Savvy: hey all you people! -shouts-
Sportacus:-laughs and shakes his head-
Savvy: I'm here with sportie and Eddie today because everyone else has shit to do... -cough cough- fucking cap and Tony. Anyways since us three are here lets play a game.
Doc Eddie: Vhat kind of game? -adjusts hat on his head-
Sportacus: I hope it's with sports!
Savvy: so it will be a game on smarts and sports... Sorta... -shrugs and smiles- not really though... It's a game called Tell Me Honestly!
Sportacus: -frowns for a few minutes then cheers up-
Doc Eddie: how do you play?
Savvy: well, I ask you two questions and y'all have to answer honestly. So.... Sportacus you go first. What are we? As in what is our relationship?
Sportacus: hmmm.... Best friends.
Savvy: Eddie what about you?
Doc Eddie: -gets and evil smirk on his face- friends.... Vith benefits....
Savvy: -face turns bright red- they don't need to know that!!!
Sportacus: -pulls hat over a blushing face-
Savvy: next question... Eddie you are first. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
Doc Eddie: vell I vould call you zhe silent one in bed but zhats a vhole sentence.... Zhe reason vhy I call you zhat is you don't make any noise vhen ve have fun.
Savvy: Dammit Eddie!!!! -pinches bridge of nose- sportacus?
Sportacus: -lifts hat up revealing a very red face- well, I call you zoologist because of your obsession with animals.
Savvy:Sportacus, describe me in one word.
Sportacus: hmmm there's a lot of words to describe you. But your top one would be caring.
Savvy: awww thank you!!! Eddie what is one word to describe me?
Doc Eddie: kinky!!!! Very kinky!!!! -laughs evilly-
Savvy: maybe this questionnaire was a bad idea... -sighs and pulls hood up over head-
Sportacus: we have to finish the questions!!!
savvy: fine! Eddie! What was your first impression of me?
Doc Eddie:-adjusts cap- vell I zhought you vere very childish.
Savvy: Eddie you're gonna get your ass kicked later. Sportacus, what about you?
Sportacus: I thought you were lazy. -laughs-
Savvy: true... Next question, do y'all still think that way of me?
Sportacus: yes and no.... You've been outside mowing the grass and riding your ATV and swimming at rsaigen place.
Doc Eddie: your childish still
Savvy: -shakes head- what reminds y'all of me?
Doc Eddie: beds!!!!!!!!!!
Sportacus: animals.
Savvy:-nods- okay.... If you could give me anything, what would it be?
Doc Eddie: -opens mouth to speak-
Savvy: before you say anything, do not say your meat stick.
Doc Eddie: -thinks hard for five minutes before responding- zhe new dead island 3.
Savvy: good choice, both of you. When was the last time y'all saw me?
Doc Eddie: last Nacht-winks-
Sportacus: same, to be honest you woke me up when you were fumbling around in the kitchen, complaining that someone ate the last green apple. -laughs-
Savvy: it pissed me off! Whoever did it just left the fucking bag in the fruit drawer. -crosses arms- name something you hate about me.
Sportacus: it's hard to hate when you aren't capable of hating anyone... But I'd have to say your laziness.
Doc Eddie: zhe vay you are down on yourself a lot... -frowns-
Savvy: -nods and stays quiet- what do y'all love about me?
Doc Eddie: EVERYZHING!!!
Sportacus: your smile and laugh
Savvy:-blushes- oh boy here's a tough one. Where do y'all see me in seven years?
Sportacus: a marine biologist
Doc Eddie: in mein bed... Still. -smirks-
Savvy: -face palms- anyways thanks for playing. Leave a comment telling me what game to play next and who to play it with!
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