Dancetale Sans x Dancer Reader
Today was the big day...
The day I will dance to the hardest piece I have ever done as a duet...
Solos are my forte, but, duets are more complicated if you ask me. The way that you both have to be in sync, is just so... irritating!
Also it doesn't help that we couldn't choose our own partners!
I wanted one of my friends! Someone that I was comfortable dancing with, being around with... Not someone who's a literal monster! He always has this smile on his face, as though he doesn't care. He's extremely laid back, which I would have liked, but his goes another step further in laziness. I already heard the complaining from his taller brother, Papyrus. He loudly speaks his mind of his lazy brother. How he always takes breaks, how he sleeps during school, and how he, never picks up his one sock.
It's a wonder he gets an A in this dancing class.
Any who, our dance teacher paired us up, claiming that later in life, we wouldn't like some of our co-workers, and we had to deal with it. She's right, but that doesn't make life any easier! I bet Sans doesn't even care that he got me as his partner. We don't even have the same taste in dance. His is hip-hop, mine, is contemporary. How on EARTH does this teacher think we are going to get a superior rating in this fall dance competition?!
It's practically impossible! Those two clash!
"Are you going to stare into the depths of that cereal or are you actually going to eat it?" A quip sounded from behind me. My older brother, Anthony, was slouched against the refrigerator door, holding a glass of milk in his hand.
"Eat my cereal wise-guy." I snarked back, shoving a spoonful of soggy cereal into my mouth.
"Hmm. Interesting cereal you got here." My brother was inspecting the cereal box with a picture of a... gray-haired, cat-dog monster. Loud and proud, it announced the brand of the cereal, TEMMIE FLAKES! on the front of it in blue and yellow text. I lifted my eyebrows in question at what he was trying to point out.
"And?" I gestured with my spoon, causing a drop of milk to be spilt onto the wood table.
"There's a monster on the cover." He spoke bluntly, jabbing his finger into the monster's imprinted muzzle, a frown on his face.
"So what?" I shrugged my shoulders, feeling slightly offended for some reason.
My brother sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "It's the fact that they are selling it!" He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "It's ridiculous!"
"How is it ridiculous?!" I stood up suddenly, my chair screeching at the drastic movement.
"That the monsters are actually functioning in life!" He gestured to the box, an exasperated look in his eyes. "How could they when they should be trapped in the underground! They can kill us! They're a threat to human kind!"
"But they're not what they seem to be Anthony!!" I shouted back, startling myself at my emotion behind it.
"You wicked monster lover!" He leaned close to my face, an unfamiliar glint in his eyes, and with an accusing finger pointed right at me.
"..." I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I closed my jaw, making an audible 'click' sound. I looked down to my feet, slightly ashamed of my actions, when deep down inside of me, I knew that I was right. I looked back to my brother, his expression still that same scowl. I frowned at him, and crossed my arms against my chest.
"That's an oxymoron." I pointed out, then pivoted on my heel, turning to retrieve my bag and school things. I could hear a muffled comeback from Anthony, but I didn't give any heave. I wasn't going to waste my dignity on a one-sided argument. With my computer bag hanging on my shoulder comfortably, I set out to my car, the keys in one hand, my dance bag in the other.
My key turned clockwise, starting up the car. I buckled in my seatbelt, and set off to school. The drive there was smooth, the daylight brightening with each minute, the difference not noticeable at first. I ran my non-dominant hand through my hair, the other on the steering wheel. I sighed as I was thinking, my eyes always on the road.
Why couldn't people just accept the monsters as who they are? Not magical beasts who could steal their souls. That's just being, illogical.
My thoughts were of that dispute between me and my brother. A way to settle myself down after all of this, is dancing. Dancing my heart out, listening to the music, swaying my body with the waves of tempo it has. It's as though I'm escaping from reality. Not being in the real world anymore. Being in my own.
It's quite calming, with the right music. My left arm stopped mid-way from swaying downwards to my leg, when I heard the pumping beat of hip-hop. My first thought was of Sans. The duet partner. Our plan was to merge the two styles together to make some sort of remix, at least, that's what he suggested. I was only accepting because I had no better idea. It was the only thing we could really do, since Sans wasn't good at contemporary and I refused to do hip-hop.
We practiced our piece, which was of both of us doing our style in separate sides of the stage, then meeting up to do a...
And that's how far we got.
It's quite sad since the duet is held today, and we weren't even cooperating correctly. Sans smiled his same smile, as he shuffled on over with his phone and portable speaker. I rested my non-stationary hand on to my hip, my other one already hanging doll-like pointing to the ground.
Then a big blurred object came swerving towards me...
All I heard was this deafening crack, and only saw vantablack. Then came other sounds, sounds that didn't mean anything to me, or, I couldn't think of them. Everything seemed to slow down, like waking up, still half asleep.
I remember hearing someone with a panicked voice, and also someone holding me into the air gingerly. I could only piece together tiny puzzle pieces of what was happening, and in my sleepy state, it didn't help.
More sounds came in, but it was all muffled. This same insistent ringing was seeming to be right in my ears, but I passed it off as someone's alarm clock going off.
I should hit the snooze on mine...
The brightest light I have ever seen was shining right in my face. I tried to rub my eyes, only I found that my arms had some resistance. I tried to sit upright, but that only resulted in nothing. I opened my eyes to the light that seemed to be so insistent to blind me, and squinted my eyes to see what was causing me to be still.
I stared blankly at the room I was in.
The white walls, with the gray pictures on them, and the noteable sheets ruffled at the edges because of someone leaning on them. I also saw iv drips connected to my arms. Wait...
I looked back to the person seeming to lean on me.
They had this look to them, as though I had seen them before, that strange sense of familiarity, even though he's alien to me, from what I remember. I saw the person's blue jacket, with it's hood pulled over their head, that sense of strange deja Vu.
I could only stare at them, unable to move much.
The person shifted slightly, their pale white hands clutching onto my sheet. The person then suddenly lifted their head with such force it looked like it hurt. The person's eyes were strange. Their eyes were large, hollow, and had these white dots in them. They looked scared, but then they looked relieved. They cautiously wrapped me into a hug, and I could only stare.
"You're awake!" Their deep voice threw me off. There was even more familiarity in it, but I couldn't relate to how this person knew me.
"Yeah?" I whispered.
"Great Asgore, we all thought you were going to die!" The person had tears forming in their eyes. I tried to reach out to wipe away the oddly glowing tears, but then remembered the restraints that I remembered are called ivs. Again I could only gaze at this person, confused with everything. Lots of questions were forming in my head, and I just blurted out one.
"Who are you?" I would have been surprised at my croakiness, but for some reason I gave a blank face throughout.
The person, on the other hand, held a shocked one.
"S-Sans." They stuttered, holding out their hand. "Sans the skeleton."
I looked at their hand, then at mine. I then blinked wildly as I realized that I was sitting with a skeleton. Again, no expression. It seemed as though my mouth was glued shut from making any other unnecessary movements and would only move when I had to talk, and even then my throat would protest.
The overwhelming sense of that feeling that you're forgetting something was growing.
"I'm..." I trailed off as I thought of my name.
"Y/N." Sans responded, some saddness in his eyes.
"Yeah that seems right." I laid back down. "What happened?"
"I... Don't think you want to hear the story just yet." Sans shifted in his spot on the edge of the bed.
"Where am I?" I questioned again.
"The hospital." Sans responded with uneasiness.
"Why?" I tried to sit up again, but something pushed me back down. Sans was looking away.
"You got injured." He looked back to spot my expression, which was still blank.
"Where?" I looked around my body to search, but I found I couldn't move my head much.
"Your neck." Sans rubbed his own, and that's when I realized that I couldn't make my head move without using my neck for strength.
"Oh..." I sounded, instinctively trying to rub my neck, but to no avail. "Why do you have glowing tears?"
"That's just magic." Sans wiped away any tears that were possibly still lingering to his cheekbones. "It's what monsters can do, but they can create their tears on their own, but I must make them artificial. It becomes second nature now." I blinked twice at his lengthier explanation, as sans turned his head back towards me. I was still confused, but I got my answer at least.
"What about your eyes?" I once again blurt out.
"Same thing. Magic." Sans gestures with his hands to shake in place.
"How do you know me?" There was more hesitation than before, and Sans rubbed the back of his bony neck.
"Well..." He sounded, leading me into fog.
"Well what?" I was impatient, not used to the hesitant answers. Why was he keeping it away from me?
He looked up, to stare at the ceiling in all of it's checkered glory, and looked back to me, choosing his words wisely. He held his face of saying something to me, but no sound came out. Except for the later sigh, in which he hung his head, his hand dropped down from his neck.
"May as well tell you everything then." He was still unsure of his decision, it seemed like. He then looked up to my expression, still not sighting any difference of my face than before. With one last deep breath, Sans dove into his story.
"You went to the same school as me. You and I were dancing partners one day, and since we weren't friends, we didn't like the pairing. We had to do this duet by a certain day, and we hadn't practiced together, because our tastes in dancing style were so opposing. You then... were coming to school one day, by driving in your car... when you..." He scanned my face of any emotion, of any reaction to this story. "Got into a crash with someone else... Their car spun into yours, and shattered the front window of the car, causing the air bag to hit you. You had managed to get whiplash, and your spine, especially in your neck, took a weird maneuver. You then also somehow got a concussion, probably because you got sprung out of your seat and the air bags made you slide on top of them, causing you to hit the top part of your car."
"Woah." I spoke softly.
"It's lucky you're alive." He leaned back, looking back up to that boring ceiling.
"Yeah." I looked back up too, that being the easiest thing to look at.
A couple minutes passed as we both thought while staring into the ugly ceiling tiles. I heard the distant sound of footsteps, and they came increasingly louder. I made no sound as the doors to this boring room swung open with the most familiar face I have seen so far, came to me. Like Sans, I didn't know the guy, but he certainly wasn't happy with something. He was glaring at Sans. Maybe they got in an argument.
"Hey Y/N." He had this cold, hard voice of someone that sounds displeased at someone with a lot of passion.
"Hey...?" I questioned, looking blankly at the mad-looking guy.
"Don't you want to hang out with me instead of this creepy monster over here?" He scowled at Sans, who had every right to glare back.
"What do you mean? Sans is not creepy, nor is he a monster." I would have given a questioning look, but my face didn't seem up for it now.
"Yeah buddy. I was only waiting here for five fuc-"
"Chill dude!! Chill!" This mean person covered up Sans's sentence. "I, was only visiting my sister, dude." He spoke in a wise-guy voice.
"Sister?" I questioned, noting that my eyebrow was not moving with my mind.
"Yeah Y/N. Don't you remember?" He rolled his eyes at me as though I we're stupid.
Was I stupid?
"No kid, she doesn't remember." Sans stepped forward in a slightly threatening manner. His face was changed to a scowl, less obvious than my apparent 'brother's', but a scowls a scowl.
"What, did you do a magic spell on her, just so she could forget?" My brother raised his voice, his posture towering over Sans's short frame.
"Do you really think I would do such a thing? She was in a freaking car crash, for Asgore's sake! It wouldn't take an idiot even to know that Y/N here, has amnesia!"
The two stared at each other for what seemed like minutes. Sans seemed to have held his gaze, while my brother was the first to break. He made a sound of annoyance, and irritation, then marched out of the room. Sans sighed through the tense cloud he was just in. He looked over to me, concern etched onto his white eye lights.
"Sorry about your bro." He apologized.
"He certainly didn't seem like a good bro to me." I spoke, causing Sans to look at me with surprise.
"You're blunt, you know that?" He grinned, cocking his head to one side, his arm leaning onto my bed.
"No." I answered back.
"Well, ya are." Sans smiled at me, his eyes meeting with mine. His pearly white teeth somehow shifted so that his smile turned into a frown. My blank expression wanted to mimic his, but it couldn't for whatever reason. "Sad that ya can't dance anymore..." He muttered, looking off to the side, his head lifting to spot the tv in the corner. "Wanna watch some tv?" He looked over to my face, wondering what I was going to say.
"Sure." I would have shrugged.
"Ok." He made the remote float towards him, and turned on the first channel. On the boxy tv, it showed a human and a cat person dancing coincide, their bodies seeming to have been made of clouds. Their toes placed at precise placements, causes them to perform this dance beautifully. The female cat person had these amber eyes, that pierced into the other person's, which seemed to be a male human. Their outfits were clashing at first, but then when they ripped off their outfits, out came a similar one with similar style and color. They smiled in pride as they strode together and glided across the screen with similarity, different than before. I looked to Sans, to see him looking at my expression. He bore a smile, but one similar to the one where he cried along with it. I squinted my eyes to notice that he had tears formed at the edges of his eyes, and then he smiled brighter.
"You're smiling Y/N." He whispered with disbelief. "You're actually smiling."
"It's because I feel this duet of these two people dancing together on the screen." I noticed the corners of my mouth were pulled upwards with joy.
"Yeah. That could have been us." He looked solemn again.
"What do you mean? We still can, if we try." I felt my smile fade as I lost the short burst of happiness from the dance on screen.
"You're right..." Sans looked to the tv, then back again to my face. "What do you say? When you finally get out of this hospital, would you like to learn how to dance with me?"
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