Annoyed! Dusttale Sans x Believing! Reader
The doorbell rang. For some reason you usually rang the doorbell instead of barging right in. Polite but it didn't make any sense. He didn't have any friends. So he couldn't really be expecting anyone else. So he opened the door, expecting to see your stupid face and that weird grin you always made while holding an unconscious body.
Instead he was met with the faces of two monsters. Both with horns but one seemed to be a sheep while the other a lamb. "Is this yours?" One of them spoke up, throwing a girl with (h/c) hair at me. Was this (Y/N)..? You were still alive. Just.. not responding. Presumably knocked out cold. You were bruised, scratched, your clothes were ripped. That's all they'd seemed to have done to you and only that alone made him angry.
He was going to kill the guys anyway. He needed the EXP. But now they just doubled onto how painful their deaths would be. He usually was the type of guy to end it quick. But, seeing how badly they injured you, treated you like a rag doll. It just triggered something inside him that made him snap.
But right now they would live. Only because he had to make sure you were okay. He slammed the door on their faces and took you to the sofa to let you rest. He was hoping you were still alive. Monsters worked differently from humans. You could be dead and he'd be sitting for you to wake up. Why did he care so much anyway? You were a nuisance, annoying, obnoxious, loud, ignorant.. sweet, caring, pretty—
He started to blush. You stayed with him in his house. Didn't look at him like a freak. You were the first person he'd had to talk to in a while. You even helped him try to achieve his goal. Even if it wasn't a good one. You reminded him of people that used to be very important to him. You reminded him of how happy he used to be. How happy he was looking at your unconscious face right now.
Okay that sounded weird.
All he could do was hope that he got to see you smile again.
I guess his prayers were answered because the next morning, you were awake.
"Sans? Are you here-" You said, only to be cut off by someone asleep in this kitchen with a cup of coffee. His hands were on the counter. Coffee still mildly warm. Had he fallen asleep standing up? This was very rare to you because you rarely saw the skeleton asleep. Sure, his eyes would be closed from time to time but whenever you were doing something when you thought he was asleep, he'd always spook you on accident.
You waved a hand in front of his face. He wasn't moving. The thought that he was asleep made you smile. You'd always had a crush on the skeleton. Everything about him was mysterious and cool. From the way his eye was a mix of red and purple, to how he battled and killed his opponents. Every time you thought about it, you had to hold back a swoon!
That wasn't the only reason you stayed though. You stayed because you knew he was good at heart. He wasn't a bad guy. Once when you weren't feeling to good (because of your cycle) he brought you chicken nuggets and ice cream. Not the best food to put together but, it helped. Of course you didn't tell him why you weren't feeling to good. But all he knew was that it involved being hungry for certain things and bipolar mood swings. Another time, he let you sleep the entire day because you were sick and weren't feeling well. He had brought you soup, and a lot of blankets.
He was a true sweetheart once you got to know him! He did scare you at first you must admit. But, you wanted to achieve something. You wanted to change him. You didn't know why he killed monsters. But he said he had a goal. After he reaches it, you want to change him. Make him better than he already is! Cause you believe in him. You believe that everyone can change if they just try.
You wrapped your arms around him, embracing him in a hug. "I...I love you so much." You said, a bit to loud. You'd wanted to say that for so long to him. You didn't even care if he didn't feel the same. You just wanted him to know how you felt. Half the reason why you stayed.
"What?" You heard the skeleton speak up. "I..I said that I love you."
"I love you to.." he said quietly. Wrapping his hands around you, squeezing you tightly.
Holy shit. You are in love with a murderer. But you'll do everything you can to help him achieve his goal.
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