I was watching my sister tell the story of how Jake, Anna, and Penelope got lost and are now in Home Tree. I was sitting with my husband and my daughter was in my lap. I smiled because Grace never really talks excitedly unless it's about a new plant discovery. Xavier and Penelope were sitting with Alicia. Alicia found out her younger twin sister and boyfriend were in the Avatar Program and was mad because they didn't tell her they were in the program. She was giving them the silent treatment which wouldn't last long because Z-Dog can't go ten minutes without talking to Penelope or Xavier when they were in her eye range. I found it funny how Anna Sully basically adopted a baby Viper Wolf. Those creatures are usually aggressive so I guess Anna was special. As I was eating my food I noticed Lyle Wainfleet looking at Anna Sully. I froze for a minute because I recognized that type of gaze. That type of gaze once belonged to a man who took the life of someone I cared deeply for. A gaze that meant he was planning something disgustingly horrible. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked up and saw my husband looking at me.
"Are you okay Amanda? You looked upset."
I smiled at Miles and scooted closer into his side. This caused him to pull me into a hug and place Belle in his lap causing our daughter to giggle and hug him. She's such a daddy's girl
"I'm okay Miles, I am just trying to comprehend everything. I mean two newbies and Penelope made it into the Navi's home the first day out there."
"Yes that is quite impressive. Maybe useful."
"What do you mean Miles?"
Miles looked at me and smiled at me.
I couldn't tell her the truth. I couldn't tell her what I was really thinking. I looked at my wife and five year old daughter. I still remember the day I met my wife. Then Belle came into our lives which made my life even more perfect than it already was. They were my only bright lights in this dark world. If I lost them I wouldn't have a reason to be civil to anyone.
"What do you mean?"
I looked at her and smiled.
"It's nothing Amanda. I was just thinking this could be useful if we ever wanted to make an alliance with the natives."
She seemed satisfied with my answer and continued eating. I loved my girls so much.
*I refuse to lose you two.*
I was eating my food as I watched my brother and his newly found friends talk about what happened. I was happy when all of a sudden I felt eyes on me. I turned around and immediately regretted it. I saw the same man from the beginning looking at me. I quickly looked away when he smirked and winked at me. It was like he was trying to flirt with me. I was starting to feel unsafe and it seemed like no matter where I was that man was always somewhere near. I then remembered something Penelope told me. She told me that Amanda didn't like the man. I can't remember his name though. Maybe Amanda can protect me.
*Why won't he leave me alone.*
My girlfriend is being so childish right now. She was giving me and Penelope the silent treatment because we never told her we were in the Avatar Program.
"Alicia Zdinarsk please talk to me."
She turned around and grunted like a child. Penelope chuckled at her sister's childish behavior. I rolled my eyes and continued to try and get my girlfriend's attention. I knew one thing that always got her attention. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck quickly before letting go of her. This caused her to turn around quickly. She never liked quick kisses. She liked slow and passionate kisses.
"Will you talk to me now?"
She huffed before looking at me.
"Why didn't you two tell me you were in the Avatar Program?"
"Because you would've found a way to get us out of the program. Alicia you tend to be a bit possessive/protective alot."
"No I don't."
"What about that one time when we were kids you gave a boy a concussion for holding my hand. And we were only eleven."
Alicia went silent when Penelope brought up the memory. I chuckled to myself and brought my girlfriend into a side hug and kissed her forehead.
"You know I love you Alicia Zdinarsk."
"I love you too Xavier Chacon."
She kissed my lips and I kissed back.
I looked at my sister and Xavier kissing and smiled. They really did love each other. I then thought back to Mukata who sat next to me. I suddenly blushed thinking about him. He was kinda cute. He seemed protective and didn't want me to leave his side. I'll have to ask Amanda about his behavior later. She knew more about the Navi culture than me and Xavier do.
It was now time for everyone to head to bed and get some rest. As everyone was leaving one man stared down at a woman he developed a deadly obsession for. He had a plan he was going to put into action soon. He wanted to make her his woman and wasn't going to let anyone stop him from getting what he wanted. Not even a certain brown haired and blue eyed woman who he was highly scared of.
*You will be mine Anna Sully. Just you wait.*
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