I was in Grace's room. It was almost time for work and I decided to spend time with my sister. Belle was still asleep. I was waiting and watching her little chest rise up and down with every tiny breath she takes.
"She's a wonderful child Amanda. "
I looked at my big sister and smiled.
"She's the best daughter I could ever ask for. I love her so much."
My hand than grabbed the locket that was around my neck. I opened it and smiled.
*I miss you Beth. I wish you were here right now.*
"Do you still think about Beth, Amanda?"
"There isn't a day that goes by when I don't."
My sister brought me into a hug. I hugged back and started to cry into her shoulder. I was trying not to wake up my daughter. I never told Grace the whole truth about the accident. I knew I needed to tell her and I needed to tell her right now. I needed to tell her about the unborn life that never got the chance to live. I pulled out of the hug and wiped my tears away.
"Grace there's something I didn't tell you about the accident."
She looked at me confused.
"What do you mean Amanda?"
"I didn't tell you the whole truth about the accident Grace."
"Then tell me. Amanda I will listen."
I took a deep breath before sitting down.
"Three months before the accident Beth found out she was pregnant from the r@#$."
"Beth was pregnant?"
"Yes she was Grace. And everyone tried to tell her that she should get rid of the pregnancy and a&'$# the baby. I don't believe in a@:($+;* Grace, but in the end it's a choice. And Beth chose to keep the baby. Four days before the accident she found out she was going to have a little boy."
My breath started to get hitched in my throat. After a minute I continued to tell Grace the story.
"Well the man that r@#$_ her didn't want a child at all. Beth wasn't even going to ask him for anything. We'll the night of the accident me and her decided to run away. We got into my car and started what we thought was going to be the start of a life of two girls who considered each other sisters. As I stopped at a light I could tell Beth was nervous. I mean at the time she was pregnant with her son and my honorary nephew. Before I could reassure her everything was going to be okay a car full on collided into us at a speed of 80 miles an hour. When I opened my eyes I saw bright lights and woke up in a hospital bed. My arm was in a cast and my long silky hair was cut. My body was sore all over. The doctors and nurses all said that I was lucky to be alive. When I asked about Beth and her unborn son I was met with silence that was nerve racking. I kept asking and asking before they finally told me what happened to them."
I was crying at this point when Grace brought me into a tight embrace.
I was trying not to cry at this point. I had no idea that my little sister went through all this pain. If I knew that she was going to go through all of that then I would've found a way to take her with me when I first left for Pandora.
"What happened to them, Amanda?"
My little sister looked up at me with tear stained eyes.
"The doctor's said that Beth and her unborn son were killed on impact. I broke down in tears. A child that never had the chance to live was killed by the man that put him inside of Beth. What made me even more upset is that a day before he was supposed to go to trial and receive his punishment he had put a gun to his head and killed himself."
"He killed himself Amanda?"
"He did Grace, he took the cowardly way out and instead of being a man and facing his punishment he decided to be a coward and kill himself. But I made a promise that day Grace. I promised that if I have a chance to save another woman from what Beth went through then I would do my best and protect her. And if I can't prevent the r@&$ then I will make sure to keep her safe and never let the man that hurt her near her ever again."
I hugged my little sister tightly in my arms. I loved her so much, but at the moment I felt like I failed her. I should've double checked to make sure the foster home was going to take care of her. If I knew that any of this was going to happen then I would've taken her with me.
"I'm so sorry Amanda. All of that pain that was put upon you was completely unnecessary. I failed you as a big sister Amanda."
"Grace Augustine you did not fail me as a big sister. You raised me when our parents were negligent, you were fourteen years old when I was born, you taught me the basic things in life and if you did fail me then I wouldn't be the woman I am now. You didn't fail Grace Augustine, you succeeded in raising me Grace."
"I love you little sister."
"I love you too big sister."
"Mommy and aunty love each other."
We both turned around and saw Belle smiling at us. Amanda went and sat next to her daughter.
"When did you wake up sweety?"
"When you and aunty Grace said you loved each other."
"Come on little girl, your aunt has to get ready and you need to change and get ready for your playdate with Jade while her dad and aunt are working. I'll see you later Grace, I love you."
"Bye bye, aunty Grace, I love you so much."
"I love you both to. Be safe."
I watched my sister take her daughter's hand and walk out of my room. As I looked at them I couldn't help but feel over-protective of them. Amanda just told me a secret that was so sad. My little sister is a lot of things, but a survivor is what she is most. That accident should've killed her or scarred her for life, but she got back up and was willing to protect people from the same fate as her late friend Beth and her unborn son.
"You're going to make it Amanda, I know you will."
(I will explain more about Amanda's backstory in later chapters. And I will definitely explain more about Beth in a chapter closer towards the end.)
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