Nightmare x Child reader 3
Your point of view
"Take me back to my home now you damn witch!!" I demanded from the back seat.
"Don't call me that!! Only my dad can!" I hissed cutting her off.
"Fine. Child, I am taking you to a home where you will be loved better." She explained.
"I don't need to be loved better! My dad loved me perfectly fine!" I argued.
"But wouldn't you want a mother as well as a father?" She asked looking in the rearview mirror.
"No! I want my dad! And uncle dream! I wanna go home!" I said throwing my legs around.
"We are almost at your new home." She said pulling into a driveway. "Here we are."
"If you think I'm getting out of the car, think again you evil monster." I growled.
"I'm pretty sure the monster is your former 'parent'." She said with venom dripping from he voice.
"What was that? I can't hear over your constant mooing you cow!" I insulted. "You're not a child inspector! You're a demon who destroys children's lives!"
"Is that the sound of my new child?" A woman's voice asked.
"Yes. And she's a bit of a pain. So make sure to discipline her so she's respectful." The inspector said leading me to a woman with black hair.
"Hello honey. I'm your new momm-"
"No you're not." I growled followed by a glare.
"I hate you! I want my dad! I wanna go back to my daddy!" I cried falling to the ground with tears falling from my eyes.
"I'll leave you with your daughter." The inspector said leaving.
"Young one, who was your daddy?" The lady asked. "Did he treat you well?"
"He loved me so much! He helped me when I cried and when I was injured. He helped me with the bullies at school and he cried when I was taken away. I just want my daddy back." I said with more tears falling down my face.
The lady looked like her heart was breaking just from seeing me in this state.
"I think I might be able to pull a couple of strings to get you back with your father. Why did they even take you in the first place? You seem like you were looked after well." She asked.
"Because he's a skeleton. And skeletons are monsters. So everyone thinks he's a bad guy. When hes actually my hero!" I cried.
The lady then picked up her phone and made a call.
"Hello? Madame Sue?"
"Yes she's fine."
"No the father is not here!"
"Look, I think she should go back to her father.
"That's no way to see it!"
"Do I need to speak with my brother?"
"I will be returning her personally."
"Thank you."
She hung up the phone and looked over at me with a soft smile.
"Come on. Let's get you home."
Nightmare's point of view
They took her away! I won't rest until I have her back in my arms.
She was my daughter! I raised her! And I-
"Daddy!!" I heard as a small figure tackled me in a hug.
"Y/n!! You're here?! How?!" I asked examining her face.
Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see a Lady standing there.
"My brother is the boss at the child inspector company. I couldn't bear to see her in that state." She explained.
"Thank you so much." I cried.
"Bye young one." The lady said while leaving.
"My little sunshine!" I said giving her a hug.
Dream came outside and saw Y/n so I explained everything.
"I won't let anyone take you away from me again."
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