(I did a what character are you test and I got zoē hange)
Last night I had a dream
As kids in underground were Levi is somewhere you too don't know(I'm sorry if this afends everyone but I only have watched the anime I wanna read the manga so bad but i heard Levi is from the underground and related to mikasa and a lot of other stuff sorry if I'm wrong)
"Eve san wait up"I said
"Come on (y/n) Chan you need to hurry up"eve said
"You are so brave and strong I wish I could be like you"I said
"(Y/n) you don't have to be like me you are perfect"eve said
When wall Maria broke
"Let's go eve san"I said
"Yeah"eve said
Eve and I were killing titans when the was caught by a titan
"Eve no"I said trying to attack but I was thrown back
She was smiling with tears as she died
"(Y/n) no matter what please live don't die live for me and you one day I will come back I swear and we will get to go to the outside world together so please don't cry"she said as she died
I cried
I woke up with tears
I decided to go to the roof to sit down
I whipped my tears eve always hated it when I cried
"Hey are you okay"eren said
"Yeah I'm just getting some air"I said
"Your lying something happened"he said
"I had a dream about the day wall Maria broke the day my child hood friend died I was helping them kill titans but she died I couldn't save here we were so young back the so much has chandged"I said
I was only about five years older than eren but for some reason he was taller in guessing it has to do with me and my brother being short
eve would have been around ten or more years older
I missed her so much
He hugged me
"Don't worry (y/n) I'll kill every titan and those small titans eve will Rest In Peace knowing that your safe"he said
I blushed
For some reason I felt like mikasa was watching but she wasn't
He stopped
"Every time you hug me I feel like mikasa is going to kill me"I said
He laughed a little
"That's how I feel about you but with Levi"he said
We laughed
I heard someone with omni-directional mobility gear come behind us
I turned around to see even
"Eve how the hell did you get here you were dead"I said
"You thought I was dead but like you and eren I can turn into a titan well I figured that out before I was about to die but I lived"she said
Her blue hair was in three braids two on the sides one in the back
"That's it this is to weird good bye"I said jumping off
"(Y/n) noooo"eve and eren said
I used the omni-directional mobility gear to go behind her and hug here
"You little twerp you made some so worried"I said punching her
After the whole thing Levi made us clean
"Why does your brother always make us clean"eren said
"No clue"I said dusting
Time skip
We finished cleaning and me eren and eve went to the cafe to celebrate
"I eve who is not dead after all"I said
We cheersed
I got some coffee eve got a latte and eren got water
"Hey eren have you put the moves on my best friend yet"eve said
"EVE"I yelled as eren blushed
"You three are to be having some fun"Levi said sitting down
"Hello sir what can I get you"touka said
"I want some black tea"he said rude
"Sorry about my brother he only gets three hours of sleep and it gets him cranky and rude"I said as I punched him in the gut
"It's okay"she said going to get it
Levi inspected the drinks then drank his coffee
I'm guessing since he was the one that killed that kid that was in here
He drank it in his special way which I thought was so adorable
I got a text from mikasa
Mikasa:(y/n) you need to come to see what I found it's beutiful
You:k on my way
"Hey guys mikasa found something she likes and want me to see it I'll talk to you later"I said going
It was heavenly
Eren and Levi body pillow
"Bless you so much mikasa"I said
We ran inside pushed thru everyone and bought pillows
I got Levi she got eren
We left them at the place then went to the others
"Big brother I found the most heavenly thing on this planet"I said
"What"he said
"You and eren have body pillows with you on it"I said
He and eren got one of those faces in animes when the eyes go white and there are black streaks going down there face or something
"I got one"mikasa said
"Why mikasa"eren said
"I got one of Levi"I said
They started pounding there heads on the table
Behind the counter I saw Levi and eren body pillows with made me laugh harder
Then the room got quiet when this purple haired guy came thru the door
He looked weird
"Hello who are you"he said to us
"I'm (y/n) this is my terrifying short brother Levi, that's eren he is obsessed with killing Titans oh and that's mikasa and eve"I said
"And how old are you children"he said
Creep alert
"I'm in my early twenties"I said
"Early thirties"Levi said
"Early thirties"eve said
"Teens"mikasa and eren said
"This guy is starting to piss me off"Levi said
"Levi you can't just go killing normal people we are only here for killing titans and wait titans are outside"I said looking outside
I grabbed a knife and ran outside on before I got my gear off
Levi started attacking and eren ran outside and bit his hand
I stabbed my hand with the knife and got in my titan mode
Eren got in his after biting his hand over and over
Eve just used a needle in her pocket
It was hilarious and unlike him I can sorta pronounce some stuff
Like eren guess what your a titan
I said that a lot to get him to punch himself
Any way Levi was such a bad ass and so was mikasa if only he was taller I would wish he wasn't my brother so I could marry him
Anyway we kicked some ass
It was awesome I held eve by the arms and swung her around as she kicked titans in the face knocking them over so eren could kill them
Because he would get really annoying if he didn't because he wants to kill all the titans
Time skip
Once they were all down we got pulled out of are titan forms
"That gets more tiring every day I swear it's like we do this everyday now why do the supports we made have to be so weak"I said
"No clue hey I have a idea tonight
Let's all go to that random cafe before it closes and hang out"eren said
"Sure why don't we do it now"I said
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