Eves death
I went to that coffee shop with hanji
We both had a fancy with dismembering titans
I likes dismembering them to kill and sometimes experiment and she just likes experimenting
"Wow this coffee shop is amazing"she said
"I know they have amazing black tea"I said
I love black tea but not as much as Levi
He spends so much funds on it
"When did you turn into Levi you really like black tea"hanji said
"It's good plus I am not turning into Levi"I said
"Hey guys"krista/historia(I'm going to call her krista and switch to historia) said
She was with imir
"Hi krista hi imir"I said
"There are two angles in this room"I heard touka said
She was blushing all cute
Too guys came in and touka and kaneki went to the back to talk with them
They came out
"Hey touka is anything wrong you normally don't let people in the back"I said
"Yeah I never have seen it"hanji said
"Uh yeah every th-"she said but she was intorupted by a boy with messy purple hair breaking the window and knocking my black tea out of my hand in the process
"Ayato"touka said pissed
"Hello dear sister it looks like you have some customers and I find this one quiet attractive she is just a little short"he said grabbing me
"Oh I'll show you short give me that knife hanji so I can kill his ass"I said
"No you can do that inside you would destroy the whole building"krista said
"Well I'll do this"I said about to bite my hand but everyone pinned me down
Including kaneki
He had seen what I can do
"Aww come on you don't have to hold her down it's not like she can do anything"he said
"You do not now what she can do it's terrifying she could kill us all if she felt like it"hanji said
"Come on she is just a kid"he said
"I'm in my early twenties Baka I'm not that short hanji let me go he made me drop my black tea he must payyyyyyy"I said
"Oh yeah what are you going to do"he said
I thru them off grabbed him by the neck and thru him into a wall
"Sorry touka but may I please beat up your brother"I said
"Sure do whatever you please"she said
I took a knife and right when I was going to jab it into my hand Levi came and helped pin me down
"Who the hell is that"ayato said
"That's humanity's strongest male solider Levi Ackerman its (y/n)s brother so that makes that girl you were flirting with humanity's strongest female soldier your screwed"eren said
Then some big guy with white ish hair came in
"I'm sure we gave you enough time can we come in"he said
"Alright but can we take her to I like her"he said to me
The guy ripped my hand off
"I don't see why not"he said
"You bastard I'll kill you!"he said running at him he damaged him a lot but was thrown back along with hanji and imir
"LEVI HAJI IMIR"I said with tears
I throwninto the ground over and over
"It's weird this human is extremely durable"he said
Then touka said eyes turn into the ones of a ghoul
"You won't lay a hand on her"she said
But she was taken down by her brother
"Touka no"I said with tears
I got all my strength and slipped out of his grasp and started to attack her brother
But I was grabbed from behind and he hurt me more
Then he grabbed kaneki with the other hand and started beating him up
Then kaneki a eye turned red
"Kaneki?"I said
"(Y/N) NO"eren yelled but was sent back along with krista
"EREN KRISTA NO"I yelled as I was knocked out
Time skip
I was next to kaneki in a chair
"Kaneki y your a ghoul"I said
He was silent but he nodded
"Why didn't you tell me"I said
"Because I thought you would think differently of me I really like you (y/n) and I don't want you to think differently of me just because of what I am"he said
"Please kaneki I wouldn't do that"I said
"Your lying"he said
"Please when eren turned into a titan for the first time I didn't care at all"I said
"Good I'm glad you too are awake they didn't need you anymore so they let me use you but like I saw one mans trash is another mans hobby"he said with a scalpel
If I could only get that scaple I could use my titan
"Um why are we here again"I said
"Oh I'm going to cut you open"he said
"You remind me a lot of hanji except more mean and ugly"I said
He cut of my hand but it slowly healed
Thank you healing factor that comes with this titan thing
But god it hurts
He put needle in kanekis eye
"Kaneki no!"I said as he screamed
Time skip
Jason came back with
A bug
"FUCK"I yelled
"Oh you like bugs"Jason said
"Fuck no you idiot"I said
"Would you like it to go on you"he said outing it on me
"Aww it's actually kinda cut of God nope never mind"I said as it crawled in my ear
I tried to put up with it I looked at the thing and it ran away
"Wow you really are terrifying"he said
He started to torched me more
I stayed quiet all I had to do was stay strong for kaneki if I showed Jason if he did anything I would kill him he would maybe stop
But it didn't stop
He stocked needles in my arms
God it hurt
But I kept a straight face
"Wow you won't break"he said
"Don't you worry Jason once I get out of here I'll break you"I said
He left to let us recover
"Kaneki are you all right"I said
"How do you do that how do you keep a straight face when he is putting you thru hell"he said
"Kaneki I haven't told anyone in this place this yet but were I come from it's always hell"I said
"W what do you mean"he said
"When I was a kid my mom died me and Levi were taken in by this man I was still to young to know who he was he trained us then one day he left
When we were in the walls it was constant hell it was horrible knowing
that we were cattle
I joined the scouts after my friends so called death and I had to see my comrades being eaten alive
It was pure hell
But I had to keep a straight face that made the hell worse
Now I have to sit here and watch someone else I care about die"I said
"Wait you care about me"he said
"Of course why wouldn't I your awesome"I said
He blushed then Jason came in with the two people that cleaned his feet tied up
"Ho do you want to kill the girl or the boy"Jason said
"No don't make kaneki kill them kill me instead let them live "I said
"But that wouldn't be fun to kill you because kaneki cares about you and if I torcher you in front of him I'm sure it will break him"he said
"Let me rephrase that who do you want to save"he said
"get your filthy hands over of him"I yelled but he ripped the skin of my shoulder
Blade and q
An but acohale on it
It hurt like hell
But I kept a straight face
Then he killed both of them
Kaneki screamed with tears
A tear rolled down my face
"It's all my fault no it is I'm the one to blame"he said
"Shut up kaneki it's not your fault if I had my hands right now I would slap you your are going to live I swear don't you dare die on me if you do then I'll never forgive you"I yelled
His hair turned white
"God that's so cool how did you do that"I said
"Well sorry kids but it looks like play time has come to a end"Jason said
Then Jason tried to eat kaneki but he got up and bit him
"Your flesh tastes like rotten meat"he said
"You bit me"he said
They stated having a fight
Jason grabbed me and put me in the way making him stab me with his red things in the shoulder then he thru me away
God dammit it hurt
"What's one thousand minus seven"he said
He screamed
"I can do this all day"he said
"993 "he said and began counting down
"You deserve this younwere going to eat me so I'm going to eat you"he said
This wasn't him it was like some sort of animal killing another animal
It was terrifying
"(Y/n) your o-"eve said running thru the door when kaneki stabbed her with his red things
For no good reason
"EVE"I yelled running to her and holding her dying body as she died
The chains were gone
"Eve don't leave me again please live"I said with tears
"Don't cry (y/n) please don't blame
Him he didn't mean to I guess it was my time"she said
"No it wasn't don't die please"I said
"I'm sorry but i can't control it good night"she said closing her eyes
"No don't leave me eve no don't die no please"I said with tears
I hugged her dead body I wasn't going to let her go no mater what
Kaneki walked towards me
I was still bleeding from his attack
"What do you want"I yelled looking at him with hatred
I couldn't stand to see him he killed someone close to me that I finally got back
After I even told him what happened
I told him I cared about him
But now I realize it's not a good thing to care about a animal that kills without thinking
He put his hand on my shoulder i pushed off
"(Y/n)!"Levi yelled running to me and hugging me
I hugged him back
I needed that hug "Levi looked at eves dead body
"I should have come sooner"he said
Then he looked at my wound
"You did this you monster you did this to her"he said pissed
"Levi please just stop"I said holding his hand
"He is a rabid animal and he should be put down"he said
"It's not going to bring her back she is dead and no one can change that"I said
Eve always loved levi and Levi loved eve a little
But as a sibling
I would have to watch her live in pain of the feeling of him not loving her
I hated that
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