As soon as I step out of my car, I can smell smoke from the grill outback. I grab the container of pies from the backseat and walk up to the front door. Nero answers the door, he looks happy and he says "Hi, Dante!" I smile and say "Hi, Nero, Where's Vergil?"
"Out back, let's go!" He sprinted through the house and I followed him at my own pace. Stepping onto the patio in time to see Vergil lift Nero up in his arms. Vergil really has kept his promise, Nero has turned into the sweetest kid. He recently got his cast removed and Vergil wanted to celebrate by cooking out because of the nice weather.
I set the pies down on the on the table and walked over to Vergil, saying "It's nice to see both of you so happy. It's also nice to see you keeping your promise" Vergil gave me this look and said "What? Did you honestly think I wouldn't keep my promise?"
"Well, I had a little doubt," I say, which earned me a punch in the arm.
"Just get the meat from inside and help me out," Vergil said and set Nero down. He turned his attention back to the grill, adjusting the heat, but I see he has a smile on his face. I smile and turn to head back inside.
I grab the meat from the fridge and bring it out, placing it on the little tray attached to the grill.
"I learned something," Vergil said as he placed one of the chicken thighs on the grill.
"What's that?"
"Nero likes raw steak. The past times I've made steak dinner he asked for his steak raw."
"Did you give it to him raw?"
"No, but I cooked it just enough to kill the germs, which is practically the same as raw," Vergil said and closed the grill after placing all the chicken on it.
"You using charcoal?"
"Of course I'm using charcoal," Vergil said and gave me another look. I just grin and say "I figured, I could smell the smoke from all the way out front." Vergil punched me again except more playfully.
I look towards the yard and see Nero tossing one of the giant rubber bouncy balls by himself. I kick Vergil lightly and gesture towards Nero when I have his attention.
"I can handle the grill, go play with Nero," I say and gently push him. Vergil quickly walked over but only a little bit.
"Kick the ball," Vergil called out, which made Nero smile. He kicked the ball as hard as he could and it went flying, Vergil quickly jumped and caught the ball, throwing it at Nero.
Vergil and Nero played for a half hour before Vergil said he needed a break. Nero ran over to the cooler and grabbed a can of ginger ale, running over and giving it to Vergil. I smile lightly and turn my attention back to the grill. The skin of the chicken is charring nicely. Won't be long till they're done.
Nero smiled when I handed him his plate, it has Lay's original chips, a chicken thigh, and a steak, which I made sure to cook only enough to kill the germs.
"Thank you!" He said happily and immediately started eating. I smile and hand Vergil his plate before sitting down with my own. Vergil and I start talking but Nero remains quiet, we're talking about me getting a new car and which would be a good one. My old one was repaired but it hasn't run right since. Nero doesn't understand any of this.
Vergil and I had finished eating quickly but Nero was having a hard time, he was falling asleep at the table, probably exhausted from playing earlier. Vergil picked him up and carried him over to the hammock and gently laid him in it. He kissed his forehead before coming back over. I smile and sip my root beer, I know I won't have to worry about Vergil breaking his promise.
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