NaJ! Pj x depressed! reader: childhood friends
Your point of view
I hit the snooze on my alarm as it blared in my ears, I sat up and stretched me arms until I heard a pop. It was my first day of UnderHigh and I was nervous as hell.
I walked downstairs in my empty house and made myself breakfast, I then had a shower and got into my F/c hoodie and black jeans.
I walked out of my house and locked my door and started walking.
Once I got to the gates I could hear a lot of chatter. I sighed and walked in, causing people to stare and whisper.
I found the principal office on my own and I picked my my schedule.
The bell rang through my ears and I walked to my first class which turned out to be art. Once I walked into the room I saw I was the only student there. The teacher, who was a skeleton, turned to me with a smile on his face.
"You must be the new student Y/n. Am I correct?" He asked.
"Yes. That is correct." I said in my dulled voice.
"Wonderful, when the other students come in, you can introduce yourself to them." He said, his smile somehow getting bigger.
"Sure." I said taking a seat at a random desk. Students started to flood into the room and went to their own friend groups.
"Okay everyone! Take your seats!" Mr Ink called. "We have a new student today. Y/n, can you come up and tell us about yourself??"
I stood up from my chair with my hood over my head and sighed.
"Hi, my name is Y/n, I'm 16 years old and I like reading, video games and drawing." After my introduction I walked back to my seat and Mr Ink said we were free drawing today. I pulled out my sketch book and started to draw a graveyard with a dead tree and a raven. Sure it was depressing, but I don't really care.
Once I was done with the shading, I sat my pencil down and looked over it.
Mr ink walked over and saw it and his mouth dropped.
"Y/n, this is amazing!" He complimented, causing people to look my way.
PJ's point of view
I was sitting with Undyne and BP when I heard the name Y/n, why did that name sound so familiar??
I heard Mr Ink saying her drawing was great and she just stayed quiet.
I decided to talk to my dad error after class, he knows all about my childhood, maybe he knows who she is.
Class ended and I went to the gym where he was packing up from his previous class.
"Hey dad??" I said walking in.
"Yes PJ?" He asked looking over to me.
"There's this new kid in class, but her name sounds familiar." I explained.
"And her name is??" He said rolling his hand.
"I think she said it was Y/n?" I said, his eyes widened.
He looked over his attendance list for her name.
"Y/n, L/n??" He asked looking up at me.
"I think so." I said confused.
"Oh PJ, I can't believe you can't remember your own childhood friend." He chuckled.
"Ch-Childhood friend??" I asked.
"PJ!! Y/n is here!!" Dad called from down stairs.
I quickly ran down and saw a girl with h/c hair and bright e/c eyes.
"Y/n!!" I called running over to her.
"PJ!!" She said giving me a big hug.
"Come on! Let's go play!!" We giggled running up the stairs.
(Flashback end)
"I remember her now! Thanks dad!" I said giving him a hug which he was a bit taken back by. I hadn't hugged him since I was little.
I ran out of the gym and looked around for her. Then I heard Undyne and BP laughing, probably bullying another nerd. I chuckled and walked up to where they were.
"Oi! PJ! Come and help us out!" Undyne laughed.
I walked over with an evil smirk, but it faded quickly when I saw who was on the ground in a ball as they kicked them. It was Y/n!
"Hey! Back off!!" I said pushing them back.
"What the fuck man?!" BP exclaimed.
"Have you turned soft or something?!" Undyne said gripping my jacket.
"You can beat anyone you like, but touch her again and I will break you!!" I said my sockets going black.
Part 2 coming soon
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