Clan 4: Jyubei Takeda
This was written by JesterheadJohnSnow
Name: Jyubei Takeda (Joo-bay Tahk-ay-dah)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jyubei possesses long, dark hair as well as eyes as black as midnight. He is around 5'9 and is pretty muscular.
Weapon of choice: Jyubei prefers to use a katana in combat.
Personality: Jyubei follows the way of Bushido, however that doesn't stop him from having his moments of arrogance and greed. His friends and family know him as a loyal and dedicated warrior, but others can see him as a cunning and ambitious man.
Background: Jyubei is the second of three children born to Fugaku Takeda, a Samurai warrior. As a child, he had always wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. Many times he had struggled, but eventually he had become a samurai at the age of 18 though he was not as powerful as his father, who he one day hopes to surpass eventually.
Important side characters with him: He has an older brother Josuke whom he tends to be at odds with, but it is a friendly rivalry. He has a younger sister Oboro,even though she is a young lady, she still likes to use a katana. His father Fugaku and his mother Natsumi play an important part in his life. Another important person in his life is his best friend Toshiro Matsumoto who Jyubei calls his other half. Also, whenever he wants to do something behind his father's back, he enlists the help of Danzo, a shinobi who Jyubei met during one of his battles.
What influences their decision in battle: Most of the time, Jyubei lets his sword do the talking for him, in other words he likes to strike first ask questions later, but other times he can be quite analytical.
Additional information about his clan: The Takeda clan are a renowned clan in the southern Japan, known for their ferocious fighters.
Nobunaga Oda: "The son of Takeda Fugaku. If you're skills with a sword are half as good as your father's, then perhaps I will enjoy meeting you on the battlefield."
Mitsuhide Akechi: "I have heard of the ferociousness of the Takeda. They are powerful warriors, worthy of dying honorable deaths. I will make your end one befitting a true warrior, should I see you in battle."
Hideyoshi Hashiba: "Don't worry, Takeda-san! If you keep practicing I'm sure you'll become greater than your father someday."
Magoichi Saika: "I remember fighting for your clan a few times before. Good fighters. Even better women. Maybe I can come show your sister Oboro a good time, eh?"
Ishida Mitsunari: "You and I may not have much in common, but we both allow our swords to speak for us in battle. That is something I can understand."
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