me!" You ran around the house yelled at the maids.
"Loki, your daughter doesn't want to take a bath again." One of the maids said.
"I got it." He started to look for you. "Y/n?"
"I don't want to take a bath."
"You have to. A pretty girl like you needs to." You smiled. "Come on, Monkey." You jumped on his back and ran to the bathtub and played with the bubbles.
What he thinks about your boyfriend:
"This Bruce Wayne. He and my daughter dating, that was one of a hell of a talk. He made her very happy and I see her smile once again. Also, I have suspicions about this Wayne."
What you guys do together: Pranks. Something evil to each other.
You ask wheres your mother:You knew what happened. You saw the whole thing. Your mother cheated on your father and she left him for that demigod, Julian. Now, you never spoke to her ever again,
Getting grounded: Since you like getting in trouble a lot. You were always grounded. One day, you decided to pull a prank on some people in Asgard. You had a box full of mice. The plan was, you letting the mice free and saying 'THE MICE ARE COMING!' Just about you letting the mice go, you left a hand grabbing your arm.
"What are you doing!" Your father whispered yelled at you. You knew that your dad had enough of your pranks at home and now he had enough of you doing pranks in the village.
"I can explain!" You both were walking to the castle.
"I had enough you doing all your tricks. You know that I hate to say this, but you took it to far the last time and now. You're grounded." You guys were made it to your room.
"What! I promise not to do it again!" You yelled.
"Two weeks." And he left.
First day of school: Waking up was not that hard for you besides the 6 alarm clocks you made. You dragged yourself to the bathroom and do your routine. You went to your closet and picked out a mustard colored sweater, army green ripped jeans and your black vans. It was your first day of school down in Earth. Since your father as in Asgard, you set a FaceTime with.
"Hello? Y/n? Are you here?" Your father was closing in on the computer showing his nose.
"Yes, father, I can see you." You giggle. "How's Asgard?"
"It's fine. You know the usual. Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" Your eyes widen. You didn't do your hair so, well as your father was talking to you, you did your hair. You curl your hair one by one. "You look beautiful. Now, go to school." You smiled at your father.
"Bye father. I love you." You waved bye at him.
"Bye Monkey. I love you too." And he hanged up. You got your gold backpack and Thor's daughter was waiting for you to go and you both went to school.
Your favorite memory when you were little: It was when he a surprise party. As growing up, you always wanted a princess party. You beg and beg, but your father says no. By your 8th birthday you got sad. You walked around the halls of the castle. Hours of walking around the halls and one of the helping ladies in the castle were looking for you and took you to your room. They gave you your favorite color ball gown and flats.
"Lady Y/n, your guests waits you." Said one of the maids and lead you to your princess birthday party. Everyone in Asgard came and celebrate.
"Father!" You ran to your father and hugged him. "Thank you." You hugged him tightly.
"Anything for a princess." He smiled.
Your best friends(Boy and Girl): Norman Reedus and Jessica Jones.
You coming home drunk: Thor's daughter dropped you home and 10 minutes opening the door, drunk, you started to giggle. Thor's daughter left so she can go home. The lights turn on and you heard a cough.
"It's 3 in the morning, should that be a record?" Your father told you.
"YOU KNEEL BEFORE ME!" You yelled.
"Let's go to bed."
"I SAID KNEEL!" You yelled again. You used your powers, four of you appear in the four corners. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME! I'M THE MISCHIEFS DAUGHTER!" Your dad chuckled.
"Let's go to bed before you turn like me." And he help you to your room. "Just like me." He whispered as he closed the door to your room.
When he walks in with you and your boyfriend:
"He won't be here for hours." You bit your lip as you told Wayne. Your father went out for a few things and he said he won't be here for hours.
"Good." He pinned you against the wall and attack your neck.
-Loki POV-
"Damn it. Left my card at home." I hit the staring wheel and drive back home, again. When I made it home, I open the door. It was too quiet. Too quiet.
Your POV
In your room, we've been undressed and the door opened.
"Y/n!" Your father yelled as he opened the door. You and Wayne fell off the bed. "What the.."
"I can explain!" Your head popped out from the bed side.
"My Gods! I just wanted to see if you seen my card, but never mind!" He said as he closed the door in disgust. "That bed cost money! Don't break it!" You face palm as Wayne laugh his ass off.
The gift he got you and he's proud of: A throne.
You joined SHIELD:
"I'm joining SHIELD!" You told him when you came in the door. He dropped his jaw and shook his head.
"Did you just say SHIELD?"
"Yeah. Steve is going to show me some moves and I won't be going on the field for like 2 years."
"Are you sure? I'm going to miss you." His voice sounds sad and you started to feel bad for him.
"This is my turn to save the world. I promise to see you every couple of weeks." He smiled and you hugged him.
"Just be careful."
"I will."
When you get sick or injured: he will never leave you side until you get better
You tell him you're dating: You and Bruce Wayne have been dating since that party that your friend took you too. Now, it was time to tell your father. You walked into the room where he was.
"Father, I need to tell you something." He looked up at you.
"What would that be?"
"I'm dating a guy name Bruce Wayne." You smiled. His eyebrows rose up.
"When should I met this Bruce? Will it be soon?"
"Don't do that. And he's nice so maybe one of these days you meet him."
"If he hurts you, I'll hurt him 10x worst then him."
A picture he has of you: It was when you getting train by your grandfather and you were so annoyed because he hated how you balanced your sword.
When did you learn about your powers: It was when you came home from walking around Asgard.
"Im back!" You yelled. You walk down the halls to find your father. You found him in a room. "Hello Father." He looked so confused.
"Um, Monkey, why are there four of you?" You turned around and saw four of you. You waved your hand and they did the same.
"This, is, AWESOME!" You turned to him.
"I need a drink."
You get hurt by your boyfriend and he does something: You went to the bat cave, leaving some food for Bruce and you saw him doing his thing. As you were walking accidentally you left a sharp thing impale you. You looked down you saw one of his bat things. You hold your stomach and quickly ran upstairs. You called Alfred to call your dad and tell him to come immediately. When he came, he saw you first, you got all patch up and he quickly went to where Bruce was and used a Asgardian spell on him and he stayed with you.
When he meet your boyfriend: Your father had made a dinner at Asgard and told you to bring Bruce. You did and now you and him are walking to the palace.
"What if he doesn't like me?" Bruce asked you when you finally made it. He look around Asgard like it was a dream.
"And we have a problem." He looked at you worried. "I'm kidding. I'll convince him." You smiled and walked in. You guys hold hands. Your father went all out. Your grandmother in her special dress. Everyone was wearing like they went to one of my grandfathers parties. You saw your dad walking towards you guys.
"That's him?" Bruce asked and you nodded. Your father open his arms and said,
"Welcome to Asgard. And you must be Bruce Wayne." They shook hands. Then moments later, they walked somewhere and came back.
"So, what you think?" You told your father.
"I believe that he won't be hurting you." You gave him a hug.
"Thank you."
He teaches you how to dance: He taught how when you got ask for a party at Asgard.
Your guys song: Poker Face by Lady Gaga
Driving: Let's all day that he way breathing out of a bag.
Your guys fandom: American Horror Story
Favorite movie: Harry Potter
His favorite moment when you were little: When you had your first sword competition and you beat Lady Sif.
Getting a tattoo: It was a sun and the moon. You loved the quote from Teen Wolf, 'The Sun, The Moon, The Truth.' He found out when you getting trained by Sif.
Coming home with a hickey: He was shocked and confused but wanting to kick Bruce Wayne's butt.
When you get in a fight at school: Let's say you won and you got a detention from two weeks and when your dad came to the school he laughed at how petty she was.
They find you crying: He hated to see you cry. You would cry on his shoulder and he would cry as well for his daughter.
Going to prom: You went with Thor's daughter to get your dress. You wanted to stick with green and a hint of gold. You found it when you were skimming through the dresses. You went with Bruce and he asked you.
Going to college: DePaul.
What they do for your 16th birthday: He told Thor if he can take to Asgard and be a queen for a day.
What you argue about: Who's going to cook for dinner.
What TV show person you remind him: Rebekah Mikaelson.
He giving you the "Talk": He made you listen and you maybe not were listening to music when he gave you the talk.
Somewhere in the world he takes you: New Orleans.
The promise he made for you: He promised you that he'll never let you go.
Your job: A Model.
You have a crush on a Avenger: Sam Wilson. Something about him that made you have a massive crush.
First car/vehicle: He got you a Bicycle😂. Jk he got you a Ferrari. Don't ask how he got it.
Getting kidnapped by Grant Ward: You were walking around Central Park, waiting for one of your friends. You sat on the bench waiting and you got ambushed. Three people came out and put a bag around your head and put in the car.
"Y/n, the daughter of Loki. Should I be pleased?" You remember that voice. He pulled the bag from your head.
"Grant Ward." You smirk. "If you really want to kill my father, kidnapping isn't a good way to."
"Tell more about your fathers staff." He pulled out a gun and pointed at you.
"Why should I tell you anything?"
"If you don't, a bullet goes right through your head." You laughed and said nothing. You were staling. About a hour or two the team came and got Ward. And around the corner you saw your father.
"Father!" You yelled and he ran to you. He hugged you tightly and he rip the ropes.
"Y/n, I thought I lost you."
"You found me, that's all I are about."
Song they sing to you too sleep:Anything that comes to his head.
Brain washing by Hydra:
Loki POV
My Y/n wad kidnapped by Hydra for about two years now going on three. Thor and I have been going all the places to find her. At this moment, I'm sitting down at where Thor believe where she was. It was a ild look mansion.
"Nothing here, she probably fled, knowing we were coming." Thor walked as he told me.
"Did you look everywhere? This place seems like someone is still here." I pushed him out my way and started to look on my own.
"Loki!" I heard before I closed the door behind me. As I was walking I heard shuffling from upstairs. I ran upstairs to see what it was. I was y/n, all covered in blood and she looked weak.
"Y/n?" I managed to say. She turned around, she looked frighten.
"STOP CALLING ME Y/N!" She screamed. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" She came at me and (pretend he has his staff) I used my staff to calm her down. She collapsed in my arms and I carried her outside.
"Let's take her to Banner, he'll know what to do." Thor told me and I nodded just because I wanted my princess to be fine and just like that I rise her.
Bed time story: The places you'll go
Getting pregnant and he got mad: You and Bruce were having a child. Things got steamy and boom! A little bean was growing in you. Bruce was all happy that he had a child with you, but now it was to tell your father. When you told your father, he was angry at you and Bruce for what had happened. You cried, packed all your things and went to Bruce house and Alfred helping you during the pregnancy.
Getting pregnant and he got mad pt2: A year later you had a baby boy, Stefan Wayne. You, Bruce and baby Stefan were all happy together. You were getting Stefan dressed when Alfred came in and told you that you had a visitor. You had Stefan in your arms as you walked to the foyer. Your jaw opened ad you say your father. He had apologized for the stupid things he say and done that made you leave and he said he was just thinking about the things that would happen to you and thats why he freak. When he saw Stefan, he cried of happiness and he became a big compact of his life.
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