Chapter 2: Return of the Avatar
I knew whenever Zuko came, it meant trouble.
Me (angry): What do you want, Zuko?!
Zuko: I want the Avatar.
He walked up to Aang.
Zuko (shocked): You're the Avatar?! You're just a child!
Aang: Whatever you want, just leave me and this village alone.
But, Zuko didn't listen, instead, he took Aang and boarded his ship.
Me: Aang!
Aang looked at me, scared and sad, before the ship left. I began to cry.
Gran-Gran: Tyler, Krisalyn, come.
We went to talk to Gran-Gran.
Gran-Gran: I believe that little boy might be the Avatar.
Tyler and I looked at each other, stunned.
Me (thinking): I can't believe we found the Avatar! This is crazy! (aloud) Tyler, we have to help Aang. He's the Avatar!
Tyler: Krisalyn...
Me: I can't believe he didn't tell us, and now he's in trouble...
Tyler (annoyed): Krisalyn!
Me: This is crazy!
Tyler: KRISALYN!!!
Me: What?
Tyler: Are you gonna talk all day, or are we gonna go?
Tyler had grabbed a canoe, food, and sleeping bags.
Me: Tyler!
I ran to hug him.
Tyler: Let's go save your boyfriend.
Me: I've never had a boyfriend.
Tyler: Now you do.
Me: But, he's not my-
Tyler: Whatever.
Gran-Gran came to wish us good luck.
Gran-Gran: Good luck, you two. You have a long journey ahead of you.
I nodded.
Me: We're gonna need something faster than a canoe.
I noticed Appa in front of us.
Me: *Gasp!* Appa! This is perfect!
We both got onto Appa with our stuff.
Me: Okay, Appa, yip yip!
Appa started flying. I was a little surprised
Tyler: OMG, OMG!!! HE'S FLYING!!!!!
Me (teasing): Looks like someone's having a good flight.
I spotted a Fire Nation ship ahead of us, I thought for sure it was the one that captured Aang. I also spotted Aang tied up.
Me: Aang!
He looked up and saw Appa.
Aang: Appa!
I waved down at him. He took one of his arms out of the ropes and pointed at something.
Tyler: What's he pointing at?
Me: I don't know.
We looked closer, we saw he was pointing at Zuko who was nearby.
Tyler: Oh no!
Me: We have to go down and get him, but quietly.
Tyler: Right, if the guards hear us, we're toast! Yip yip!
Appa flew down in stealth.
Me (whispering): Are you okay, Aang?
Aang (shouting): Never better!!
Tyler: Shh!!!
Aang untangled himself from the ropes, but Zuko heard him.
Zuko: The Avatar! He's escaping!
Zuko ran to attack.
Aang: Quick! Where's my staff?
Tyler: Oh, this thing? I was wondering what it was used for.
Aang: I need it!
Zuko suddenly grabbed Aang.
Aang: Aah!
Zuko: You're not going anywhere, Avatar.
Me: *Gasp!*
I tried to water bend at Zuko, I was able to freeze him temporarily. Aang quickly ran to Appa.
Aang: Quick, Appa! Yip yip!
Appa flew away quick, Zuko looked up, aggravated.
Aang: Thanks, guys.
Me: Aang, why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?
Aang: Because, I didn't want to be. When I found out I was the Avatar, my friends stopped hanging out with me. I ran away because I was upset.
Me: I'm so sorry Aang.
Aang: Don't be.
Me: Well, what's more important is finding you several teachers so you can learn the other elements.
Aang: I can't wait!
Aang cheered up and gave me a hug, I couldn't wait to go on his journey with him.
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