US sans x siren reader
Your point of view
I was sitting under a dock at the ocean, away from siren rock, the other sirens would bully me for my voice, it was different to theirs. They would also bully me on the songs I would sing. They were all sad songs. I cried knowing I'll never be as good as them. So I started singing.
(Sorry, I'm putting in a five nights a freddys song)
'It seems like
A life time ago
That I saw the gold
Sunshine glow
No, it doesn't reach
Down below
Shadows become the light
Here where the monsters hide
Normal is just a dream
For all the ghosts like me
I hate my metal bones
My bones and gears creak in my chest
My chest forever cold
A cold and maddening descent
Descending down so far
Fall farther 'til there's nothing left
I'm left here in the dark
The dark
I dance to forget
This is my
Fractured apart from the world
Where I want to be
Lock the door
Throw away the key
And let my dance resume
Down in a pitch black room
Normal is just a dream
For all the ghosts like me
Like me
I hate my metal bones
My bones and gears creak in my chest
My chest forever cold
A cold and maddening descent
Descending down so far
Fall farther 'til there's nothing left
I'm left here in the dark
The dark
I dance to forget
I dance to forget
Come now
Dance with me
As the song plays
Down down
Dance with me
Stuck on replay
Come now
Dance with me
As the song plays
Down down
Dance with me
Stuck on replay
I hate my metal bones
My bones and gears creak in my chest
My chest forever cold
A cold and maddening descent
Descending down so far
Fall farther 'til there's nothing left
I'm left here in the dark
The dark
I dance to forget
I dance, I dance, I dance
I dance to forget
I dance, I dance
I dance to forget'
I finished singing and looked up at the dark sky. I then heard something on the dock move. I gasped and shuffled back but accidentally slipped my hand off a rock and made a splash. I then saw a head look under the dock. It was a skeleton. I tilted my head and he tilted his.
'H-hello?' I said quietly.
'Hello!' He chirped. I then saw his eyes look at my tail, then my arm fins, then my ears. (The picture above looks like you, I mean the fins and tail. All the rest is your real features)
'What type of creature are you?' He asked.
'I-I'm a siren...' I responded.
'Why were you singing such a sad song?' Man,this guy asks a lot of questions.
'W-well, I don't won't to go home, I'm b-bullied by other sirens. And so I'm trapped under this dock, I don't want to be seen by humans...' I explained shyly. I then heard a splash in front of me, the skeleton got in the water. He came closer to me and sat next to me.
'Humans aren't that bad. They were a bit judgmental about us monsters but they then warmed up to us.' He said happily. 'I will come back tomorrow and show you.' He then got out of the water.
'Wait!' He looked back at me. 'What's your name?'
'Oh I'm the magnificent sans! What's yours?.' He asked.
'Its y/n...' I said shyly.
'Well I'll see you tomorrow y/n! Bye!' He yelled.
'Bye sans...' I then went and hid under the water.
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