Chapter One
A young gentleman's voice came echoing and crashing down into my serenity.
Around me, the once still grove rumbled ever so slightly. The sycamore trees appeared to reach higher, outstretched towards the pitch sky as if trying to escape the suffocation the interrupting sound brought. The fern leaves began to quiver against the newly formed breeze as it raged through my hair.
The forest, taking another blow, shook underneath the man's voice. My eyes searched frantically for the intruder of my peace I had so carefully crafted. A dry twig snapped beneath the sole of someone's boots, scattering the nymphs and sprites, the buzz of life stranding me to the darkness.
"It's all right. You can come out."
I wasn't sure if he was speaking to me or rather the magical creatures previously gathered at my feet.
The delicate beings dancing around only minutes ago had now completely vanished as if they never existed when he called out for the third time. The different fantasies began ceasing to exist at the mere sound of the stranger's voice.
"Who are you?" I daringly called back, but there was only silence threatening to mock me.
A shadow peered around a large trunk and crept across the damp moss floor until it touched the tip of my bare feet. I gasped and backed away, startled, to let the darkness envelop me as I retreated slowly towards the trees, creating distance from the clearing.
All was quiet with the exception of the rustling leaves from the increasingly untamed wind and the brushing of feathers of the raven overhead circling the field.
It glared down at my presence, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end and sending a shiver down my spine that continued through my entire body.
My concentration quickly turned from the raven and towards the shadow when another crunch of leaves echoed around.
A boy emerged from the forest.
My mind and body wrestled with itself. Someone was calling my name. But my dreams refused to let me go. I needed to see the face of the man.
Every night I was launched into a false reality miles away from my current life. These strange experiences always toyed with my mind. The nagging feeling of familiarity was relentless and impossible to ignore each and every time.
Sometimes it was nice to think that my imagination was so creative. I've never seen anything out of the cottage walls, yet I could dream up witches and fairies, magic and curses, and most curious of all, people. People who were so different from the only three I knew.
However, these feelings of pride were short-lived as I was never able to recall any memories once my eyes opened each morning.
Still, I enjoyed my time, appreciating what I was given. They were always so mystical and the whole situation of it continued to sweep me off my feet every night.
"Briar Rose!"
I knew I had to awaken and leave my fantasies behind, but before any comprehension could set in, a blinding light invaded and stung behind my eyelids. I gasped and sat upright, my eyes finally opening, leaving my dreams behind and already a forgotten memory.
"Dreaming again, darling?" Breena was in my room, pulling the curtains aside from each window.
I stifled a yawn and sat silently, awaiting my body to leave the sleep-like impression you always get once you first wake up.
"Everyone dreams." I shrugged nonchalantly.
I reached around myself and stretched, still sitting up tangled in the stiff sheets and the wool blanket.
The corners of her mouth twitched up in a slight smile, coaxing wrinkles from her aged face. Her delicate eyes brightened up when she looked up at me from the task at hand.
"Not like you dear. So tell me, what was the highlight of last night?" I frowned, my brow creasing, and stared down at my hands.
"I'm not sure... I can't remember. But I know I do! I-- I just do." Breena sighed.
"You never seem to recall. But, if I might say, you are different from any other when it comes to dreaming. It's as if you fall under a spell; caught in a trance. I should know!" She laughed lightly. "You talk in your sleep quite often."
I laughed nervously at the comment and bit my bottom lip in thought.
"Yes. It's quite unusual." I sat in silence, frustrated.
"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!"
Sabelle scurried into my room with Faylinn tightly on her heels. The space felt noticeably smaller as my chambers were not meant to fit four people.
"Come on, time to get up!" She clapped her hands to quicken my pace. I fought a heavy eye roll and cast a smirk at Breena whose face scrunched up in a smile.
"We were only talking," she sighed, gathering the blankets off my bed and stood up.
"Not putting any more crazy ideas in that head of yours, is she?" Her hands landed on her hips and she lifted her brows as a smile stretched across her thin lips. I risked another smile at Breena, hoping Sabelle failed to notice our secret discussion of dreams.
Breena was my favorite of my three aunts. Her imagination was just as wild as mine.
It was she who encouraged my creativity. It was she who helped me learn of my passions. Because of her confidence in me, I felt I could pursue anything.
A light-hearted laugh escaped my mouth as I walked out of the room. The three of them always bickered, especially with this subject at hand.
Sabelle wanted me to be knowledgeable and firmly pushed studies on me with Faylinn as her faithful follower to always back her up. Breena, on the other hand, loved everything whimsical and strange. She held no restraint to talk to me about it.
Swiftly, I grasped the gown from my closet that was closest to me and went behind the thin divider in the corner of the room to change out of my nightgown and into a slip and the dress. It was a jade green bodice with intricate flowers sewn in gold and purple, and a lace trim that covered half of the hem at the bottom of the skirt.
"This is new!" I peered from around the thin barrier and gave the new clothing a spin and swished the skirt so they could see every angle. I had to admit, Sabelle could handle a needle and thread beyond expectations. It seemed as if I had a new and different dress each month.
They each gazed in approval and Sabelle smiled to herself with pride. She knew she had done a good job to highlight my fair skin and golden hair, which flowed down to my waist and was honestly difficult to compliment.
"You look stunning as always, darling." Faylinn grasped both of my hands in hers and kissed each of my cheeks.
With that, the three of them shooed me off to finish tidying up my already spotless room.
I walked through the narrow hallways of the second floor to the washroom. The cold, polished tile beneath my toes did some to awaken my drowsy state. I splashed some of the lukewarm water sitting in the basin on my face. I waited for the groggy sensation induced by my dreams to leave me before making my way out.
I descended the worn out wooden staircase riddled with cracks and loose boards. The first floor consisted only of an entry way and expanded kitchen, while upstairs had our washroom and each of our bedrooms.
The quaint cottage was small, but a place I called home my entire life.
A certain charm always radiated from the surface of the gray stones. Ivy and roses clung to the outside and crawled up to the roof top. The chimney constantly had wisps of smoke puff out, further added to the comforting feeling when you gazed at the structure.
The entirety of the house was filled with the aroma of the sandalwood we burned in the fireplace and the lilacs that overflowed each room. All of the flowers were accompanied by vases handcrafted from clay by none other than myself.
Faylinn beat me down and was already in the kitchen working her magic on the stove. A large, steel pot was sitting over the heat with oats, milk, and honey simmering together while she continued to add spices.
The smell wafted over and brought a smile to my face. She was always a genius in the kitchen, her crazy concoctions providing interesting flavors to my otherwise dull palette.
I had to admit, I didn't know how these girls managed to do every task that they accomplished on a daily basis, not to mention, having to deal with the handful of a mess that was myself.
I used to be quite the troublemaker when I was younger, and even now I was always trying to get away with doing things, such as wandering out into the Forbidden Forest. Of course, they never had approved of it and I assumed never will.
However, my constant need for adventure never faltered. And although I realize it tends to get on their nerves, I still love them and have listened to them up to this point.
I grabbed the bowls and spoons from the small cupboard in the corner of the kitchen and began placing them on the table, now only awaiting the food and people. I leaned over and began giving the vase of flowers a small touch up, removing any that had the smallest blemish or threw off the balance of the arrangement.
The window just above the craftsman table let in the morning sunlight at just the right angle, reflecting on the lilacs, turning their shade to a periwinkle that was pleasant to the eye.
I cracked it open to allow some fresh air inside as well as the chirping of the flocks of birds. Outside the window, a streak of black cut through the sky and caught my attention.
Black wasn't a common colour out in this forest of flourishing abundance.
A piercing caw silenced the sing-song of the other birds and I saw the creature perch on a nearby tree branch. I stuck my head further out the window, pushing the glass pane to try and get a better view. It was a dark raven.
Something was triggered and my eyes glazed over in recognition.
I remembered something.
Aurora. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved. Emily Kland.
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