Pt.2 of Meeple family AU 😁😁😁
(Here you go ShadowVoidRealm)
[POV: BallPointPen]
i was walking along the halls,reading over reality tv shows I was supposed to review later...
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a noise outside.
I was curious,so I walked over to a window...which wasn't difficult as the front of the building is glass...and peered outside.
I saw it was just Mephone4 and Mephone4S playing in the clouds. They were pretty close to the edge though,which worried me. I exited out of Meeple through the double glass doors,and watched over them to make sure they were being careful.
[POV: Mephone4S]
"Betcha can' a tree!"
I egged on Blue (Mephone4) as he grinned "watch this!"
His screen turned green for a second,as he generated a tree. The leaves
"Blue leaves?" I asked,looking at him
"I'm still working on it..." he replied,chuckling a little.
"I think it actually looks pretty cool. It'd look better red though." I reply,feeling over the tree's bark
"You're only saying that cause your red..." he replied to me,rolling his eyes a little.
"It's true though!" I stick my tongue out at him,as I reply "well you can't do this!" I stepped back,and did a backflip,landing back on the soft clouds.
"Whoa!" He stood up,shocked,before quickly covering it up "I mean- I can totally do that! Watch." He attempted to do a backflip...
Only to land on his face...
And start sliding off the edge.
"Whoa,blue,be careful!" I called out to him,running to grab him.
He rubbed his face a little,before he noticed he was sliding off
[POV: Mephone4]
I noticed I was slipping off,so I scrambled to grab at the clouds to avoid going over the edge,as 4S tried to grab me...
I tried my best,until I felt myself fall off the edge...
I thought it was over...
Until another hand grabbed mine and pulled me up.
I didn't look to see who it was as I clung onto them in fear.
I recognized the voice pretty quickly though as father...
"You two need to be more playing over near the edge anymore,okay?" He said to me and 4S,still holding me in his arms
"Yes father..." 4S replied
"We won't..." i say,to keep us both in the clear.
"Alright...but you're both still on dish duty tonight."
Me and 4S groaned a little,as father let me go and set me down.
[POV: Mephone6]
Usually whenever I'm alone,I like to go outside to greet my younger...but way taller...sibling Mephone6+.
We were both pretty bendy,so we would challenge eachother to see who could bend the most for the longest.
I usually won.
I really liked talking with him,as he understood me better than some of the others...
Cobs advised him and me to be careful though,as we're both pretty fragile,despite being so bendy...
We were though!
I was currently making a giant flower crown for Mephone6+ as I generated (I HC he could actually generate stuff too,he has more control over it than mephone4) large blue and grey flowers that matched his sunglasses and screen color.
"You sure you don't need my help?" He asked,sitting near me
"No no! I've got it!...just a little more..."
I tied it all together,before pushing it over to him
"Here! Put it on!" I said,looking at him.
He picked up the flower crown,and put it on his head
"...I like it." He said quietly. If he didn't have a shockwave for a mouth,I'd know he was smiling.
He picked me up,as we both watched the sun for a little while.
"I wish you could come inside..." I said to him
"I'm too big to."
"I know,but it'd be nice if you could just...shrink down and be with the rest of us,you know?"
"...yeah,that'd be nice..."
I continue to watch the sunset with him,as the colors bled and blended together while the sun went down...
[Pov: none]
Cobs decided,since Mephone6 asked him to,that dinner would be outside,so that Mephone6+ could be included.
Sure,none of them actually needed to eat...but the thought is what counted.
Tonight was burgers,as the group ate together and talked.
It was actually pretty nice,all of them being together like a big family...
Well,cobs did say they were a family,so it makes sense.
Often times,cobs would help his kids hone their powers,and make sure they were doing well on their tasks. Sometimes even helping them with their tasks.
This was a good life they had.
[POV: Mephone3GS]
I snuck out of my room in the middle of the night,silently creeping through the empty halls while everyone else was asleep...
I came across a door,as I silently opened it,and stepped inside.
This wasthe computer room where mecintosh usually stayed.
He was our older brother,but he usually stayed in this room since he can't move around...
It was okay though! I still brought him things and talked with him.
['anything new today?'] he asked me calmly
"Oh,I found this seashell while I was outside!" I slid over a white and pearl colored seashell,as his eyes flicked over to it in intrigue.
['its a nice seashell.'] he commented
"You can keep it if you want?" I offered. I never minded letting other people have was meant as a gift for him,anyways.
['sure,I'll keep it.'] he replied
I nodded,putting it with his other things,before I sat with him
" you...think that cobs will get...tired of us?" I asked him
['what makes you say that?'] mecintosh asked,curious.
"'s just...we're getting old and dusty...and...sometimes it feels like there's something inside of me that's...wrong."
['im one of the earliest creations made by Steve cobs,and I'm still here,after all this time. I've also seen how he treats you and the others. You're like his children...I don't think he'd throw you away,3GS.']
I was comforted by his words...but I swore something inside me was damaged...
"Right...thank you,tosh."
['no problem,3GS. You can always come to me if you need. Now you should go back to bed.']
"Yeah...I'll go do that."
I slowly got up,waving goodbye to him as he shut off,before sneaking back to my room and climbing into bed...
I'm sure that 'damaged' feeling I was feeling was nothing...
(YAYYYYY MORE FAMILY STUFF. trying to figure out how 3GS broke his face if the shimmers didn't do it.)
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