Eren x reader x Levi ~(part 3) last
You were now on school...
stomping at your classmate's
Head. He said that you are a
Ghoul because of your eyes or
For short he's bullying you.
"Do you want me to slit your
Throat?" You asked him lifting
Your scissors and fixing your
You can feel him shook
His head so you pulled him up
By his hair. "Can you stop or I
Will give you to the CCG." You
Whispered the last part.
You knew that the student you were stomping at a ghoul but
You have that ghoulish powers
Too that's why you were able
To do that. The only thing you don't have is kagune or whatever
Do ghouls have.
You removed your foot from his head and he ran off scared.
"Man. That's just brutal." Annie
Said. You knew that she is a
Ghoul but you know that you
Can trust her. You smirked and
Sat on your assigned chair.
"Ah. School was like hell." You
Whined. "Yeah it is" Annie
Answered. soon the class started...
After school you and Annie
Got on a store of glasses of course
For you. "You think this?" Annie
Asked you as she lifted a glasses
With some violet designs. "um...
I don't think so...let's find (f\c)
Glasses with some black design."
You suggested and she nodded.
Soon you found two (f\c) glasses
With some white design and the
Other one has black designs.
Annie found you a good one
So that's what you bought.
2,000 for total. You paid it and
Got out holding four pieces of
Glasses at your bag.
"Wow. Why do you need to buy
That many?" She asked you.
"I always broke my glasses and
I always need extra." You said.
Sometimes when you are really
hungry you ate human flesh.
You refuse eating human flesh
But you need to sometimes to
Live. But you only eat Human
That committed suicide. You got money from working on a shop.
After walking for a few minutes
You and Annie sat on a bench.
You felt something shadowed you. You looked up to see an
Smiling Connie with Sasha
And Jean. "Hi Annie and _____!
We missed you!" Sasha said
As she hugged the two of you.
"Um you too." Annie and you
Said in sync. The 5 of you sat on
A park near a river and talked.
"What in the hell did happened there?" Jean asked grabbing
Your arms. "Why? It's good. it's
My art. Is it ugly?" You asked.
"What?! No! Actually I'm surprised you can do that without crying." Jean said
Scratching his head. "The first
Time. Maybe? Though it hurts
Too. Wanna try it?" You asked
And lifted an scissor.
"Hai! If a girl can! I can!" He
Said proudly. You smirked and
Sat beside him grabbing his
Arms. "Ohohoho. Jean do you
Still like her?" Connie asked teasingly. "What?! It's none of your business anymore..." Jean
Said as he looked at you and
Nodded giving the sign so you
Can start.
You looked at the 3 and they gave you a kind of a shock look. You closed Jean's eyes and looked at his arms. You lifted your scissors and made an flower with five petals and some vines at its side.
It bled but jean give no reaction
Because you were holding
His arms and stopped the blood
So he won't feel anything.
The design of your 'art' in your
Arms was lines encircled around
Your arms and some vine like
Designs with some small flowers
Colored black because of the
Blood. After making the 'art'
On his arms you wiped away his
Blood with your hands and
Cleaned it.
You put some ink used in tattoos for your 'arts' to be visible or maybe in some time you just tried painting using your blood which in the end you just end up breaking your glasses again.
When he opened his eyes a
Small smile appeared in his lips.
"Wow. I almost didn't feel a thing. It is beautiful." He said and
Looked on it. You stood up and
They all looked at you. "I gotta
Go. Arigato" You said and they
Nodded and waved goodbye.
You walked through Rico's
Apartment to visit your sister
And Rico. When you opened
The door it is not locked and you
Feel bad. When you entered
You saw some blood on the floor
And you knew it's Rico's blood
Not Asaki's.
You got in wide eyed finding
The scent of blood until you found Rico's body laying on
The floor. Still breathing. You
Ran through her and her eyes
Slightly opened. "I-i'm sorry I
Can't protect her." She said tears
Falling from her eyes.
You shook your head before answering. "No. I'm sorry that
You two need to get involved
With this..." You said and stood
Up and called the ambulance.
"It'll be alright." You said as
You walk over the window.
You saw a letter with a rose
At its side. You picked it up and
Read it.
Hi there ,is it fun killing? Though
Is it fun to see your sister being
Killed? Go at the abandoned building at the dark part of Tokyo
Not too far from here if you
Still want to see a living child.
Your eyes widen up realising
That they got your sister. Soon
The ambulance came and you
Looked at Rico. "It'll be alright"
You said as you jumped off
From the window. You know
That there is only one abandoned building at the Tokyo.
Though you can follow the scent of blood and the scent of your sister. You put on your red wig and black scarf so no one would recognize you. You followed the
Scent at the alley then you
Felt someone was at your
You turned seeing someone holding a quinque on its hands
But you presumed it as a girl
Because of its look and it has
Some pins on its hair. You
Got a scissor and got ready
For anything that will happen.
Though you know that she is
A CCG, you just thought that
They like to get you because
Last time you saw hanji and
Levi watching you like they
Need something on you.
"Oh hi there so you're the scissor
Hands right?" She said playfully.
You started to ran away. "Hey
Don't ignore me!" She said but
You ignored her and continued running for your sister's sake.
Then you felt you were stabbed.
You looked at your arms seeing
Knife pierced onto it. You pulled
It out and looked back at the inspector. "So kill me! Maybe
It's good for you that a child will
Die just because of you girlie!"
You said almost In a teasing
Way. Her face turned confused.
"I'm not a girl!" She screamed
Or he. You looked down then
Bursted out laughing holding
Your stomach.
"Ahahaha!!! I thought you were
A girl!" You said and looked at
Him. You started running
Off again but he send you knives.
You dodged it and you blocked the others by your scissors.
"I have no time to give shit."
You said as you disappeared in
The darkness.
You have no idea why do they call you 'scissor hands' but you realized It why. You followed your sister's scent until someone got out from the dark holding a blind folded girl. Asaki. "Are
You _____?" He asked. You don't
Know why did he know your name but you don't care about it.
You removed your disguise
And nodded. "What do you want?!" You asked. "I just want
To show you how does it feel
If someone very dear to you
Died, in front of you." He said
Smirking. "Exchange her to me!"
You said. He put his hands on his
Chin saying that he's thinking.
"Sure. Why not?" He said as he
Push your sister. You quickly
Ran to her and hugged her.
You removed her blind fold and
The rope on her hands. "Are
You okay? You asked trying to
Remove the fact you were in danger.
She nodded and you held
Her face with both of your hands. "Run" You said then she started shaking her head saying
No. "No no no! I won't leave you!
You're the only one I have!" She complained. "So if you want me
To live... Run as fast as you can
And call eren,Annie,anyone for
Help. Onee-san is strong right?
I can live." You said as you wipe
Her tears.
She nodded and ran as fast as she
Can. You turned to the ghoul and
Lifted your weapon. You wiped
Your glasses because it's already
Foggy and the other one was
Broken. "Such a loving sister."
The ghoul said in fake owe.
Then he quickly ran to you and attempted to kick you straight in the face but you dodged it. "Are
You a human or a ghoul? You seemed fast but you don't
Have any kagune." He asked with a manic grin on his face. "I'm not a human. I'm not a ghoul. I'm none of them. I'm your
nightmare." You said as you send him scissors.
You mean it. He's stronger and
You were weak that time. You
Can just dodge his attacks but sometimes caught. While fighting,in a swift move he quickly grabbed your throat
And choked you. "L-let me go!
Ahhh-" You said trying to kick
The ghoul.
"You killed the two of them like they were only a garbage!" He said as he tightened the grip at your neck. Then his head was cutted off. Wow... Clean cut
You fell down from his hold
And lost your glasses but you
Can see but in a blurry way.
"Haha! I don't think he even
Checked his Soroundings!"
You know that voice and the
Scent. Hanji, Levi and Juzo.
You looked up with kind of a
Scared expression at them. "So
You're that ghoul killer?" Levi
Said walking towards you.
You pointed at the dark with
Your face turning horror. "I-it's
Not only him..." You said weakly
As you pointed at the dark. Then
Ghouls came out. "This'll be
Exciting!" Juzo said as he get
His quinque same with hanji.
You looked at your arms that is
Bleeding because you were stabbed on it. You were healing
Slowly which is not good for the
Situation. Juzo and hanji were fighting ghouls while Levi was
Just looking down at you.
Then you smelled something.
Eren,Annie, mikasa and Asaki.
You got your broken glasses and
Looked at them. "Get away from her!" Annie shouted with her kagune activated.
Levi defended you and you stood up weakly. "No. Now Asaki go.
I'm okay. This is going to end
Soon. You're not safe in here."
You said as you slowly regained
Some strength. You can see mikasa and Annie fighting
Ghouls who is attempting to kill
Asaki is at eren's side with
Him defending her from anything. "I need to kill them.
I'm the reason of this." You said
As you get the quinque. "Where
Did you get that?" Levi asked.
"I found it on a dead body"
You answered as you launched on a ghoul.
You cutted off its head and headed to the others. Then something caught your eyes. you looked at eren who is protecting your sister and at his back you saw someone ready to stab him.
You ran and shove away anything at your way as you
Ran to his back to defend him.
You ran at his back and got stabbed at the stomach from
The back.
Eren turned wide eyed seeing you choking holding a metal stabbed on you. You gave him a smile. a sweet smile. The metal was pulled out and you fell down holding your stomach. "_____!!!"
your friends called as they finished the other ghouls in full speed.
After a few minutes it already ended. The three inspectors,
you, Eren, Mikasa and Asaki are left standing.
Eren held you covering your
Wounds with him crying.
"Hey! You can do it!" He told you
And Annie and mikasa ran over
You. "Hey for your sister! Fight
For her!" He told you. You can
Feel yourself slowly healing
So you looked at them smiling
And you chuckled.
"Hey it's nothing funny! You're dying!" Eren said. "hehe... I look sick. Yuck I look disgusting. eek"
You said. Eren looked at you
directly at the eyes and hugged
You. "I-i like you! Don't ever
Leave me! us!" He said hugging
You tighter. "No one's going to
Die. Actually many just died but
None of us." You said.
"I think we should just leave
Them..." Your heard juzo said.
"Tch. if she is happy in there...
I can't stop it." Levi said as
He walk off with the two. "Wow.
I didn't even imagine that they
Even left a living ghoul." Mikasa
Said and Annie nodded. Eren
Held you bridal style and stood
"It's alright I like you."
"I like you too .don't worry."
Heyo! Yeah it ended up with
Eren, but I felt kind of a bad
Because some students in
Our school mostly my brother
Is bullying me. They were
Saying that I am 'crazy' though
I accept it. But yeah it was
Just a disgrace. Though I
Don't care. They're not perfect
And I'm not perfect.
I can kick them whenever
I want even if teachers were
Looking. That's what crazy people do right?
Yeah hope you enjoyed it!
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