Sexy Richtofen feat Richtofen
(Not my art but I had to talk about it)
Savvy: hello everyone today I am here with Eddie to talk about this photo that I found of him.
Eddie: -blushing bright red-
Savvy: would you like to tell the audience what this is about -holds picture- who's blood is it even?!
Eddie:-pulls cap over his eyes and looks up- it vas minion blood... But zhe photo vas just a photo I meant to send to you but posted on zhe Internet.
Savvy: you're internet stupid... -smirks and leans over to push cap up to look into eyes-
Eddie: well care to explain zhis photograph?
Savvy: ummm I wanted to make it official. Since we are dating now.... -blushes-
Eddie:-smirks- gute very Gute indeed.
Savvy: anyways... I don't know what else to talk about so we are going to have a video game playing session but on dead island definitive edition. -turns on Xbox one-
Eddie: I hate how you cannot customize your person! -frowns and crosses arms-
Savvy: I know but the graphics are much better and sounds are better as well! You can even hear when there is a severed body part in the back of your truck.
Eddie: -smiles and laughs- ja vhen is zhe ozher one coming out?
Savvy: supposedly this summer. It's to be set in California I'm stoked for it.
Savvy: I have some news to share with everyone by the way. I have ordered stuff to cosplay Haruka Nanase from free! He may join us when he can but for now I have been emailing his friend Makoto and Rin about when the best time to get him would be.
Eddie: how come you haven't cosplayed me yet?
Savvy: it's very hard to find your uniform plus I don't know how my parents would feel about me having a nazi uniform in the house. They already think I worship hitler.
Eddie: but you do not. You vorship me. I vould let you vear mein uniform anytime you vish. -smiles-
Savvy: can I wear it now? -pauses game-
Eddie: but I'd be in mein undervear.
Savvy: here take my hoodie and pajama pants when we change. -gets up and pulls him into the bathroom-
-both change and come back-
Savvy: I like this outfit. It makes me feel sexy. -smiles-
Eddie: -blushing and staring at savvy- MEIN GOTT! You look great!
Savvy: thanks they smell like you too.
Eddie: -lifts hoodie and smells it- smells girly mixed vith outdoors.
Savvy: -laughs- yay. -adjusts cap- I feel like savannah would dig this.
Eddie: zhe ozher you?
Savvy: well she is based on me. But she isn't me.
Eddie:-nods- so are ve going to play zhe game or are ve just going to talk?
Savvy: play bitch.
Eddie: vhy am I zhe bitch?
Savvy: because... I'm zhe Doctor now! -laughs maniacally-
Eddie: -blushes- I like your style.
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