Shy! Dancetale Sans x Choreography! Teacher Reader
He watched you from afar as he entered the building. Jazz music playing, as your hips moved from side to side, along with you graceful feet that balanced your weight perfectly in every light step. The way your (h/c) hair moved when you made large movement, but never really missing the beat to the song. You were perfect to him.
Until you looked his way and he could feel his heart stop beating and a blue hue color his face.
"Sans!" You called out, walking over, waving to him. You were sweaty. You'd been at it for a while. Sans loved every inch of you though. Even when you were gross and sweaty. "Uh.. h-hEya.." he cursed himself out in his mind. His voice had cracked..his voice had cracked and you had heard it. You started to break out in a laugh..
"I thought you finished puberty, didn't tell me you were still going through it!" You chuckled as you wiped off your sweaty forehead. "I'm about to get going in a second, wait for me, yeah?" You pulled a water bottle out of your bag sipping it after picking up your backpack and walking to the back, in the small auditorium's storage closet.
He had always pulled you off to good around with him whenever you were on breaks. Nice cream, coffee, hell.. even a bit of just dance or DDR. He couldn't help but feel bad every time he'd see you so exhausted, only for you to keep your eyes open for his sake.
After you'd come out, he was ready. He wanted to do something for you. So.. he had to get over his nervousness.. and just.. ask. "Hey.. (Y/N)?" his voice was soft, slowly losing its tone as he tried to keep his composure. Why was he freaking out to much this time?! You guys had hung out multiple times to no end and it never bothered him!
Or maybe. Everything around him distracted his mind from you. And how much he loved you.
"What's up?" You said as you slipped on your (f/c) tennis shoes and stood up, adjusting your bag. "We've always hung out.. but, I feel like.. I.. that I never acknowledge what you want.. so.."
"Let's.. do something you love." He said as he gently grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to him. He was sure his heart would beat out of his chest at any minute. How close he was to you, made him wanna crawl into a corner and scream into his hands. He reached for the radio, pressing on the first song in the playlist you had it set to. Turns out it was a slow song.
It just had to be a slow dance..
"Oh! I forgot I had this song in my radio, I've been so focused on everything else-"
"well.. today, let's dance to this."
He slowly let his hands fall on your upper waist, and your hands went around his shoulders. He was hoping his blush wasn't visible.. He thought you'd looked good from afar, but now that he could see you up close, he felt like he was sinking farther and farther in love with you. Everything from your head to your toes..
You were just so sweet, funny, kind, beautiful. How could he not love you? You loved everyone. And that's where he always cut the line. You loved everyone. He was apart of the everyone category. To you, he was probably just a normal guy who was good at dancing. And he was okay with that.
"Hey," you abruptly called out, causing him to flinch but quickly regain is consciousness. "I.. like doing this.."
"Yeah.. m-me too-"
"-no.. like, I like doing this. Doing this with you.. it.. it makes me happy." You leaned your head into his chest as you continued to dance, your grip on him tightening a bit.. He was gonna explode... you just said you liked dancing with him.. and he loved dancing with you...
"Being with you makes me happy.., I love you, (Y/N)-"
Shit- did he say that out loud?! The only thing he never wanted to do was accidentally confess to you! Now he was gonna cry cause you were gonna say you didn't feel the same and he was never gonna see you again and he was hate himself for it! And-
"Did.. you just say you loved me?"
Gulp. He had to be a man.. he had to just up and tell you yes. But he couldn't.. reflecting was what he was good at.. but about this was so different.. that he just-
He just cut his own thoughts off.. he spoke before he could think.. of a he really was down deep.. but he knew himself that if you never wanted to see him again, he'd still be in love with you.. and he'd hate himself for it.. so he was ready. He was ready to be rejected.
"I love you to."
You pressed your soft lips onto his teeth, making him flinch, only to pull away quickly making him miss the feeling.. "w-what.. I-" he could barely get the words out.. you loved him too. And he loved you. And that meant that you two could be happy and be together.
You both quickly stopped dancing, only for him to hug you tightly.. laying his head on your shoulder.. it stayed like that for a few minutes before you heard him sniffle.. it only occurred to you that he was probably crying.. was he that happy?
"Are.. are you crying?" When you said that he flinched, "n..nO" a voice crack along with the shakiness in his voice.
Yeah, he was definitely crying.
"You big goof.." you laughed out as you pat his back.
(Finally done with this one xD it was fun to do!uwu
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