Red(fell sans) x Reader
(sooooooo, i have never done a cannon x reader before, but imma try, for all of you lovely people )
3rd P.O.V
(y/n) has been living with the skeleton brothers for awhile now, and she loves it with them. Even though Papyrus was a little to bossy at times, he was very kind when he wanted to be, and very mean when he wanted to be. so i guess it was an even game.Sans, or Red as you like to call him, he was....different, he was you could say, a tsudere, but you loved that about him, you grew to have a crush on the golden toothed skele.
one day, while Paps was on guard duty , Red came over to you while you were sitting on the sofa (fav hobbies).
(y/n)'s P.O.V
i was sitting on the sofa doing (fav hobbies), when Red came over to me with a light red blush on his face. he looked really cute blushing like that- wait snap out of it (y/n)!
"heya Red, what's up" i asked him looking up from what i was doing. he rubbed the back of his neck (bone?) blushing.
"o-oh, hey kid, do you wanna come with me to Grillby's? i mean, it's cool if ya don't i just wanted to know if you were hungry, is all?" he chuckled still blushing.
i blushed too, w-was he asking me on a date? NO WAY IM PASSING UP THIS OPPORTUNITY!
"yes, of course i would, when do we leave?" he smiled at me and grabbed my hand. i lightly blushed but not enough for him to see.
"now" and with that, we teleported to Grillby's. i was still getting use to it so i felt a little dizzy. i gripped my head trying to regain my focus.
Red looked at me worried.
"oh sorry (nick/name)" he still was holding my hand. i looked up at Red, smiling to let him know i was ok.
"i'm fine Red really, but next time can we just walk? its good exercise" i chuckled looking into his red eye lights, he pouted(do skeletons pout? just go with it!).
"awwww, i dawwa" he complained walking to the bar(?) part of the restaurant, i followed close behind him.
He sat down on one of the bar stools and patted the seat next to him motioning me to seat there, i did.
we ordered our food, and just made small talk and enjoying each others company.
Red's P.O.V
(y/n) and i were just sitting and making small talk. She told me some of her past life on the surface, and how that she liked it better here. i tried my best not to blush when she talked about me. Yes, i do have feelings for her, SO WHAT IF I DO! but... what if she doesn't like me back? i am just a monster after all. what human would love a monster?
i must have looked pretty upset because (y/n) put her (s/c) hand on my shoulder and gave me a look of concern.
"hey Red, you ok?" her voice was laced with worry as i looked into her (e/c) eyes. i just flashed her my trade mark grin.
"o-oh, Yeah! i'm fine" i lied, not wanting her to worry. that's when Grillby came over with the bill.
"oh! i'll pa-"
"no doll,." i looked at her and said "Grillby just put it on my tab" i commented still staring into her (e/c) eyes.
"Alright then" Grillby sighed going onto the next customer, i rested my hand on (y/n)'s, she blushed.
"heh, look cute when you blush-" i didn't realize what i said until she blushed till it was visible on the tip of her ears. i blushed too.
"uh, i mean- i-i-" she silenced me with a kiss to my cheek bone, i got really red (XD) in the face, she smirked at me.
"you look cute when you blush~" she smiled, i could hear giggling at me, oh so that's how we're gonna play, huh? well two can play at this game (y/n).
I grabbed her by her (hoodie/shirt/jacket) and smashed my lips(?) onto hers, i closed my eyes not wanting to see her reaction, just in case it was bad.
(y/n)'s P.O.V
OH MY GOSH, Oh My gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! Red IS KISSING ME!! AAAAAAAAHHHH! I'M So happy!. alright (y/n), play it cool, you got this.
i kissed him back, i didn't care if other monsters were staring, or getting jealous. i just wanted to enjoy this moment i was having with Red.
after a few more seconds, we broke away from each other, trying to catch my breath i said.
"well, huff, that was unexpected" i smiled at the now blushing skeleton, he rubbed the back of his neck, looking away.
"yeah, well- whatever!" he slightly yelled getting more red in the face. i giggled and placed a kiss on his fore head.
"HEY! LOVE BIRDS!! GET A ROOM!" some random monster yelled at us, i flushed at what they said.
"heh, that wouldn't be a bad idea~" Red said, smug grin on his face, i playfully shoved him.
"whaaat, you know you want to-"
"shut up before i punch you"
"heh, ok" he smiled patting my head.
"i love you (nick/name)"
"i love ya too, you edgy bag of bones"
(WOW! my gosh, second x reader, i'm on a roll! anyway i hope you enjoyed this, i am now on my lunch break i just finished science. sooooooooooooooooooooo i gets you can request if you want to, stay positive stay happy and love life Katberry out)
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