Chapter 1.
I put down the magazine I've been reading when I hear the front door to Vergil's house open and Nero comes storming outside with his backpack. Vergil just watched him leave for a second before closing the door.
Bastard, can't be bothered to say goodbye to his own son or even say "I love you." I thought as Nero got closer, which is when I realized his face was red and tear stained. I quickly got out and walked over to him, I haven't seen him since he was 4 but I'm sure I can still cheer him up and make him happy.
I take his backpack and put it in the backseat of my car before picking him up and saying "Hey, what's wrong?" He didn't say anything, he just clung to me tightly and buried his face in my shoulder. I was completely taken aback by this, he didn't snap at me or anything that Vergil has been saying he does. I rub small soothing circles on his back and say "It's okay, we'll be leaving now." I open the passenger side door and try to set him in the seat but he won't let go. Okay, something is wrong.
"Nero, you need to let go, I gotta get you to my place. As soon as we're there you can hold onto me all you want." I say and try to get him in the seat. He seemed to like what I said because he let go and buckled himself in.
I get in and start driving to my place but as I'm driving I start wondering what could have made the kid so upset. As I wondered, I decided I'd get him a treat to make him feel better. I quickly take a right instead of a left.
"This isn't the way to your place," Nero said and gave me this odd look.
"No, but you'll see soon why I went this way," I say and give him a light smile. He hesitated a bit before returning the smile. Hopefully, I can keep that smile on his face.
As I drive, Nero keeps looking out the window as if he is looking for where we're going. I quickly turn left onto a gravel road leading to a big blue shop with pictures of different kinds of ice cream on it. The look on Nero's face was like he just saw a unicorn, that's a good sign. I park the car and get out, going over to Nero. I open the door and immediately he holds his arms out to me. I smile, it's cute, he's just like how he was when he was 4. I take him into my arms and carry him over to the ordering window. A lady immediately smiles at us and says "Hello, what can I get you two?" I pat my nephew's back and say "Get whatever you want." He smiled brightly and immediately said, "I want cookies and cream ice cream!" The lady smiled and said "What size?"
Now Nero got quiet like he didn't know what size or was unsure if he should get anything bigger than a small. A large would make him sick, same with a medium, but if it meant he'd be happy than to hell with it.
"Large," I say, causing the lady's eyes to go wide and say "Are you sure?" I nod and say "Yes, give him a large." Nero hugged me tightly and thanked me about 5 times.
After a few minutes, the lady came back with a big bowl that had 10 giant scoops of cookies and cream ice cream. Nero's eyes went wide like he never knew ice cream could be so big. The lady handed him the bowl and said: "Here you go." She put a spoon in the ice cream and smiled. Nero didn't respond, he was staring at it in shock. The lady giggled and walked into the shop while I took Nero over to a picnic table. I sat him down and said, "Better start eating before it melts." Nero smiled again and took a big bite of ice cream. Now I can tell he's really happy.
After 15 minutes Nero is still eating his ice cream except slower, most of it is melted. Suddenly I got an idea.
"Hand me your bowl for a second," I say and reach out, Nero handed it to me after taking another bite. I grab the spoon and start mixing the ice cream vigorously until it was all nice and smooth and blended with the melted ice cream. I hand it back and say "There, ice cream soup." Nero giggled and started drinking from the bowl, quickly finishing it. I smile and say "Now we need to get you home and washed up, you've got ice cream all over your face." I throw away the bowl and spoon. Nero frowned and said, "I don't want to go home." That struck something in me, it makes me think even more that something is wrong.
"No, I meant my place," I say and pick up my nephew, who is clinging to me as tightly as he was when I first picked him up. I need to get him to my place.
I walk through the door to my house and set Nero down, saying "Go to the bathroom, I'll be there in a second." He runs off. I go to the room he used to stay in, it's the same as it was 4 years ago. I clean it regularly but some of the stuff in here I bet he would be miffed to see, there's a bunch of stuffed animals and kiddie toys. I don't have time to get rid of these, I got to clean up my nephew. Without taking another look into the room I turn and head towards the bathroom, finding Nero sleeping on the plush rug I keep in front of the tub. I remember when I picked him up from his place he looked exhausted, he probably needs a good nap.
I grab a washcloth and wet it and rub some soap on it before going over to my sleeping nephew. I sit down and gently grab his face, cleaning it quickly but gently so I don't wake him up. It took a bit but he was finally clean. Okay, now I should take him to his room. I pick him up but as soon as I do he clings to me tightly again. Okay, we'll lay down on the couch. I carry him into the living room and lay down on the couch, settling Nero on my chest. He squirmed a bit so he could get comfy but then went still, looking peaceful. He'll probably be sleeping for a long time so I should try and get some rest too. I grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V., putting on SpongeBob for when Nero wakes up. Feeling like nothing else has to be done, I close my eyes and allow myself to fall asleep.
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