Judged by -stefaniemo
1st Place goes to MiniMoxx
Beyond Resonable Doubt by MiniMoxx
Title: 4/5- The title fits quite well the contents of the novel. I thought it was quite unique and original to the story itself.
Cover: 3.5/5- I believe Object/Vector based covers do better in terms of professionalism, but that does not take away the aesthetic pleasure and eye-catching nature of the cover
Blurb: 4.5/5- Extremely detailed but not in way that gives out too many details to the reader.
Presentation: 4/5- Well done and highly organized.
Opening Chapter: 9/10- Intriuging, and keeps the reader engaged the storyline.
Plot: 18/20- Unlike I've read before. Events are structured and well planned.
Grammar: 9/10- Commendable use of grammatical structures, appropriate verb tenses and spellings.
Vocabulary: 8/10- Impeccable choice of words that are unique to the writing style.
Dialogues: 8.5/10- Flows naturally and no unnecessary use of conversation
Characters: 9/10- Characters are well written and interesting to read about
Story development: 9/10- Story develops at the right pace; not too slow or too fast.
TOTAL: 86.5/10
2nd Place goes to Summer_SKY_9
Mages of Dusk by Summer_SKY_9
Title: 3.5/5- Title relates the content, and gives a peek into what the story is about.
Cover: 3.5/5- I don’t believe there’s anything such as a perfect cover but I do think there are many good enough ones. I liked that the cover had a correlation to its content and the title. It gives me an idea of what the story is about without selling out too much.
Blurb : 4/5- Normally, I don’t dig excerpts from a storyline serving as its description. But I do think this excerpt does as much as a blurb would do. Like the cover, it gives me an idea of what it is about, but still keeps me guessing and intrigued.
Presentation: 4/5- All parts of the book from title to plot was presented in a such an organized way. Opening Chapter : 8.5/10- If I strongly believed anything was perfect, your opening chapter/prologue would have a gotten a 10. I read a lot of mystery/thriller novels, but most of them don’t hook me from their beginning. Unlike most I’ve read, yours made want to keep reading on, and I find that an essential feature in a good book.
Plot: 18/20- Like I mentioned in the section for Story development, it wouldn’t be fair to judge low on this one considering there are so few chapters. But from what I’ve read, pieces of the plot are coming together in an orderly and pre-planned manner, something that many books lack.
Grammar: 8/10- From the opening chapter up until where I stopped reading, your use of metaphors, grammatical structures, accurate placement of punctuation marks and diversity of words to conjure up images in the mind of the reader stayed consistent. The only reason why I didn’t give a 9 is because some sentences were hard to follow up and I had to re-read some of the paragraphs (but I do think that’s more of a me problem and not your witing style because I’m a very fast and impatient reader)
Vocabulary: 8/10- Choice of words was immaculate and perfect for the story’s setting.
Dialogues: 8.5/10- I like that there wasn’t unnecessary dialogue included. Personally, I prefer expressions of thoughts through actions, but I still appreciate dialogue thrown about here and there. Your use of dialogue didn’t seem forced and it flowed effortlessly. However, like I mentioned when commenting on your use of grammar, certain interactions felt a bit tough to follow up on. But, once again, it may just be me.
Characters: 8/10- I’d like to assume the story is written in an omniscient point of view, which is why the story is at first told by a “he” and then moves onto a “she.”All characters that made entrances in different scenes had purposes that they played out. There wasn’t any unneeded character who didn’t contribute to the plot showing up in the prologue + the 3 other chapters that were available to read. You wrote your characters with specific roles which allowed the story to develop accordingly.
Story development: 9/10- I can’t really judge you low on this one, considering the book only has three chapters. Development is hard to see in such a short time. But from the little I read, I can tell that the story is headed somewhere with a purpose that I can’t wait to find out as I personally read the book for my leisure!
TOTAL: 85/100
3rd Place goes to scrabblepost
Greed by scrabblepost
Title: 4/5- It was interesting to see how the title significantly related to the story’s content.
Cover: 3/5- I like the cover, but it seems too much is going on the at the same time. Reducing the subtitles would make it seem more organized.
Blurb: 4/5- I enjoyed how the Blurb gave enough details to keep the readers engaged.
Presentation: 4/5- Chapters are well organized.
Opening chapter: 8/10- You did a great job of ensuring the opening chapter had a powerful enough hook that made it engaging, mysterious and fascinating.
Plot:18/20- I love the concept behind the plot, it was refreshing to see something like it.
Grammar: 8/10- You showed good use of grammar and verb tenses.
Vocabulary: 8.5/10- I live the use of figures and parts of speech.
Dialogues: 8/10- Dialogues flowed naturally amd were inserted in just the right places
Character: 8.5/10- I could relate well to the characters. They were well written with flaws and other attributes that really made them feel authentic.
Story development: 8.5/10- the story developed just fine. At the perfect pace, it kept me guessing and curious.
TOTAL: 82.5/100
And for the participants:
Undisclosed Secrets by ViniShah2
Title: 3.5/10- I like the mysterious tone of the title. It excites curiousity in the reader and was one of the major things I enjoyed.
Cover: 3.5/5- Simple but still inviting. I love the font choice and placement as well as the mysterious mood the cover emanates.
Blurb: 3.5/5- As much as the Blurb is well written, I don't think it's gripping enough for a reader to decide to open up the book. It's fascinating to the end but it lacks depth- This is not to say it wasn't any good, I found it nice, but the reason I decided to give a 3 and not a higher score is because I think you can make it better. It's a msytery book, so add a statement that gives off the vibe you want your readers to feel.
Presentation: 3/5- I like the way chapters are seemingly presented, but if you're going to switch from third person to first person(I have read books that employ this technique so I believe its encouraging that you did), make sure they each have their own chapter. I would have given a higher score if chapters in first person were separated from chapters in third person in order to avoid confusion for the readers.
Opening chapter: 6.5/10- Your opening chapter should be your hook. It should contain an inciting incident which sets off a chain reaction of events that build up the story. I didn't quite understand what the hook of the opening chapter, it felt more of an introduction to your characters (which is not wrong but shouldn't be the main goal of a first chapter) rather than an event that leads to the whole point of the story. Nonetheless, it doesn't take away from your writing style.
Plot: 15/20- I liked the plot and the unexpected events that built it up.
Grammar: 7.5/10- You showed a good use of grammar, I hardly found any grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors.
Vocabulary: 7.5/10- The choice of words were simple, which is an added advantage in keeping the interest of readers but make sure to occasionally include metaphors or vivid descriptions so as to keep the readers interested.
Dialogues: 6.5/10- There were some unnecessary inclusions of dialogue but otherwise nicely written.
Characters: 6.5/10- A little work can be done to make the characters far more relatable than they already are, but I still liked the protagonist and supporting characters.
Story Development: 7/10- The book developed alright, but slight adjustments can be made to enhance its overall development.
TOTAL: 70/100
Salvation From Gray by Aquasprinkle
Title: 3.5/5- love the brooding and mysterious nature of the cover.
Cover: 3/5- The cover is simplistic, but font and image choice make it appear like too much is going on at the time. Change in font colour would perhaps enhance its beauty.
Blurb: 3/5- Blurb is good, but it's not recommendable to dish out many details at once. I noticed the use of excerpt at first, and then a switch. The method you employed is fine, but work towards minimising the Blurb in such away its short(not too short) and gives the reader an insight without spilling too many details.
Presentation: 4/5- A neat and organized layout
Opening chapter: 7/10- Interesting, but did not feel too much like an opening chapter. There wasn't any clear cut inciting incident that propelled the main character into the mess she finds herself in.
Plot: 16/20- A common trope but still a commendable execution.
Grammar: 7/10- The only issue with the grammar was the switch from present to past tense but otherwise good use of grammatical structures.
Vocabulary: 7/10- Admirable choice of words.
Dialogues: 7/10- at certain points, dialogue seemed unnecessary, but still enjoyable and relatable.
Character: 7/10- Characters develop through the course of the novel which gave it depth.
Story development: 7/10- Story develops quite alright.
Ms. Fernby's Cottage by Peggors
Title: 4/5- A perfect fit.
Cover: 3/5- simplistic but still aesthetic
Blurb: 3.5/5- gave just the right amount of information, mayterious and provokes curiousity.
Presentation: 3.5/5- The mammee in which chapters are presented make the reading experience much better.
Opening chapter: 7.5/10- Personally, I do feel the opening chapter is worth more than this, but I couldn't quite ignore the fact that (though understandable it is written in an omniscient point of view) it's switch from the first two characters to another set didn't flow as good as it should have. There should have been an intermediate scene (I love the narrator's voice, but a leading event should have followed it order to properly introduce the main character)
Plot: 18/20- The sequent of events that make up the plot are well structured and planned. A unique and entertaining plot.
Grammar: 7.5/10- I noticed a struggle between past and present tense. It's ok to include forms of past tense when writing in present, but try to limit any noticeable switch so as not to confuse the reader
Vocabulary: 8/10- Simplistic and Commendable choice of words.
Dialogues: 7.5/10- parts of the dialogue felt like fillers but other than that they flowed fine and didn't feel forced.
Character: 8/10- I love the variety and inclusion of different kinds of people, it gave authenticity to the novel.
Story development: 8/10- The novel develops the way it should; just at the right pace to evoke curiousity as well as answer beaming questions.
Counciled plans, a Mr Harvey Mystery by JonathanSmith026
Title: 3.5/5- I've never really heard quite a title like this. It was the first thing that drew my attention to the book. I love the subtle curiousity it plays out as well as it's uniqueness.
Cover: 2/5- A cover is an essential part of any book. The cover doesn't really potray any message to the reader. Apart from its center object, which is a man seated on a bench, I couldn't quite relate any of the content to the cover. Having a title on the cover enhances curiousity of readers. Especially on wattpad, most people don't look at the titles first but the cover. People judge your cover based on its aesthetic quality and I belive making subtle changes like adding the book's title and authors name will significantly improve the covers appeal.
Blurb: 4/5- I love the concise nature of the blurb. It's short but gives just about information to keep engagement.
Presentation: 3.5/5- I loved the simple nature of the book's presentation.
Opening chapter: 8.5/10- interesting, engaging and mysterious.
Plot: 17/20- an exciting refreshing read with a plot structure that's clearly well thought out.
Grammar: 8/10- Good use of grammatical structures and verb tenses, except an occasional, but unlikely noticeable switch from present to past tense (this was majorly only shown in the opening chapter; subsequent chapters did not)
Vocabulary: 8.5/10- Admirable choice of words that provoke raw thinking.
Dialogues: 7/10- No clear cut use of quotation marks to express significant dialogue but it did not take away the quality behind conversation in the novel.
Character: 8/10- Relatable and fallen characters that add volume and quality to the story.
Story development: 8/10- Adequate Pacing, develops just fine.
The Secret letter by koalaqueen1704
Title: 3/5- It's the most original concept but still gets the job done.
Cover: 2.5/5- Agreed there is a title and inclusion of the author's name but the cover lacks depth. I'm not trying to make nonsense of the cover. I like the way it's center piece is a letter; it tells me everything I need to know without making use of words. Still, I had a hard time feeling any kind of emotion from the cover.
Blurb: 3/5- i love the brief and concise nature.
Presentation:3/5- A good presentation but it's important to, when having multiple POV'S split the chapters into two separate ones. Granted I've read published books that have more than one POV in a chapter but it's always for a specific reason and never at the beginning of the book, it's usually at the middle or end.
Opening chapter: 7/10- I like how the book kickstarted with the accident. It provided insight and gives us readers something to suspect.
Plot: 17/20- a wonderfully crafted plot.
Grammar: 6.5/10- Good use of grammar.
Vocabulary: 7/10- The only thing that would have made this btter is choosing a different vocabulary for each character. You want to make sure your audience can tell the difference between one character's voice and another character's voice.
Dialogues: 7/10- Some parts of the dialogue didn't feel all too natural, and when using dialogue, add a supporting sentence at the end, except it's a continuation of one's character's speech or the readers can tell apart character voice between 2 or more characters conversing.
Character: 7/10- I over the vulnerability of the characters portrayed.
Story development: 7/10- The story develops alright.
A/N: Thank you, -stefaniemo for taking your time in contributing to the awards.
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