Vampire Paperjam x reader
This may seem like a bit of a lemon, but it's not. Because I have never wrote one... and I don't know how...
Your point of view
'Ink?' I walked up to the colourful skeleton. 'Where's Pj?' I asked.
'Umm. He was in his room. You can go check if you want.' He smiled.
I walked up the stairs to Pj's room. I knocked in the door and he spoke deeply.
I opened the door and walked in. I closed the door and walked into the dark room.
'Pj? Where are you?' As soon as I spoke, a thud fell right in front of me.
'Why, I'm right here. Can't you see me?' He asked.
'K-kinda... it's too dark.' I stated.
'And that's the way it's staying. I like the dark.' He growled. I then felt his hand trail up my neck. He then flinched away.
'You must leave, before you get hurt.' He said sadly.
'Why would I get hurt?' I asked.
'Do you believe in mythical creatures?' He asked with a sigh.
'Y-yes. Why?' I stuttered.
'Well, I'm a vampire. I got bitten the other night. I don't want to bite you. You'll turn into a freak like me.' He turned away slowly and into the corner. I walked over to him and threw my arms around his waist.
'You're not a freak Pj. You're the sexy skeleton I love.' I then realised what I had said and I covered my mouth and blushed.
'Heh, I'm sexy an I?' He asked with a chuckle. 'How am I sexy?' He spun around and looked me in the eyes.
'Well.' I said, trailing my hands up his shirt. 'There's your sexy ribs.' I said while trailing my finger along each one. And I swear for a moment he moaned. 'Then there's your eyes.' I got closer to his face, 'then there's your smile.' I pressed my lips up against his teeth. Still playing with his ribs, he was moaning. I felt the vibrations on my lips. I pulled away and looked him in the eye.
'Pj.' I could see confusion in his eyes. 'I want to join you. I want to live forever.'
'I can't do that to you! I can't hurt you! I love you!' He yelled.
'That's why you should. So we can be together. Forever.' He nodded his head and slowly went to my neck. He hesitated, but slowly bit down. Just enough to let the venom into my bloodstream. He stopped and pulled away. He licked my bite marks, which made me shiver with joy. I closed my eyes and rubbed my neck as pain shot throughout my body. But then it stopped. Pj put his hand to my cheek as I opened my eyes. They had turned blood red.
'It worked.'
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