This part is namely all about my searching for my brother Duo and I found out all the names after everything that had happened.
It's quite a tale and must be told and I'm so happy that I'm writing it down and that I can keep this part as a precious memory because I found him and I also found some very close friends and my future husband. I'm so grateful that I went on this journey and that my parents and Brother allowed me to do this.
Many years passed by and I grew into a beautiful young lady and I thought it was time to look for my long lost baby brother, so I told my parents and my brother 'Haha-ue, Chichi-ue, Aniue, I'm going to look for my lost brother, I know he must be alive somewhere so please let me do this. I'm now 16 years old and I'm ready to do this so please, let me go and look for him?'
I pleaded with them, only to have all three of them nod and sigh; all saying 'yes Violet go but please be safe, we don't want to lose you. You're family' so I went into the basement of the mansion and brought out my Mobile Suit; it was in the form of a giant black metal cat whose name was: Black Desert Kat named after my mother's: Black Metal Desert Cat.
I went out searching the best that I could but I just couldn't find anyone or anything to help me in my search for my long lost brother. I missed him so much, I just wanted to find him, he meant the world to me; I just hoped and prayed that he was still alive.
Somewhere on Earth the 'Gundam Boys': as they were known as, they were fighting the Earth Sphere Alliance and had finally won after a few years.
The boys who would later become very close friends of mine, were finally putting their Gundam's to sleep, when they all spotted a Gundam in the distance looking for someone or something, they just didn't know.
So in the end they didn't put their Gundam's to sleep they got back into them and went to investigate the strange Gundam. When they got up close to the Gundam they noticed that it looked like a big metal black cat of a Gundam.
No matter how hard they tried they couldn't get a response from the Gundam pilot, which worried them, they told me they found it very annoying as the person wouldn't respond they were very worried because they thought I might be really hurt they just didn't know They started attacking my Gundam to see what I would do.
This went on for an hour or so I don't really remember this and I was only told this a few years later that they only stopped when they heard a beeping noise coming from my Gundam. 'ITS GUNNA EXPLODE!' said one of the boys, which later turned out to be my brother of all things, so they all got out of the place.
Thanks guys for leaving me when I needed you the most but they did come back after sometime waiting to hear if my Gundam would explode or not.
The Gundam didn't explode it just fell with a big 'CRASH' and 'BANG' and then the cockpit of my Gundam opened to reveal me sitting there unconscious inside. See I told you I didn't really remember this, must of hit my head or something I, to this day I still don't know why I was unconscious.
The 'Gundam boys' came and saw me sitting there, they talked between them to see what they could do to help me and here is some of the conversation between them.
'Guys I think we need to help her?' said Duo, 'yes I think so too, Duo, what do you think Trowa?' said another, Trowa just nodded at this and jumped down from his Gundam and onto mine in a very acrobatic way, I might add, due to his circus background to check to see if I was o.k.
'She's breathing but just barely' said Trowa, 'she needs medical attention right away she bleeding and she's also unconscious as well' and he picked me up very carefully making sure not to injure me any further.
Back at a warehouse they called home, it was in fact Heidi's Workshop, (Duo has a crush on her, woops I shouldn't of wrote that, oh well), two of the boys called Trowa Barton and Quatre Raberba Winner were giving me first aid and in no time I had recovered but I just wouldn't talk to them.
I also kept my distance from them and I thought it best to read many books, which I had bought online when the boys went out. I'm still into my books even now! Sorry guys about getting all of the books and messing up the place.
Months went by and I still wouldn't talk until I thought I heard someone playing the violin, so I went looking for them only to find out that I was right and Quatre was in a back room playing his violin.
I was in awe at him, I still haven't heard anyone besides Quatre play like that, even I can't play that well and neither can my children and grandchildren. Quatre you're an artist and a superb violinist to say the least.
I loved the music so much I said to him 'so it's you playing this wonderful music, do you mind if I play a melody on your violin? As my kind of got destroyed when I was looking for someone' I asked him, this was the first time Quatre had heard me speak.
He handed me the violin and I still remember to this day what o played to him Ave Maria, he said to me 'yes you may, but before that can you tell me your name?', I just couldn't not yet which disappointed him.
I just dais to him sweetly 'I'm really sorry I can't tell you, not just yet, I'm sorry'. Quatre nodded that he understood and handed over the violin, I put it under my chin and pulled the bow into place and started to play a melody on the violin.
The other boys came back and heard the music, 'Quatre's playing that violin again' said Duo, he hated the violin as he wasn't and still isn't a music person.
Trowa and Herro walked slightly passed Duo and said 'wait, it's different', they sounded so funny; I could just image their faces when they said that together and they all headed for the back room to where we were.
Once they all got there they saw that Quatre of all people weren't playing the violin it was me, 'Hey, how do you know how to play that violin?' asked Duo to me and I just looked and laughed at him and said quite harshly even for me then but that would serve me well later on in life 'I know many things' and I just carried on playing.
Not long afterwards we, meaning Quatre and I, got talking and I mean talking, we spent hours talking and because of this Duo was getting quite annoyed with us, he was acting like a baby which I found funny afterwards but every time he wanted to say anything Herro, Trowa and Wufei kept stopping him until Quatre shouted...
...'WHAT YOU MEAN YOU'RE THE LITTLE GIRL I GAVE FLOWERS TO AS A CHILD!!' God I never knew someone could shout that loudly, it was deafening to say the least and I just smiled my biggest smile at him, like the one I showed him so many years ago.
I just said to him after the ringing in my ears had stopped, thanks for that Quatre thanks so much 'yes I am, I'm Violet Emme-Reece, the adopted daughter to Shinou and Mia Emme-Reece, my brother is Shinji Daisuke Emme-Reece' I just laughed, 'god I can't believe that at all' he replied to me shocked was the easiest way to describe the look on his face..
I remember being told that Duo by this time had enough 'o.k. shut up o.k. you two talking all the time is getting annoying, stop it o.k.' and he just walked off in a huff, at least he said what he was feeling but snapping at someone wasn't the way to do this I might add dear little brother of mine. 'He reminds me of someone from long ago' I said to myself but Quatre could hear me quite well.
It really did take me a while before I fully understood what I meant I just sat there with the other and before I knew it I off to find Duo.
'Hey, Violet where are you going?' asked Quatre shouting as I ran off 'to find my long lost little brother and if I have it right, it has to be Duo of all people' and I disappeared to find him.
I can't believe that I ran after a 15 year old but I just had to know the truth and this was the only way I knew would work for both of us.
It took me a while but I finally managed to find him at a place that he would always go to when we wanted to be alone, a place that he had called home with a close friend, her name was Heidi Schbeiker, yes another one of Heidi's workshops that she kept.
I found him in Heidi's workshop hiding in the darkness of all things, was he like a vampire or something? *slight laugh there*
I called to him into the darkness god was it creepy in here without the lights on; if he was there and that I needed to confirm something.
'What do you mean by that?' asked Duo as he turned on the light surprising me and slowly walking up to me, 'ahh, Duo don't do that, please that scared me' I said turning around to face him. I hate when people do that it scares me so much, he still has a habit to doing that to this day...
I just said to him making sure he was listening to me, 'I have something to ask you and it might bring back painful memories. I know that you were an orphan long ago before you were taken in by the Maxwell Church, but can you tell me about your life before that if you remember, please it's important!
I might be able to help you find your family or at least part of it' I explained to him carefully as I could as I saw the confusion on his face. 'Well I don't really remember, but I can tell you what I remember at least' said Duo and so his story began.
'Well what I remember is being taken away from a really big house, being dragged by a girl and then getting lost somewhere, I don't know where mind you. Sadly that's all I remember' said Duo to me while we were sitting on a tool box that belonged to Heidi, I have to admit the tool box was so clean not a piece of grim anywhere compared to the rest of the workshop, it must have been new..
His story matched mine so well and I knew then that he must be my long lost little brother and I just said and I still remember word for word what I said to him.
'Well I can clear up some things for you as that's what happened to me really. The house was burnt down by someone and I dragged off my younger brother and after sometime living on the streets we got spit up and I ended up getting adopted into the Emme-Reece family and Duo I think you ARE my little brother that I lost that day' I said.
After a few days we were in a local hospital, I hate hospitals so much I have panic attacks, to have the blood tests done and it took another ten days or more, I hate the waiting part most of all when it regards the doctors or the hospital, before we got the most important news that they WERE related. God were we shocked about this, Father even snapped a picture of us, a perfect matching image.
Father had to snap us out of it after he had taken that stupid picture of us and all he said was 'well now you know that you two are related and that you have found each other after so long of being apart'.
I just laughed and then looked at Duo and said 'Duo now we know and I'm so sorry that it had to turn out in a really bizarre way really, finding each other after all these years apart, but I love you no matter what happened to us' afterwards I left with my family.
I was so shocked to learn that Duo was my brother; Quatre was my fiancée and that I just wanted to be with them but I knew for a fact that it was going to be hard.
They were outlaws and I was heir to the Emme-Reece family because Brother, being him, didn't want it as he wanted to reach his dream with his own power, well at least he had a dream in mind and I will admit to you now that he did reach his dream but I won't tell you what it was as I've been sworn to secrecy by him and Brother Taku .
I kept in touch with them quite often and in the end we met up quite often mind you Herro wasn't too happy about it because I brought 'trouble' as he called it, and that trouble was about me hacking into his un-hackable network that he created but I did which didn't please him one bit.
I have got to say that I love computers and that I was taught or should I say self taught myself to hack into computers to find out many different things about my past that was hidden from me from my birth family.
In the end after me keep hacking he had enough and I ended up fixing what I broke into, it was something personal to him, I got on famously with Wufei Chang and Trowa Barton and that was because I did many types of martial arts which Wufei loved and dance and gymnastics which helped Trowa practice for his circus performances.
I was known as a dancing martial artist because no one could ever land a hit on me and plus it always looked like I as dancing on the mat during a competition. They said I was a petal dancing in the breeze but I was razor sharp.
We would practice endlessly and after that we would take a break and then me and Quatre would practice the violin and one time I brought my flute with me and we ended up playing Ava Maria which was the tune Quatre first played for me when I was recovering after they had first found me.
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