✩ A-class Akira move ✩
Chapter 11 ~ "A-Class Akira Move"
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Akira's POV
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Attempt 1: Rolls over to the other side of the bed, away from noise.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Attempt 2: Covers ears—violently—with pillow.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Attempt 3: Throws pillow in general direction of phone.
I frowned into my pillow. I always managed to get the last one right.
Finally, I lazily sat up on the bed with my alarm's aggravating sound still repeating in the background. Rubbing my eyes and I look towards the night stand where my phone was.
The absence of the night stand confused me for a second before I realized where I was. It was late when I reached Heathrow, and shuddering away from the cold I found my way to my new apartment. With the haze of sleep looming over my head, I had simply crashed into my new sofa, with the lack of actual sleeping arrangements.
Breathing a happy sigh, I looked at my new home, gaze bouncing around the wide room.
Yawning, I got off the sofa—that just so happened to be one of the few things crowding in the spacious condo—and made my way towards my phone that was charging, carelessly on the floor. Yawning, I spared a glance at the time.
8:45 am
Groaning in annoyance, I stomped into the clean bathroom. I should've woken up earlier so I could scope out my new space, but as usual, I had followed my daily routine. Just like everyday, I was rushing to get ready and quickly throwing necessary files into my purse.
Slipping into a pair of black heels, I stumbled out the door and into the elevator. Gratefully, the elevator had a mirror, so I took the opportunity to fix my hair. Sliding my fingers over my hair to make sure no fly aways were sticking out, I took a deep breath.
Today was my unofficial day as the manager of Greyar Corp. Chase as well as many associates and partners of our Corporation were going to be there. Today was also the first meeting with the CEO of Vidyat Enterprise.
Hailing a taxi, I fed the directions before leaning back in my seat. After comprehending that Ayan Merchant was the man that I was going to have to convince for partnership, I had spent the entire flight running through the documents and preparing my speech. As much as it hurt my pride—appeasing the man I almost hated—I was confident I could remain composed.
Reaching the destination, I handed the taxi driver his fare, and stepped out. For a few seconds, I just stared at the magnificent building, slightly stunned. The building was at least 60 stories high. The architecture was simple, yet uniquely beautiful. Still in awe, I managed to make my way into the lobby.
After being helpfully directed to the conference room, I took my time taking notice of the details around the place. A contented sigh left my lips, understanding that I would be working here.
Stepping into the conference room, I realized I was early; excluding the man arced over flipping through papers.
His back was faced towards me so I couldn't see his face, but I knew that familiar structure and the raven hair styled in his signature way. I fixed the creases on my skirt and took a big breath of air before walking towards the table, ready face the inevitable.
Assuming he heard the click-clack of my heels, he lifted his head to meet my gaze and paused.
"I was praying I wouldn't have to deal with you. Seems like I wasted my time."
"You knew?" I sputtered in disbelief, my composure breaking momentarily.
He rolled his eyes, "Unlike some people, I actually do my research. I'm not a CEO of multi-million dollar company for no reason."
"Don't taunt me, I did my research."
"I saw your stunned face at the airport, Akira. You were gaping like a fish, when you finally joined two simple pieces together." He threw a pointed look my way before returning to his files.
Groaning internally, I smacked the folder clenched in my fingers to my forehead. He glanced up in alarm before his expression changed to one incredulity.
My cheeks stained red, growing embarrassed at my impulsive nature.
A-class Akira move.
Before he could reply with an impending insult, someone walked in. "I'm glad you both have met," Chase stated, completely oblivious to the bewildering dispute between us.
I took a step away from Ayan just as Chase said, "Mr. Merchant, it's great to see you again. I'm very grateful you could take a pause from your personal holiday and attend this meeting. This is Ms. Kapoor, our new manager of the London branch."
Chase placed his hand forward, gracefully shaking Ayan's palm.
"I've done my thorough investigation, Mr. Greyar. Of course I know of the woman that will be convincing me to take this deal." I held my breath, as Ayan's intense gaze sparkled with mirth.
We both knew. He was winning.
But I was going to pluck the Ace from his deck and watch his smirk fall.
✩ ✩ ✩
The meeting went as smooth as I had expected. Everything worked out according to my plans, excluding the irksome expression of the annoying bastard who sat less than four feet away from me. During my presentation, I placed all my effort in remaining levelheaded, ignoring his quirked brows and his ever-present cocky attitude. While no one could tell from his calm business facade, I couldn't seem to shake off his hidden smugness from my peripheral vision. And I wanted to wipe it off, painfully.
Thankfully the meeting ended soon, giving me fresh air of relief. I stayed behind, bidding the associates goodbye and waiting for all of them to pile out.
"That was great Akira." I turned around to find Chase walking towards me with a tender smile lingering on his lips. "A good start, fitting to this position."
"It wouldn't have happened without you. Thank you again for this opportunity, Mr. Greyar." I breathed.
He smiled lightly, "I would love to stay and chat, but I have to rush off to my next meeting with Tech Head." He glanced at his watch. "But if its alright with you, how about we meet for dinner? To welcome the new resident of this city."
I let out a laugh, "Of course, I would be delighted. It'll give me a chance to know the best food venues London has to offer."
He nodded in agreement, then disappeared out the door. I smiled at the prospect of an enjoyable evening in old London.
But of course my smile was wiped off too soon. "Wow, that wasn't obvious at all." The sarcastic voice whistled. Alarmed, I turned to notice Ayan leisurely leaning against the conference table, most likely having heard our entire conversation.
"What?" I grit out, focusing my attention of gathering my supplies.
"Are you really that blind, Ms. Kapoor." He emphasized.
"What are you talking about, Mr. Merchant? Just spit it out." I scowled, crossing my arms defensively in front of my chest.
His bored expression didn't waver, "He was asking you out to dinner."
I stared back blankly, "I know that. I was here."
"He's interested, you dimwit," rolling his eyes, Ayan buttoned his blazer. The action weirdly gaining my attention.
Scoffing, I reply, "Don't be stupid. He's just being polite and a kind boss. Not all guys have intentions." But a tiny part of me was slightly aware of Chase's potential feelings.
"Maybe. But he—" casually pointing in the direction where Chase had disappeared a few seconds ago, "is definitely interested in you."
I didn't know if I imagined it, but those brown eyes grew darker as the statement escaped his mouth.
Needing to steer clear from this futile topic, I shot him a question. "What is your opinion after this meeting?"
He took a step towards me, dissolving the three feet of space between us. "You know Akira, I was actually expecting a lot from you, but I'm disappointed. Guess it's my fault for setting my expectations so high. Show me how this alliance will benefit me and my company. Not redundant facts that I already know. Here's a tip: dig deeper into your greed." I frowned at his words. Dig deeper into your greed? What did that even mean?
"Our next meeting is in two days time, so I would recommend you to prepare well. And of course, there will be no delay for the deadline, I have places to be."
I stared at him with a pointed look. "Places to be? Really?"
He simply shot me a wink, before brushing past me.
I sighed, and followed after. As much as I hated his arrogance, I agreed that I had to do much better to win this deal.
✩ ✩ ✩
I groaned for the umpteenth time in the last hour, close to ripping my hair out in frustration. The downside to packing only only bag meant the lack of clothes I could wear on this trip. If I had planned the dinner with my boss earlier, I would have chosen to bring more elegant dresses. Letting out a sigh of exasperation, and settling on the single beige dress that fit for the occasion, I quickly slipped it on. Deciding to entertain myself till Chase would be here in a bit, I kept my hair up in a soft and classic bun with a few brown strands framing my face.
Since everything was completely simple, from my light makeup to my beige lace dress with cap sleeves, I decided to wear the bold lip colour of maroon. Contented with my look, I skipped to my suitcase concluding upon my an insanely pair of expensive heels, that most definitely ate a chunk of my bank balance.
Soon enough, the chiming of the bell echoed through my apartment signalling that Mr. Greyar had arrived. Taking one last look at my reflection, I opened the door. Although, it wasn't who I expected.
"Are you Ms. Kapoor?" I nodded hesitantly, eyeing the elderly man in front of me. "Greetings Miss, I am Mr. Greyar's chauffeur and I am suppose to be taking you to the restaurant. Mr. Greyar apologizes for not being here himself, but he had something come up so he said he would meet you there. I hope that is okay?" He said anxiously.
I nodded in understanding and gave the old man a smile.
"After you, sir."
The ride to the restaurant was quite pleasant as I steadily conversed with the chauffeur, Joseph, a funny and kind man. We both chatted about the goodhearted elder Greyar and how he took Joseph into their family. Even after he passed away, Joseph still worked for the family, and was happy to have Chase as his boss now. I couldn't disagree with that.
Once reaching the destination, I bid him goodbye and I stepped into the classy restaurant.
"Hello, in company with Mr. Greyar." I requested to the attendant with a polite smile.
She returned it, and guided me towards a table at the back of the restaurant. My smile grew as I took in the handsome man in a white shirt who glanced up just as I stepped into view.
He stood up from his seat and made his way over to me, "Akira you look beautiful." He said softly, while I returned the compliment.
He bit his lip tentatively, "I'm really sorry I didn't come to pick you up myself. An urgent matter had come up. Speaking of which, I hope it's okay that we have a guest."
Just as he finished his sentence, both of our gazes fell to his table, where the guest was sitting and staring me down. My shoulders sagged as I clenched down the urge to pull at my beautifully done updo.
Two encounters in one day,it possibly can't get any worse.
In attempts to cover the murderous expression that was close to displaying across my face, I approached the table and settled into my seat gingerly. I plastered on a fake smile before asking, "Mr. Merchant, what are you doing this fine evening?"
"Well if you can tell Ms. Kapoor, I am having a business dinner with a colleague." He replied, putting emphasis on business. I scoffed at his implication.
"I thought since we all may be working together soon, it would be nice to be acquainted with each other." Chase piped in, resting back in his own chair.
"I don't need to be anymore acquainted than I already am." I mumbled inaudibly under my breath, but noticing Ayan's quirked eyebrow, it seemed he heard my statement.
"It's a maybe Mr. Greyar. I haven't agreed with the deal as of yet." Ayan said with conviction and took a sip from his drink.
"Well I am confident my team will make it happen." Chase told him, glancing my way to emphasize his point.
"That, we definitely will." I stated challengingly, eyeing Ayan who was wearing a mocking smile.
"I'll be the one to decide that." He replied, as we both stared each other down.
After a few minutes into eating, the tension in the air had not cleared out. If I had known of Ayan's presence in an optional dinner with my boss, I would have simply opted out. Alas, luck was not on my side.
Chase had just excused himself to the restroom, and soon enough it was only the two of us left. Ayan was the first to break the silence, snorting. "Not interested, my ass."
I smacked my palm against the table, hard. "What the hell is your problem?"
He rolled his eyes, biting down on a spoonful of pasta.
"Seriously, why are you set to ruin my life?" My patience had dwindled as the glare overtook my face.
"I don't care about your life." He said coolly, leaning back.
I gave a bitter laugh, "You're right. After you messed a part of my life, it obviously would be no interest for you anymore."
In a split second, he expression changed from one of ease to a much darker demeanour. His voice just as hard as his face, "You have no right to blame me for what happened six years ago. Akira, you bloody well know that—" His sentence cut off as his gaze travelled above my head.
I turned around, coming face-to-face with a very confused Chase Greyar.
Of course things could get worse.
✩ ✩ ✩
Edited chapter finally. And since you guys are such amazing readers and I'm like to shamelessly advertise my works: I would love if you guys would take a few minutes from your spare time to check out my story Shades of Red and Hysterics! Completely different stories, and only a couple chapters in at the moment. Shades of Red will also be a series (when my lazy self will actually write it)
Anyways here are little synopsis for both:
When simple and silent Scarlett Shane crosses Blaze Rivers, her quiet life takes a turn, for the worst. The cause of her parents death makes her fear him.
The grey-eyed devil, however, has his own agenda. A man with no love for anything besides his work, will not falter. Not even for the beautifully fragile Scarlett.
She's under his unfortunate care.
He's the beast in her nightmares.
(Adventure/Humor/Short Story)
When Preston Colins escapes on a rendezvous with his girlfriend (of exactly two weeks), Maisie Colins makes it her goal to hunt down her defiant brother and bring him back by his ear. (Quite literally.)
With a few extremely perky characters, boxes of kitkats, and an insufferably carefree male, be prepared for a completely, bizarre, road trip.
Also thank you so much for getting "Attracting Akira" to #39 on ChickLit.
It means a lot, so thank you.
Till next time,
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