Actress Danai Gurira as the voice of Sylwanin.
Michael B. Jordan as the voice of Mukata.
"Dang it."
I missed the practice target again. Mukata was training me to shoot an arrow. Amanda has been giving me some extra Navi language lessons when she had the time. Jake is being taught by Neytiri and Anna is being taught how to be a healer by Sylwanin. Mukata has been patient and kind with me.
"Your posture is wrong Penelope. You are tense and anxious. Relax and allow trust to guide your instincts."
He helped fix my posture. I started to blush when I caught him staring at me. He blushed when he noticed I was looking back at him. We quickly looked away from each other and got back to training. I put another arrow on the bow and concentrated on the target like Mukata said and shot it at the practice target. I smiled widely as it shot the center. I turned around and saw Mukata smiling widely at me.
"As you can see, this is the result when you have a patient and kind mentor."
I smiled up at Mukata.
"You teach me very well. I can see why you are a favorite teacher among the young ones."
Mukata blushed at my words.
I was currently listening to Sylwanin as she talked about the different kinds of healing herbs. Mira was taking a nap in the corner of the hut we were in.
*She doesn't like to leave my side.*
I noticed how Sylwanin would often rub her hands over her large stomach where her unborn child was nestled in the safe embrace of her womb.
"Make sure you pay attention Anna Sully. This requires your full attention."
I looked at her shocked.
"You speak English?"
She chuckled at me.
"Yes I do. I learned from Grace Augustine's School."
I noticed that her smile quickly faded. I then thought back to Grace's reaction when we were at the abandoned building.
We were all looking around Grace's old school. Me and Jake then noticed a bunch of bullet holes on the wall. I then noticed what looked like old dried up blood stains.
"Hey Grace, what happened here?"
I noticed Grace's expression went from happy and joyful to sad and glum when she heard my brother's question.
*What happened here?*
I placed my hand on her shoulder and quietly whispered to her.
"Are you okay?"
I looked at the dreamwalker I was tasked to teach. When she asked me that question I froze for a minute. I remembered that day all too well. The many lives that were taken that day. Including the one girl that meant so much to Tsu'tey and me
*Ra'lora (Ra-lore-ay) I miss you so much.*
I gently smiled at my student and looked at her.
"I am okay Anna Sully, I was just thinking about someone I miss dearly."
"It's okay to miss someone Sylwanin. It's perfectly normal to mourn."
"Thank you for your kind words Anna Sully. You speak our language very well."
"Thank you, I have a friend who teaches me when she's not taking care of her daughter or working."
"She sounds very nice."
"She is the nicest."
I feel like Anna Sully is different from the other aliens our clan has met. She has a kind soul. I saw her looking at my stomach where my child is resting in the safe embrace of my womb.
"Would you like to feel my child move?"
She looked shocked that I asked her this. I chuckled at her.
"It's okay, I give you permission."
I placed her hand on my stomach and at that exact moment my child decided to move. Anna Sully smiled at the small movement. Very soon I will be able to hold my child in my arms.
"Okay let's get back to training. You are after all supposed to be training to be a healer."
She smiled and for a strange reason I felt the need to protect this innocent and very kind soul. A soul like her is an easy target for the evil in the world. I smiled at my student's eagerness to learn our ways.
Miles Quaritch had a rare break and was spending it with his wife and daughter. He smiled as he watched his daughter try and learn sign language from his wife.
"Belle why don't I teach you how to say friends in sign language."
"How do you do it mommy?"
"Like this."
Amanda showed Belle how to sign the word friend in sign language.
"Mommy I- ahhh."
Belle didn't get to finish her sentence before her dad picked her up and spun her around.
"Daddy put me down."
"No I don't think I will."
Amanda smiled at her husband and daughter as they have a special moment together. Miles was a busy man but he always found a way to spend time with the two most important girls in his life. Even if it was just for one hour. Amanda sometimes found herself wishing she had a parents love growing up. But she had a big sister's love and that's all she needed.
Soon it was time for Miles to go back to work. He said good bye to his family and went back to work. Amanda picked up Belle and kissed her small forehead.
"Let's get you back to Jade so you can continue your playdate."
"Okay mommy."
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