[quod periit, periit]
The celebration lasted for a whole week. After all, there were plenty of things to be celebrated: Imogen and Reese's wedding, their victory over the Masks, and the return of their loved ones from Kane's control. Festivities were divided between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, with games and dances and feasts and revels and just about everything the demigods could think of. They'd earned this break before they prepared for war.
Reese and Imogen had gone on their honeymoon after the second day, gone to some island or foreign country, Tessa wasn't sure which. All she was sure of was that her two friends had finally found happiness and love, and that was a feat to be celebrated on its own.
Tonight was the last night of Camp Half-Blood's festivities, before Camp Jupiter took over the next day. So, as tradition called for, everyone gathered on Fireworks Beach for a cookout and a firework show like no other. According to the Hecate and Hephaestus cabins, it was going to be even better than the Fourth of July fireworks.
So far, things were going great. The air spirits kept refilling the barbeques and snack tables the way they would the dining pavilion, so there was no shortage on food. Music played nearby. There were volleyball games further down the beach, and of course, the fireworks displayed in the sky.
Tessa crossed towards the snack table, eager to get her hands on another chili cheese dog, when she spotted Kaden nearby. He had a melancholy look on his face, and something told Tessa that the drink in his hands was untouched.
Tessa bit her lip, remembering the night in the Garden of Minerva. She wasn't exactly sure she wanted a repeat of that. It was like no matter how hard they tried to talk things out, they still weren't sure where they stood.
But hope was in the air. As was love. Maybe things would go their way this time.
Tessa veered off course, right towards Kaden. He smiled his easy smile upon seeing her, which Tessa took as a good sign.
"Hey, you," Kaden greeted. "Having fun?"
Tessa shrugged, looking back around the beach. She'd by lying if she said that tonight wasn't one of the best nights of her life. "It's definitely a breath of fresh air."
Kaden chuckled. "You'd be right about that."
Tessa smiled, suddenly wishing she'd grabbed a drink or something to keep her hands occupied. "So how are you holding up?"
Kaden met her gaze, and that was answer enough. He might have been smiling, but Kaden's emerald eyes seemed weary, haunted even. One of his childhood best friends had been murdered by another childhood best friend; his current best friend was now married. Grief and happiness were two polar opposites, but how did you manage both?
"I'm alright," Kaden drew out a sigh. "It's been two weeks. I've done my grieving. Not that she deserved any more or any less but...I'm messing this up."
"You're fine," Tessa assured. "I understand."
Kaden nodded. "When we were kids, we'd talk about what we think we'd do in the Underworld. Our decisions made a lot of sense now that I think about it."
"What were they?" Tessa asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Well," Kaden began. "I said that I'd stay in Elysium if I achieved it. Jett said he'd hopefully be turned into a god and wouldn't have to worry about that."
Tessa snorted, looking over to where Jett was sitting, having a hot dog eating contest with Mark and Julius. She shook her head, looking back to Kaden. "What about Mallory and...?"
"Mallory said she'd try for rebirth," Kaden explained, his emerald eyes taking on a wistful glint. "And Vinny...he didn't think he'd get into Elysium to begin with."
Tessa arched an eyebrow. "What, was he anticipating the Fields?"
"Of Asphodel? Probably." Kaden blew out a sigh. "But I think it's obvious which one he'll end up now."
Tessa made a face, casting her gaze back out to sea. The fireworks and tiki torches reflected on the water enchantingly, and something made her want to spit out the words she'd been holding inside.
Until Kaden spoke first.
"I got a job," He said, almost amazed with himself.
Tessa blinked, caught off guard. She looked back to Kaden, who wore a slight smile on his face. "You did?"
Kaden nodded. "At a hospital in Manhattan. How I landed it amid all this, I'm not sure but...I'll thank my lucky stars."
"Kaden," Tessa said incredulously. "That's incredible!"
His smile grew ever so slightly. "Isn't it?"
"Yes!" Tessa beamed, but her heart twisted in her chest. "I'm so proud of you."
She pulled Kaden in for a hug, and maybe it was her, maybe it was him, but their arms lingered around the embrace for just a moment too long to be celebratory. But they went back to their normal stances as soon as the moment faded.
"What about you?" Kaden asked, taking a sip of his drink. "Are you going back to your journalism thing?"
Tessa felt like she'd been hit between the eyes; right. She had a job. Her boss was probably wondering why she'd taken a leave of absence out of nowhere, but what didn't hurt him didn't matter.
"Probably," Tessa confessed. "I like it there. Makes me feel like I'm doing good."
Kaden smirked. "Says the triumphant hero."
Tessa whacked his arm playfully. "Oh, shush. You know what I mean."
"I do," Kaden downed the rest of his drink, tossing the plastic cup into one of the nearby trashcans. "Which is why I know you're also on the fence about not going back."
Tessa bit her lip. "What makes you say that?"
"You feel bad for being away for so long and letting the situation escalate. Now that we're on the verge of war, you're not sure if you want to distance yourself again." Kaden explained, his green eyes luminous like the glowing moon in the sky.
Tessa averted her gaze. "It's a tricky situation, Kade. I feel like I can only choose one thing or the other in its entirety."
"Reese and Imogen didn't have to," Kaden said silently. And Tessa knew what he meant. But she'd already backed down from talking about it.
"Reese and Imogen..." Tessa sighed. "They deserve to be together. They deserve this."
"Everyone deserves happiness and love, Tessa," Kaden countered, eyebrows arched. "Do you think you don't?"
Tessa held his gaze. "I think that I'm not exactly in the clear for that kind of victory just yet."
Kaden's eyes softened. "Tessa—"
"Kaden," Tessa interrupted, matching his tone. "Don't worry. We've got more on our plates to worry about than repairing our relationship. You have your job. I have mine. We have a war to prepare for."
"That's not what I meant by that," Kaden said quickly. "I just..." He dragged a hand through his hair. "But you're right."
"When am I not?" Tessa laughed shortly, but it sounded sad. She shut her eyes, taking a deep breath. "I'm gonna go get something to eat."
"Tessa, wait—"
But Tessa was already gone, her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't head to the snack tables, she didn't head back to the party. Instead, Tessa found herself on the trails back to camp, lost in her head.
Why did she say that? Gods, she was a mess. Things were going so well, and she just had to open her mouth and try and fix things.
Tessa stifled a groan, reaching the central omega of cabins. She veered towards Cabin Three, but movement out of the corner of her eye sent her whirling around. She snatched Tempest out of her hair, finding herself very tired of being snuck up on like this.
Sure enough, a figure was moving towards her. It was cloaked, covered in darkness, but as they got closer, Tessa saw that it was limping, hardly moving at all. It had dark hair, and its arms and skin were covered in cuts and scrapes, burns and blisters. Eventually, it staggered to its knees a few feet before Tessa, and pulled the hood of its cloak off.
Tessa gasped, feeling her skin pale like she'd seen a ghost.
"Tessa," Chase Ferguson said gravelly, his eyes puffy and bruised. His entire face was covered in burns and blood. "Help."
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