This is Story
Three Months ago
At a Evil GUN Fort/Vault Sonic Fights a new bad guy that Sonic is annoyed by as soon as he tries to attack him.
Dr. Plague: Hahahahaha You will lose this time Sonic I will kill you and finish with the world then your friends.
Sonic: *Tries to fight him as he grins when he rushed at him* I will get you doctor nerdy Freakenstein
Dr. Plague: *When Sonic is just a second close to hitting him and he shows his trap as he was then inside a trap* Fool I got you now and you will no longer be the hero of the world and of Mobius *Laughs*
Sonic: What the heck is this and what are you going to do to me!
Dr. Plague: I will do THIS! *He presses a button where Sonic's Light Blue fur changed into a dark blue his gloves then ripped showing claws. and then he increases in size and then he roared at him as he laughed* Finally I have turned the hero into a monster.
Sonic: What did you do to me
Dr. Plague: Hahahaha you have to choose rather to change back to normal and save your life or several cities from getting destroyed. *Sonic then stretches his arm and hits him*
Sonic chooses his own life to save the world so the people would be safe along with his friends. The building blew up due to him choosing the world over him. But he still alive but he is still this beast and he sees the GUN Agents check the building.
After 8 Hours since the explosion
GUN Agent: Well there isn't any body so Plague got away and killed Sonic but he might have saved his own life in order to protect the city.
GUN Commander: Oh well tell the Press Sonic is no more
GUN Agent: Yes sir *Walks off *
GUN Commander: *Smiling* Goodbye Sonic run before we get you. *Laughs*
Werehog Sonic: *Growls as he runs off crying because he is this monster and no longer the hero he was and that he was now a run away*
Present Day
Is was a lovely Chrome Morning in New Emerald City as a pretty Pink Hedgehog puts on her Winter dress as her best friends Cream, Kitty, and Katy Giggled as Amy's Dress was almost impossible to put it on
*Title Name card* Cream: Your ready Girls? *As she jokingly says as Amy gets mad*
*Title Name card*Amy: Shut up Cream it will be a few more minutes.
*Title Name card for the twins* Kitty: Ya Maybe Spring time when you will be done
Blaze: *Laughs as her title card pops up*
Katy: KITTY!
Kitty: It is true *Giggles*
Amy: Stop it is hard to put on ladies *As she walks over to them after it toke her awhile* Sorry who is ready to freeze and play in the snow?
Kitty: I don't care
Katy: ME! ME! MEEEE!
Cream: Sure I want to have some fun *Giggles*
The five girls walk outside as Sally's title card pops up as she was waiting for awhile.
Sally: Finally what toke you so long
Blaze: Agreed
Amy: Sorry I couldn't get my dress on *She giggles*
Sally: Okay well lets hurry Everyone is going to take an area for the fight *They all run into the woods as they see Tails laughing as he throws snowballs at Shadow*
Shadow: STOP IT!
Tails: Never!! *As he sees the girl*
Cream: Shouldn't we be hiding Miss. Amy and Miss. Sally
Kitty: YA shouldn't we *She gets hit in the head* OW!
Katy: Ahhh
Sally: Umm lets head deeper in the woods girls *Points it out as they run into the woods when more snowballs hit them*
Amy: *Huffs and Puffs* Feeew we made it yay
Cream: Really I am covered in snow *But she giggles and falls to the groud laughing*
Katy: Woo *Falls and makes a Snow Angle as she smiles and laughs*
Kitty: *Huffs in anger* Really My hair is covered as she sits down and powts*
Then Tangle runs huffing as she is drowned in the snow as she title card pops up.
Tangle: Wow I got killed in snow and I loved it woooooooo
Kitty: Really you immature moron
Tangle: What did you cool me
Sally: Ladies lets try no to kill each other.
Amy then relized she had lost her hat when they were attacked.
Amy: Hey I think I left my hat back a few feet back I am going to go find it. So I might be a few coming back girls bye. *She walks off as it fades to back as Sonic running but not in his werehog form as he tries to skip town to get away from the GUN agents/Hunters*
Tangle: I going to kill you Kitty
Kitty: Eep *Runs*
Sally, Blaze,Cream, and Katy: Okay Amy bye
Sonic: *Walks as it snows* Ahh it is so pretty here in these woods *HE Smiles*
Amy: Where is my hat *Searches for it* dang it I need it now before the sunsets.
Sonic: *Runs as a hunter has him in his sights* I miss doing thins
Amy: Ahh there it is *Sonic runs into her* Hey who did that is that you Tails *Turns around to see Sonic*
Sonic: Ummm sorry and I am Sonic Sonic the hedgehog and you are who?
Amy: Amy Rose but you can call me Amy Sonic what are you doing by yourself
Sonic: Why are you?
Amy: Well I lost my hat while I was out to find it because I lose everything *Laughs as she chuckles*
Sonic: Well I have a house no to far from here so I was walking around here and I saw you. You look so cute while... I mean you are pretty cool messing with the snow. (In his mind) Welp you suck at flirting but it doesn't matter you got to be running soon that man is after you. Well I have to go now it was nice to meet you *Amy grabs his arm before he runs off and asks why* Well I have to because *An explosion send them flying*
Amy: Ahhhh *As she hits a tree*
Hunter #1: Got him
Hunter #2: You got another person involved now we have to kill them. *Hits him with gun in anger*
Hunter #1: Sorry man and ow
Amy: Wwho are they?
Sonic: Hunters they are after me you run I will keep them busy
Amy: No those kinds of bullies need to stop chasing you. I will help and you can't make me change my mind
Sonic: *Gets hit as he agrees and they fight them* Ahhh
Amy: Sonic! *She gets grabbed by the hunters and they get ready to kill her* Let me go
The sunsets and the moon rises and Sonic turns into the full werehog when he gets to the hunters to drop and move away from Amy as it shows werehog sonic infront of Amy to protect her as it fades to black.
Chapter one of this Video Dub is done and ready to post
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