Your Favorite Activity With Them
Age: 16
You love to train with your mom and she enjoys it just as much as you do. She wants you to know how to defend yourself, if ever you need it, and you like the fact that she'll allow you to punch the crap out of anyone who has it coming.
As your music talents advanced, your mom loved to take a day off and steal you from school to visit random piano concerts and music halls. It was invigorating and inspirational for you.
Watching Disney movies are your go-to when it comes to hanging out with your dad. You must've belted out "A Whole New World" as the iconic duo, Princess Jasmine and Aladdin, over a million times. The others mysteriously disappeared whenever you guys got ahold of the TV.
It was a given that you'd be interested in your dad's suits and he liked having you around to assist him. You often tinkered around with DUM-E and spending time in his workplace did not go unrewarded. You were a natural mechanic.
You immensely enjoyed playing football in the park with your dad. Boys liked to come and try to tease you off the grass, but you'd hold it down and show them up, just for the fun of it. When they got pushy, your dad would scare them off.
Go for a run. You weren't keen on the running part, but every time you went with him, he took you to the harbor to watch the sun rise and cast a golden glow over the rippling ocean. You loved it.
Exploring Earth. It was more extraordinary than it sounded to find so many different devices that could serve such strange purposes. Your dad especially liked a treat called "Pop-Tarts" and he would stock up on the stuff before taking you home.
Although the both of you didn't often leave the Tower, he liked to take you to museums around the city, sometimes visiting different states to get a mix of cultures. You enjoyed reading up and storing mental knowledge of all the interesting facts and information you learned whilst on these little field trips.
You absolutely loved to travel with your dad. He would take you to the most amazing places to eat exotic foods and participate in activities that gave you a huge rush. It went without saying, the two of you were major adrenaline junkies and it scared the crap out of the others.
He found peace in the deepest part of the palace's library and you often joined him, getting lost in the many great tales of ancient Asgard. Soon, reading different types of literature became your favorite pastime with each other and the both of you would sometimes fall asleep, Thor having to carry you both back to your chambers.
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