And that's alpha Nathan and beta Mark above.
"So what's going on with you and Mr hottie" Dave asked as we sat in the Great Hall.
Today being Friday, school was over quiet early and it was announced that there will be a general assembly today.
I wasn't happy because I was kinda looking forward to seeing Liam today plus training has been awesome and steamy.
I know right, good thing he decided to ditch the shirt during training, Cora said.
I smiled, since our little conversation on Wednesday...
Ummmm Aurora it was a conversation and two kisses, Cora scoffed.
I blushed, okay since our conversation and kisses Liam now trains shirtless. And it was a huge distraction but certainly worth it.
But am grateful he has upped the training, now I feel energetic. It has been over a month I last trained seriously and that was at home in Tennessee.
"And now she's blushing" Mary stated with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes, "nothing is going on guys, he's hot alright but am not ready for any relationship now".
I didn't want to tell them about Liam and I because from the conversation I heard when I watched the camera feeds, Maxwell wasn't happy about Liam's association with me.
The last thing I want is for Maxwell or anybody to lure the information from them.
I focused on the guys but they were smiling at me "why are you guys smiling so creepy?".
"Because you just admitted that you like Mr hottie" Kate exclaimed.
I shook my head and laughed, "yeah I do but let's drop it okay, if there's any changes I'll let you know".
The nodded and we changed the topic to Mary and Kate's hot date.
A sudden hush came over the crowd and we stood as the Alphas, my parents and Maxwell entered the hall and headed to the podium.
I saw Liam, Rex, Mark, Damien and Nathan entering last, they stood by the podium with Rex continually glaring at Liam.
Guess he's still sour about Wednesday night, Cora snickered.
I chuckled softly, yeah he is.
We sat down and Alpha Miguel stood "Good evening everyone, we only have two things to address so this meeting will be quick".
"First is about the abduction of our own Luke. We have looked into it from all angles and it seems like a rival pack is after us. But in no time a ransom will be demanded".
I scoffed, ransom my ass.
They actually think we need their money, Cora snorted.
Well we can always take the money and return a brainwashed Luke to them.
Yeah that will be fun, Cora chuckled.
Alpha Miguel continued "so I'll advise us to be alert and conscious. Don't stray alone, go in groups and if you notice any thing out of the ordinary that is threatening don't hesitate to say it"
Alpha Stevens stood "the second is that the ID tattoo will be given two weeks from now and after that we have a month before our official merging".
The crowd cheered and I wondered why they seemed happy. The Alphas and my parents left the Great Hall.
I noticed Maxwell and Liam talking but they were too far for me to catch on what they wee saying.
"What's so special about this merging" I asked Neil.
"Well the Luna pack has this training exercise they hold that enables one become a more stronger werewolf. If you pass the test you join the soldiers"
I nodded acting interested "so where does this training take place?".
Neil shrugged "no one knows, they just pick the candidates, some return having failed the test, others come back fully trained and some don't come back at all. Alpha Miguel said they are assigned to another pack for security".
"Wow that's cool" I fake cheered, these people didn't know that they were being used as lab rats and that most of them are dead.
How can the Alphas be so cruel, Cora whimpered.
Beats me girl.
We stood and headed to the kitchen to get our dinner before we head to Neil's room.
The moment we entered the kitchen I could feel the tension thick in the air.
Nathan and Rex were having a stare off, while Mark stood awkwardly at the side. Theo and Damien also looked helpless.
When Nathan saw me he smiled "there she is"
I stared behind me seeing no one I pointed to myself "are you talking about me".
Nathan nodded then came forward to pull me but I stood my ground "dude what the fuck is wrong with you?" I snapped angrily.
"Nothing but I need you to tell Rex that he's being stupid if he thinks he can go around blaming himself for Luke's disappearance".
"Well he's actually stupid so I don't see how it's of any use to change his mind" I scoffed.
Damien and Theo snorted while Rex shot them a glare.
What's with Mark staring at us, Cora muttered.
And true enough Mark was staring at me but I rolled my eyes at him and turned to Nathan, "I don't have anything to say to your fellow alpha except that I solely blame him for Luke's disappearance".
Rex stepped forward "and if I find Luke, will you accept me?"
"Even if you sprout wings and can suddenly tell the future I'll never accept you. Get used to it Rex".
I walked past them and packed dinner for the guys and I.
But before I could leave Rex pulled me back "why can't you just accept me, why are you denying the connection between us?".
I pulled my arms "that's where you're wrong Rex, the only connection there'll ever be between us is that of the pack".
Turning to my friends "lets go, I wanna make use of my training free day".
"Hello Luke" I greeted cheerfully, "I brought dinner".
Luke raised his head and glared at me but when he saw the bag with me his face relaxed a bit.
"I can't believe I called you my friend" he spat out.
I chuckled "well you weren't my friend either, I mean who hates his friend because his crush is in love with her".
"Rex is not in love with you, you're being delusional, he's mine Aurora. Mine alone".
I smiled at the sight before me, Luke looked like he wanted to break free from the binds. Well he's trying to but it's impossible.
Waving my hand I walked to him "but Rex wants me, do you know he keeps following me around like a lost pup", I smirked "you should know that since he asked you to bring me to a private place".
He growled loudly, well at least as loud as he could. It been six days since he last ate, plus my venom that still runs in his vein.
I dropped the bag before him, bringing out the foods I brought.
His nostrils flared and he inhaled deeply, then he turned to me "why are you doing this?".
"I ask the questions remember, all you have to do is answer".
He glared at me but I continued "why did Rex want to meet up with me?".
"And why should I tell you" he spat out.
I shrugged "because he wants to meet with me again although this time he sent Maxwell to tell me" I lied smoothly, "so you see he wants me not you, otherwise he would have stopped trying to talk to me and focus on finding you".
Luke grunts "like hell he does, all he wants to do is mark you forcefully so I suggest you stay away and hang out with Liam". He scoffs "Like I need to tell you, you're probably giving him good sex that's why he's been more human to be around with, so I suggest you keep Liam occupied and stay away from Rex cause he's mine".
Ooooookay that's a lot, this guy's is plainly obsessed with Rex, Cora muttered.
Yep, he is.
"Well Luke thanks for the head up but I think I'll decide in seeing him or not".
I squatted before him and began feeding him, being careful not to take my fingers too close to his hands lest he bites it off.
When he was done with the sandwich and apple I gave him some water.
"Now tell me Luke, why is the league of assassins after me".
He burped loudly in my face and sat back with a smirk "am not saying girly get that in your head"
I laughed loudly, "oooh Luke this is where you're wrong, you won't be saying it" I leaned forward and dug my claws in his stomach releasing my venom, "you'll be screaming the answers when am ready for you, which will be real soon".
He groaned in pain, I could feel his wolf weakening and I smiled. It was just what I wanted, what's a werewolf without his precious wolf.
I stood back "I'll see you Sunday night so you have time to chose which you want. The easy or the hard way, but so you know, I love a challenge".
With that I headed back to the pack house and snuck into my room.
Rex's POV
I stared at Maxwell "what do you mean it's not possible?".
"Rex, Aurora can't be Liam's mate, he's wolf is feral remember and I've brainwashed him into believing he's not good enough for a mate".
I scoffed "what if she can make his wolf stable, what if she's the cure he needs, it's obvious he's attracted to her".
"Of course he's attracted to her, who wouldn't be?. She the most beautiful girl in the pack, with her green eyes and orange colored hair and..."
I snorted in disgust, "yeah even you are attracted to her"
He cleared his throat "anyway this is why you need to mark her before the next full moon, if she is actually Liam's mate I don't think you can stop them from mating by then".
I groaned, I could have mated with her by now but Luke had to go and get kidnapped.
I sighed "I need you to creat a rift between them, do anything to make them split, your nephew is getting on my nerves".
Maxwell looked pensive "and what if I can't make them split, what will you do?".
"Then I'll end him myself and I don't care about how it's going to be done. I need him out of the picture".
We were quiet for a while before he spoke up "why do you suddenly want her back?"
I shrugged "cause she's mine, I rejected her then because she was weak but I can sense that she's stronger and I can sense something else. I don't know what it is but it's there and I'll be damned before anyone takes her from me".
"I'll see what I can do about separating them".
"And Maxwell be as subtle as possible. I don't want anyone suspecting us, especially your nephew".
He nodded and left.
Lighting a cigarette I puffed the smoke slowly.
You're mine Aurora, mine alone.
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