Highschool palette x high school reader
Title says:- Highschool palette x Highschool reader.
Your point of view
Its my first day of Highschool and I'm really nervous. While making my way to the bus stop, I was nervously wringing my wrists. The bus pulled up and I stepped on. I heard whispers and giggles as I walked past people. I soon found an empty seat and sat next to the window. I plugged in my headphones and listened to (insert song here). A few more times the bus stooped to pick up more people. At the last stop I felt someone sit next to me. I looked and saw a skeleton, who was very colourful, smiling at me.
"Hi, you must be the new girl, right?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'm y/n." I responded sticking out my hand. He took it and shook my hand very quickly.
"I'm Palette, welcome to our school y/n." He said with a huge smile. "I can tell we're going to be great friends."
~timeskip to lunch~
I walked to my new locker to put my books away. When a hand slammed it shut.
"Well boys, looks like another person to mess with. What's your name sweetheart?" A boy who was taller than me said.
"Its y/n, and if you don't mind, I would like to get to my locker." I responded calmly.
"Oh, we do mind. New kids at this school aren't as hot as you." He said deeply.
"Excuse me? I just met you. I don't like you treating me this way." I started to get irritated with this boy.
"Hey! Kyle! Back off!" I heard a familiar voice call. I was relieved to turn around and see palette standing there.
"Whatcha gonna do bone boy." Kyle said with a smirk on his face, walking up to palette. "Don't make me crack your skull again." He said darkly.
"Palette, lets just go." I tried getting palette away from this boy. I then saw him summon a bone and walk over to me protectively.
"I said. Back. Off." Palette the took me in his arm to protect me from him. I blushed a light red. Kyle then put his hands up in defense.
"Fine, but I'll get you next time." He then walked away. Palette then turned to me.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. Thank you for that." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He was surprised, so much he blushed rainbow colour. I giggled. He then put his hand to the back of his neck.
"Heh, no problem. Come on, we should go before he comes back."
"Sure thing." I smiled and followed him outside.
'Best day of school ever'
Sup guys, sorry I didn't update sooner, I was busu with school and that so. Yeah. Hope you enjoy this.
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