The fight of "not friends" (Shawn Wheeler/Reader)
I knock on the door of the Wheeler's and the door opens. "Ah, hello. Can I help you?" Mrs Wheeler asks as she opens the door.
"Oh um, I'm from Shawn's class. He was away yesterday and I was told to bring his homework since I've started looking for a new job nearby. I did go to his house, two houses down right? But he wasn't there. You're his grandma, right? Not that I wanted to bring this though." I smile, whispering that last bit.
"Yeah, come on in. We're just having a family get-together." She smiles and waves me in. "Oh, I was just gonna give you the homework to give to him." I go to hand her the papers. "Oh don't be silly. It's fine, come on in!" She grabs my arm and lightly pulls me into the house. I just nod and follow her.
"Shawny, dear. Look who came by to hand you your homework." She says quite loudly. I stop in my tracks for a second then sheepishly step out from behind her and wave.
"Urgh, what is she doing here?" He says while standing up and walking towards me with an angry face. His mother also stands up but slightly slaps him on the back of the head.
(I promise I'm not a violent person, this is just a common thing to do on Australian tv)
"Don't be so rude, Shawn. At least take the argument outside." She says crossing her arms. "Heh, I'll just leave these here and go." I say placing the papers on a counter and starting to walk back to the door.
But Mrs Wheeler grabs my arm again. "Nuh uh, missy. You and my grandson are going to explain what's happening here. Starting with you, Shawn why are you being so rude to this nice young lady?" She says while forcing me to sit down.
"Ha, me? She's the rude one." He laughs and points at me. "This is why I didn't want to do this. Should have never told the teacher about my job hunt." I whisper. "I'm sorry what was that?" Amber asks.
"I said this is why I didn't want to deliver his homework. The teacher knew he would yell at me. I just had to tell the teacher that I was looking for jobs around here and she forced me to deliver it." I say loudly then cowering in the chair saying. "Sorry!"
"Shawn how is... I'm sorry what's your name?" Bess asks. "Y/N" "Right, Shawn how is, Y/N, rude?" She asks again.
"Well for starters, the first day I met her she was staring at me and when I asked her why she ignored me. Has been ever since. And when she does talk to me it's in a rude condescending tone!" He explains.
"You mean like what you're doing right now?" Amber says. "I mean yeah, I.." Shawn starts.
I cut him off. "Hey uh, I'm real sorry if I'm rude, but I've gotta go. I just needed to drop that off, I didn't plan on being part of Shawn's intervention. Sorry for ruining your family get-together."
"No, you don't." Mrs Wheeler says. "Why don't Shawn and Y/N go outside and talk privately?" Edwina suggests.
We then get forced out the back. They lock the back door so we're stuck together. "Now look what you've done. Why didn't you just give it to me at my house?" He raises his voice.
"I tried, you weren't home. The teacher would blame me if you don't do the work, so I brought it here thinking I could just hand it to one of your family members and leave." I yell.
"Well, that would be better than this." He yells back. "Yeah for you, I'm not getting in trouble because of you. I can't, not again!" I huff and turn around.
"But I will, for you." I whisper and put my head down. I hear footsteps then the door opening.
"Gosh, she's so annoying. Why did you let her in?" I hear quietly. I turn around and march into the house.
"You want to know something? When the teacher suggested I deliver the homework I was secretly excited. For the same reason, I ignored you. I wanted to see you, I wanted you to notice me but I'm always too scared to get my hopes up. I've seen how kind you are but you're always mean to me and I know I've caused that. I don't want to be rude or ignore you. And I'm sorry that I've fallen in love with you from afar. I just can't handle a heartbreak" I yell then run out the front door leaving it open.
The Wheeler family is left in shock, just confused as to what happened. Edwina, already knowing Shawn's side of the story, pushes him towards the front door.
"Go!" She says. Shawn shakes his head and runs after his classmate but after half an hour of looking, he can't find her anywhere. He walks home bummed, not going back to his family get-together but straight to his room.
He decides to talk to her in class but she misses the whole week. On Friday he tells his teacher that they had a verbal fight and that he is the cause of Y/N's disappearance. He asks the teacher for information as to where to find Y/N but she won't give him anything.
Disappointed that he didn't have a chance to clear things up with the girl who had confessed her love to him, he head for a coffee shop. Ordering a hot chocolate, he sits in a corner booth away from the door and counter. That's when he notices a young sad girl quietly cleaning some tables. He smiles slightly, just sitting and watching her from afar. Before he knows it he's been sitting there watching her for her whole shift.
As she walks to the backroom, he writes a note on a napkin and hands it to a worker, telling them to give it to her.
He sits in a park enjoying the evening air. A young lady stomps over and huffs and she sits down. "What do you want now?" I ask, on the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry!" Shawn says softly. "I didn't realize that you had a hard time expressing your emotions towards me. And I'm sorry I accidentally made you skip school for a whole week, please come back. I wanted to talk to you all week. I wanted to clear the air. Ah heh, I was having trouble with my emotions too. I thought you hated me, which meant my emotions were stupid but they weren't. If I was brave this whole thing could have been avoided." He sighs then continues.
"I wouldn't have hurt you or embarrassed you. I'm sorry, I've been watching you too, fell in love from afar and all that. And I get it if you never want to speak to me ever again, I'm fine with that. Well, actually I'm not but I'll respect your wishes. I just wanted to tell you that I have loved you too." And with that, he gets up, puts his hands in his pockets and walks away.
I sit there watching him walk away. I lean back and look at the stars. I sigh and get up, jogging to him and grabbing his arm. "Wait!" I loudly whisper sighing. He turns to look at me.
"Let's start over. Hi, I'm Y/N. You're really cute!" I say putting my hand out for a handshake.
He laughs "Hi Y/N, I'm Shawn and you're pretty cute yourself." he winks and shakes my hand.
Ok, so this is a hot mess. I had no plan going into this on what I wanted to write. I just wanted to give you guys another one-shot instead of an author's note.
Of course, this is the one rated M show that I really wanted to write about in this story. I would say this is a teen-to-young-adult show so it kinda fits in this book. I did keep out swearing as I expected younger people to read this book, so just know that the show does have swearing in it.
I really like (what I call) hate/date and it bleeds into my work very often, doesn't help that a lot of kids and teen Australian shows (and non-Australian shows) have characters who hate each other but secretly are in love.
If you see anything that needs fixing (and I know there is stuff) just tell me and I'll try to fix it.
Thanks for reading this mess
Bye - Drew X
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