Part 2
I am woken up by Miss Carly
"KC come on wake up we have visitors." she wines "I'm up! I'm up!" I shout sitting up "Finally now take a shower and get dressed someone is here." She says. I groan I know no one will adopted me that ship has sailed. I take my shower and slip on some white vans, Jean shorts, a selfie beanie, and huge sweatshirt that has the words SELFIE written on them. I grab an Arizona and run down stairs. I'm pretty quick for a 10 year old from Australia. I go to the stage and see 6 boys looking at me. A girl next to me whispers to me "I bet your not getting adopted they don't want someone who has panic attacks all the time and is fat and ugly." A tear slides down my check. I run off stage to my room. Full tears fall down and I squish my face into my pillow. My door opens. I don't look up but hear a voice it sounds like a guy
"Hey, sweetie are you ok." He asks
"I-I'm fine." I say feeling like I might have a panic attack
"Sweetheart I know your not." He says back
I look up at him he has Carmel hair and eyes. He has a lip piercing.
"A girl said no one will ever adopted me again because I have panic attacks and that I'm fat and ugly." I say back my eyes bloodshot from crying
"Baby you are beautiful and skinny as a stick. She is just jealous of how beautiful you are." He says picking my chin up
"What's your name?" I ask him wiping my tears away
"Jc. What's your name?" He asks
"I-I'm Kalie Collins but everyone calls me KC." I say looking down
"Well KC I think I would like to adopt you." Jc says.
"Well KC I think I would like to adopt you." I say Her face lights up as the rest of the boys walk in
"Um Jc have you decided on a kid?" Kian asks
"Yup guys meet KC." I say
"Well than KC I'm Sam."
"I'm Trevor."
"I'm Kian."
"I'm Conner."
"And Finally the sass master Ricky."
"I have a question. Who is my dad?" I ask
" I am sweetheart." Jc answers
"YAY!" I scream hugging each boy
I go to my closet grabbing my small suitcase. I grab my penny board and put it next to the suitcase. I grab my wardrobe which consists of
- 2 shirts (not counting the one I'm wearing)
- 2 pairs of socks
- 3 underpants (not counting the one I'm wearing)
- 2 pairs of shorts(not counting the one I'm wearing)
- 1 set of pants
- 3 oversized sweatshirts (not counting the one I'm wearing)
- 2 beanies (not counting the one I'm wearing)
And packed my teddy bear Bob.
"Ready!" I say to the boys
"That quick?!" Dad says (remember Jc is KC's dad)
"Yup I don't have much." I say holding my blue penny board and suitcase
We walk down and Jc signs papers. I say goodbye to Miss Carly
"I will miss you so much!" I say to her hugging
" Me too." She says back while Jc takes my hand to a black SUV and I sit on his lap falling to sleep
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